evolve: always create commit when resolving divergence
When resolving content-divergence, the final commit we create may end
up empty (which means that Mercurial won't even create it). We've had
code for handling that in evolve ever since 41bf6c27a122 (evolve:
stabilize now handle conflicting changeset, 2012-08-23). However, that
resolved the issue by marking on the divergent commits as
successor. As Pierre-Yves has pointed out (in other code reviews), we
should instead be creating a new successor. So that's what this patch
does. It does that by setting `ui.allowemptycommit` while creating the
final commit. However, that is not enough, because we may end up
creating the same nodeid as already existed (we'd then end up trying
to mark the "new" commit a successor of itself). To solve that, we add
some salt to the commit extras. That salt affects lots of tests.
Test workflow options
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/topic_setup.sh"
$ . "$TESTDIR/testlib/common.sh"
Publishing of bare branch
$ hg init bare-branch-server
$ cd bare-branch-server
$ cat <<EOF >> .hg/hgrc
> [phases]
> publish = no
> [experimental]
> topic.publish-bare-branch = yes
$ mkcommit ROOT
$ mkcommit c_dA0
$ hg phase --public -r 'all()'
$ cd ..
$ hg clone bare-branch-server bare-client
updating to branch default
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
pushing a simple branch publish it
$ cd bare-client
$ mkcommit c_dB0
$ hg push
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
$ hg log --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")' -GT '{rev}:{node|short} {desc} {phase} {branch} {topics}'
@ 2:286d02a6e2a2 c_dB0 public default
o 1:134bc3852ad2 c_dA0 public default
o 0:ea207398892e ROOT public default
pushing two heads at the same time
$ hg update 'desc("c_dA0")'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit c_dC0
created new head
(consider using topic for lightweight branches. See 'hg help topic')
$ hg update 'desc("c_dA0")'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit c_dD0
created new head
(consider using topic for lightweight branches. See 'hg help topic')
$ hg push -f
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files (+2 heads)
$ hg log --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")' -GT '{rev}:{node|short} {desc} {phase} {branch} {topics}'
@ 4:9bf953aa81f6 c_dD0 public default
| o 3:9d5b8e1f08a4 c_dC0 public default
| o 2:286d02a6e2a2 c_dB0 public default
o 1:134bc3852ad2 c_dA0 public default
o 0:ea207398892e ROOT public default
pushing something not on default
$ hg update 'desc("ROOT")'
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg branch branchA
marked working directory as branch branchA
(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
$ mkcommit c_aE0
$ hg push --new-branch
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
$ hg log --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")' -GT '{rev}:{node|short} {desc} {phase} {branch} {topics}'
@ 5:0db08e758601 c_aE0 public branchA
| o 4:9bf953aa81f6 c_dD0 public default
| |
| | o 3:9d5b8e1f08a4 c_dC0 public default
| |/
| | o 2:286d02a6e2a2 c_dB0 public default
| |/
| o 1:134bc3852ad2 c_dA0 public default
o 0:ea207398892e ROOT public default
pushing topic
$ hg update 'desc("c_dD0")'
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg topic foo
marked working directory as topic: foo
$ mkcommit c_dF0
active topic 'foo' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ hg push
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
$ hg log --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")' -GT '{rev}:{node|short} {desc} {phase} {branch} {topics}'
@ 6:0867c4471796 c_dF0 draft default foo
o 4:9bf953aa81f6 c_dD0 public default
| o 3:9d5b8e1f08a4 c_dC0 public default
| o 2:286d02a6e2a2 c_dB0 public default
o 1:134bc3852ad2 c_dA0 public default
| o 5:0db08e758601 c_aE0 public branchA
o 0:ea207398892e ROOT public default
pushing topic over a bare branch
$ hg update 'desc("c_dC0")'
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit c_dG0
$ hg topic bar
marked working directory as topic: bar
$ mkcommit c_dH0
active topic 'bar' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ hg push
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
$ hg log --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")' -GT '{rev}:{node|short} {desc} {phase} {branch} {topics}'
@ 8:858be9a8daaf c_dH0 draft default bar
o 7:0e4041d324d0 c_dG0 public default
o 3:9d5b8e1f08a4 c_dC0 public default
| o 2:286d02a6e2a2 c_dB0 public default
| o 6:0867c4471796 c_dF0 draft default foo
| |
| o 4:9bf953aa81f6 c_dD0 public default
o 1:134bc3852ad2 c_dA0 public default
| o 5:0db08e758601 c_aE0 public branchA
o 0:ea207398892e ROOT public default
Pushing topic in between bare branch
$ hg update 'desc("c_dB0")'
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit c_dI0
$ hg update 'desc("c_dH0")'
switching to topic bar
3 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit c_dJ0
$ hg update 'desc("c_aE0")'
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 5 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ mkcommit c_aK0
$ hg push
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 3 changesets with 3 changes to 3 files
$ hg log --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")' -GT '{rev}:{node|short} {desc} {phase} {branch} {topics}'
@ 11:b0a00ebdfd24 c_aK0 public branchA
o 5:0db08e758601 c_aE0 public branchA
| o 10:abb5c84eb9e9 c_dJ0 draft default bar
| |
| o 8:858be9a8daaf c_dH0 draft default bar
| |
| o 7:0e4041d324d0 c_dG0 public default
| |
| o 3:9d5b8e1f08a4 c_dC0 public default
| |
| | o 9:4b5570d89f0f c_dI0 public default
| | |
| | o 2:286d02a6e2a2 c_dB0 public default
| |/
| | o 6:0867c4471796 c_dF0 draft default foo
| | |
| | o 4:9bf953aa81f6 c_dD0 public default
| |/
| o 1:134bc3852ad2 c_dA0 public default
o 0:ea207398892e ROOT public default
merging a topic in branch
$ hg update default
3 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg merge foo
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, don't forget to commit)
$ hg ci -m 'c_dL0'
$ hg push
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 0 changes to 0 files (-1 heads)
$ hg log --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")' -GT '{rev}:{node|short} {desc} {phase} {branch} {topics}'
@ 12:a6f9f8c6c6cc c_dL0 public default
| o 9:4b5570d89f0f c_dI0 public default
| |
o | 6:0867c4471796 c_dF0 public default
| |
o | 4:9bf953aa81f6 c_dD0 public default
| |
| | o 10:abb5c84eb9e9 c_dJ0 draft default bar
| | |
| | o 8:858be9a8daaf c_dH0 draft default bar
| | |
| | o 7:0e4041d324d0 c_dG0 public default
| | |
+---o 3:9d5b8e1f08a4 c_dC0 public default
| |
| o 2:286d02a6e2a2 c_dB0 public default
o 1:134bc3852ad2 c_dA0 public default
| o 11:b0a00ebdfd24 c_aK0 public branchA
| |
| o 5:0db08e758601 c_aE0 public branchA
o 0:ea207398892e ROOT public default
$ hg log -R ../bare-branch-server --rev 'sort(all(), "topo")' -GT '{rev}:{node|short} {desc} {phase} {branch} {topics}'
o 12:a6f9f8c6c6cc c_dL0 public default
| o 9:4b5570d89f0f c_dI0 public default
| |
o | 6:0867c4471796 c_dF0 public default
| |
o | 4:9bf953aa81f6 c_dD0 public default
| |
| | o 10:abb5c84eb9e9 c_dJ0 draft default bar
| | |
| | o 8:858be9a8daaf c_dH0 draft default bar
| | |
| | o 7:0e4041d324d0 c_dG0 public default
| | |
+---o 3:9d5b8e1f08a4 c_dC0 public default
| |
| o 2:286d02a6e2a2 c_dB0 public default
@ 1:134bc3852ad2 c_dA0 public default
| o 11:b0a00ebdfd24 c_aK0 public branchA
| |
| o 5:0db08e758601 c_aE0 public branchA
o 0:ea207398892e ROOT public default
Checking the option to prevent publishing
Alone the option is a bit too restrictive to be useful. However combined with
other tooling or extensions is can become an important permission tool.
$ hg log -r 'draft()'
changeset: 8:858be9a8daaf
topic: bar
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: c_dH0
changeset: 10:abb5c84eb9e9
topic: bar
parent: 8:858be9a8daaf
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: c_dJ0
$ hg phase --public -r 8 --config experimental.topic.allow-publish=no
abort: rejecting publishing of changeset 858be9a8daaf
$ hg phase --public -r 10 --config experimental.topic.allow-publish=no
abort: rejecting publishing of changeset 858be9a8daaf and 1 others
Checking the option to prevent automatic publishing
$ hg up branchA
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 5 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Trying to push changeset without topic (would publish them)
$ mkcommit c_aM0
$ hg debugcapabilities $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server | grep topics
$ hg push --config experimental.auto-publish=abort -r .
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
abort: push would publish 1 changesets
(use --publish or adjust 'experimental.auto-publish' config)
$ hg push --config experimental.auto-publish=abort -r . --publish
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
Pushing a changeset with topic (not publishing, no warning)
$ hg topic test-push-protection
marked working directory as topic: test-push-protection
$ mkcommit c_aL0
active topic 'test-push-protection' grew its first changeset
(see 'hg help topics' for more information)
$ hg push --config experimental.auto-publish=abort -r .
pushing to $TESTTMP/bare-branch-server
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files