evolve: test to show that --stop is not working when "divergent" relocated
Right now, --stop leave the intermediate changeset (relocating the divergent
changeset to its new location behind). This this is an incomplete step it should
be removed by `hg --stop`.
SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
all: tutorials/tutorial.rst tutorials/topic-tutorial.rst static/logo-evolve.ico
$(SPHINXBUILD) . ../html/
tutorials/tutorial.rst: tutorials/tutorial.t test2rst.py
python test2rst.py tutorials/
tutorials/topic-tutorial.rst: tutorials/topic-tutorial.t test2rst.py
python test2rst.py tutorials/
static/logo-evolve.ico: static/logo-evolve.svg
convert -resize 36x36 static/logo-evolve.svg static/logo-evolve.ico