author Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>
Fri, 19 Jul 2019 17:25:29 +0800
changeset 4763 184c64c81528
parent 4643 77f3699e711e
child 5139 19b8ffd23795
permissions -rw-r--r--
prune: spell --successor flag without any unnecessary shortcuts If a user wants to spell out -s, it makes sense to allow that. Before this patch, prune would complain that --successor is not a recognized option. Obviously people don't usually need to spell --successors by hand thanks to shell completion (at least for Bash) using debugcomplete to see all available flags, so this patch doesn't bring any need for more typing. And thanks to Mercurial understanding shortened forms of command-line flags as long as they are unambiguous, the old-style `--succ` flags still work normally, and there are tests that use them. But two tests now use the full form to demonstrate that both ways work.

Testing extensions isolation

In this test case, we check that a repository using the extensions can co-exist
with a repository not using the extension.

  $ . $TESTDIR/testlib/common.sh


Create repo

  $ hg init repo-evo
  $ cat > repo-evo/.hg/hgrc << EOF
  > [extensions]
  > evolve=
  > EOF
  $ hg init repo-topic
  $ cat > repo-topic/.hg/hgrc << EOF
  > [extensions]
  > topic=
  > EOF
  $ hg init repo-both
  $ cat > repo-both/.hg/hgrc << EOF
  > [extensions]
  > evolve=
  > topic=
  > EOF
  $ hg init repo-no-ext

check setup

  $ hg -R repo-evo  help -e evolve | head -n 1
  warning: --repository ignored
  evolve extension - extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
  $ hg -R repo-both  help -e evolve | head -n 1
  warning: --repository ignored
  evolve extension - extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
  $ hg -R repo-no-ext help -e evolve
  warning: --repository ignored
  abort: no such help topic: evolve
  (try 'hg help --keyword evolve')
  $ hg -R repo-no-ext help -e topic
  warning: --repository ignored
  abort: no such help topic: topic
  (try 'hg help --keyword topic')

start hgweb dir for all repo

  $ cat > hgweb.conf << EOF
  > [paths]
  > / = *
  > EOF

  $ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid --web-conf hgweb.conf -A access.log -E error.log
  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS

Test isolation

As of 4.9 (and previous version). It seems like extensions are displayed as
enabled even for repository where they are not supposed to be. See the output
tagged `no-false`.

(however, topic and evolve are not supposed to affect other repository as shown
in the rest of this test).

  $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-no-ext/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
  $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-evo/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
  enabled extensions:
   <dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
  disabled extensions:
  $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-topic/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
  enabled extensions:
   <dt>evolve (no-false !)
   <dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution (no-false !)
   <dd>support for topic branches
  $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-both/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 9
  enabled extensions:
   <dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
   <dd>support for topic branches
  disabled extensions:
  $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-no-ext/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 9
  enabled extensions: (no-false !)
  </p> (no-false !)
  <dl> (no-false !)
   <dt>evolve (no-false !)
   <dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution (no-false !)
   <dt>topic (no-false !)
   <dd>support for topic branches (no-false !)
  </dl> (no-false !)
  <p> (no-false !)
  disabled extensions: (no-false !)

make sure repos don't affect each other (and check both ways)

Check evolve isolation

  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'

Check topic isolation

  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-topic | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'

Check coupled isolation

  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-both | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-topic | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
  $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'

Final cleanup

  $ cat error.log

  $ $RUNTESTDIR/killdaemons.py $DAEMON_PIDS