prune: use bookmarks.recordchange instead of bookmarks.write
Before this patch we were using the deprecated bookmarks.write instead of
bookmarks.recordchange in prune
Mutable History For Mercurial
This package supplies the ``evolve`` extension for Mercurial, which
provides several commands to mutate history and deal with the
resulting issues.
It also:
- enables the "changeset obsolescence" feature of Mercurial
- issues several warning messages when trouble appears in your repository
**This extension is experimental and not yet meant for production.**
You can enable it by adding the line below to the ``extensions``
section of your hgrc::
evolve = PATH/TO/mutable-history/hgext/
We recommend reading the documentation first. An online version is
available here:
Or see the ``doc/`` directory for a local copy.
Bugs are to be reported on the mercurial's bug tracker:
Use the the "evolution" component.
Please use the patchbomb extension to send email to mercurial devel. Please
make sure to use the evolve-ext flag when doing so. You can use a command like
hg email --to --flag evolve-ext --rev '<your patches>'
See also
for guidelines on the patch description.
Please don't forget to update and run the tests when you fix a bug or
add a feature. To run the tests, you need a working copy of Mercurial,
say in $HGSRC:
cd tests
python $HGSRC/tests/ --with-hg=$HGSRC/hg
(evolve's stable and default branches correspond to Mercurial's stable
and default branches. So to test evolve from default, you need
Mercurial on default.)
5.3.0 --
- split: add a new command to split changesets
- tests: drop our copy of '' use core one instead.
5.2.2 --
- no longer lock the repository for `hg parents` (issue4895)
- updated help for the `evolve` command
5.2.1 -- 2015-11-02
- add compatibility with Mercurial 3.6
- prune: fixed possible issue with lock and bookmark
- next/prev: fixed possible issue with lock and bookmark
- add some progress data during changesets discovery
- take advantage of dirstate/transaction collaboration
5.2.0 -- 2015-06-25
- evolve: gain a --rev option to control what revisions to evolve (issue4391)
- evolve: revision are processed in the order they stack on destination
- evolve: properly skip unstable revision with non-evolved unstable parent
- evolve: gain --unstable --divergent --bumped flag to select the trouble
- evolve: issue more useful error message and hint when evolve has nothing to
do as invocated.
- evolve: bare `hg evolve` commands now abort when multiple changesets could be
a target.
- evolve: `hg evolve --all` only evolve changeset that will end up as
descendant of the current working copy. The old behavior of `--all`
in now in `--all --any`.
- evolve: add a 'experimental.evolutioncommands' for fine grained commands
- next/prev: requires `--merge` to move with uncommited changes
- next: significantly reword error messages
- next: add a --evolve flag to evolve aspiring children when on a head
5.1.5 -- 2015-06-23
- minor documentation cleanup
- support -i option for `hg amend` if commit supports it (3.4)
- fix the `debugrecordpruneparents` utility
- fix some possible crash during command abort (release non-existant transaction)
- fix simple4server bug tracker URL
- compatibility with bookmark API change in future Mercurial 3.5
- prune no longer move the active bookmark for no reason (issue4559)
- evolve: stop reporting divergence base as missing when we actually have it
- significant performance improvement for all revsets.
- provide a hint of how to update to the successor of an obsolete working copy
5.1.4 -- 2015-04-23
- significant documentation update
- fix issue4616: pulling with bundle2 would crash if common marker when
discovered on non-served changesets.
- fix the debugobsrelsethashtree command
5.1.3 -- 2015-04-20
- discovery: fix misbehaving discovery accros python version
- pull: properly install the bundle2 par generator
(avoid sending all markers for each pull)
- commit: avoid potential deadlock (acquires wlock before lock)
- graft: avoid potential deadlock (acquires wlock before lock)
5.1.2 -- 2015-04-01
- evolve: prevent a crash in httpclient_pushobsmarkers() when pushing
5.1.1 -- 2015-03-05
- debugobsconvert: fix invalid markers during conversion
- discovery: cache some of the obs hash computation to improve performance (issue4518)
- revset: fix some crash with (issue4515)
5.1 -- 2015-01-30
- evolve: explicitly disable bookmark on evolve (issue4432)
- evolve: don't abort Mercurial on version mismatch
- comptatibility with mercurial 3.3
5.0.2 -- 2014-12-14
- evolve: remove dependency to the rebase extension
5.0.1 -- 2014-11-25
- amend: fix --logfile argument
- evolve: preserve branch change when evolving
- evolve: fix potential crash while solving `bumped` changesets.
- uncommit: abort when rev specifies the current changeset
- evolve: various message improvement
- evolve: fix selection of changeset to evolve from the middle of a stack (issue4434)
- evolve: make next/prev only move bookmarks optionally
- evolve: tell user which "base of divergent changeset" is not found
5.0.0 -- 2014-10-22
- drop compat with Mercurial pre 3.2
- uncommit: add a --rev argument
- evolve: add a `working directory now at xxxxxxxxxx` message
- evolve: automatically translate obsolete hashes when evolving
- properly skip marker creating if patch apply cleanly
- prune: work around a massive slowdown from lazy revset
- grab: "fix" the grab alias on window
- fix an issue where prune performance were quadratic with the number of
changesets pruned.
- pull: use discovery to pull less obsmarkers through bundle2
4.1.0 -- 2014-08-08
- amend: add -D/--current-date option
- amend: add -U/--current-user option
- evolve: add a --tool option
- evolve: add a --confirm option
- mark "commit -o", "graft -o" and "graft -O" as deprecated since they are
unlikely to eventually make it into core.
- push obsmarkers and phases in the same transaction than changesets
(when using hg >= 3.1 and bundle2-exp is enabled)
- hide message about the obsolescence marker exchange behind a
`experimental.verbose-obsolescence-exchange` variable (default to False).
4.0.1 -- 2014-08-08
- createmarkers() accept an iterable (for compat with other extension)
4.0.0 -- 2014-06-03
- require Mercurial version 3.0.1 or above
- some compatibility fixes with future 3.1.0
- deprecated `gup` and `gdown` in favor of prev and next
- record parent of pruned parent at prune time
- added a `debugobsstorestat` command to gather data on obsmarker content.
- added a `debugrecordpruneparents` command to upgrade existing prune marker
with parent information. Please run it once per repo after upgrading.
- improvement to obsolescence marker exchange:
- added progress when pushing obsmarkers
- added multiple output during obsolescence markers exchange
- only push markers relevant to pushed subset
- add a new experimental way to exchange marker (when server support):
- added progress when pulling obsmarkers
- only pull markers relevant to pulled subset
- avoid exchanging common markers in some case
- use bundle2 as transport when available.
- add a hook related to the new commands
3.3.2 -- 2014-05-14
- fix a bug where evolve were creating changeset with 2 parents on windows
(fix issues #16, #35 and #42)
- adds a --obsolete flag to import (requieres Mercurial 3.0)
- prune: update to successor rather than parent when pruning '.' with -s
- fold: add missing --message and --logfile option
- fold: add squash as an alias
3.3.1 -- 2014-04-23
- various language fix
- active bookmark now move when using prev/next (#37)
- fix some preservation of rename information on evolve (#33)
- abort when evolve tries to move a node on top of itself (will helps on the #35 front)
- fold: enable --date and --user options
3.3.0 -- 2014-03-04
- raise Mercurial's minimal requirement to 2.7
- drop `latercomer` and `conflicting` compatibility. Those old alias are
deprecated for a long time now.
- add verbose hint about how to handle corner case by hand.
This should help people until evolve is able to to it itself.
- removed the qsync extension. The only user I knew about (logilab) is not
using it anymore. It not compatible with coming Mercurial version 2.9.
- add progress indicator for long evolve command
- report troubles creation from `hg import`
3.2.0 -- 2013-11-15
- conform to the Mercurial custom of lowercase messages
- added a small extension to experiment with obsolescence marker push
- amend: drop the deprecated note option
- amend: use core mechanism for amend (fix multiple bugs)
- parents command: add "working directory parent is obsolete" message
- evolve command: allow updating to the successor if the parent is
- gdown and gup commands: add next and previous alias, respectively
- make grab aliases compatible with Mercurial 2.8
- Tested with 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8
3.1.0 -- 2013-02-11
- amend: drop deprecated --change option for amend
- alias: add a grab aliast to be used instead of graft -O
- touch: add a --duplicate option to *not* obsolete the old version
- touch: fix touching multiple revision at the same time
- evolve: add a --all option
- prune: various minor improvements
- prune: add option to prune a specific bookmark
- prune: add -u and -d option to control metadata
3.0.0 -- 2013-02-02
- compatibility with 2.5
2.2.0 --
- make evolve smarter at picking next troubled to solved without --any
2.1.0 -- 2012-12-03
- qsync fixes
- have qfold ask for commit message
2.0.0 -- 2012-10-26
- compat with mercurial 2.4
1.1.0 -- 2012-10-26
- fix troubles creation reporting from rebase
- rename latecomer to bumped
- renamed conflicting to divergent
- smarter divergent handling
1.0.2 -- 2012-09-19
- fix hg fold bug
- fix hg pull --rebase
- fix detection of conflict with external tools
- adapt to core movement (caches and --amend)
1.0.1 -- 2012-08-31
- documentation improvement
- fix a performance bug with hgweb
1.0 -- 2012-08-29
- Align with Mercurial version 2.3 (drop 2.2 support).
- stabilize handle killed parent
- stabilize handle late comer
- stabilize handle conflicting
- stabilize get a --continue switch
- merge and update ignore extinct changeset in most case.
- new "troubled()" revset
- summary now reports troubles changesets
- new touch command
- new fold command
- new basic olog alias
- rebase refuse to work on public changeset again
- rebase explicitly state that there is nothing to rebase because everything is
extinct() when that happen.
- amend now cleanly abort when --change switch is misused
0.7 -- 2012-08-06
- hook: work around insanely huge value in obsolete pushkey call
- pushkey: properly handle abort during obsolete markers push
- amend: wrap the whole process in a single transaction.
- evolve: tweak and add EOL to kill warning
- obsolete: fix doc, rebase no longer aborts with --keep
- obsolete/evolve: fix grammar in prerequisite messages
- evolve: avoid duplication in graft wrapper
- evolve: graft --continue is optional, test
0.6 -- 2012-07-31
- obsolete: change warning output to match mercurial core on
- qsync: ignore unexistent nodes
- make compat server both compatible with "dump" and "dump%i" version
0.5 -- 2012-07-16
- obsolete: Detect conflicting changeset!
- obsolete: adapt to core: marker are written in transaction now
- evolve: add the solve alias to obsolete
- doc: big update of terms and summary of the concept
- evolve: switch the official name for "kill" to prune
0.4.1 -- 2012-07-10
- [convert] properly exclude null successors from convertion
- Ignore buggy marker in newerversion
0.4.0 -- 2012-07-06
- obsolete: public changeset are no longer latecomer.
- obsolete: move to official binary format
- adapt for new mercurial
- obsolete: we are not compatible with 2.1 any more
0.3.0 -- 2012-06-27
- obsolete: Add "latecomer" error detection (stabilize does not handle resolution yet)
- evolve: Introduce a new `uncommit` command to remove change from a changeset
- rebase: allow the use of --keep again
- commit: --amend option create obsolete marker (but still strip)
- obsolete: fewer marker are created when collapsing revision.
- revset: add, successors(), allsuccessors(), precursors(), allprecursors(),
latecomer() and hidden()
- evolve: add `prune` alias to `kill`.
- stabilize: clearly state that stabilize does nto handle conflict
- template: add an {obsolete} keyword
0.2.0 -- 2012-06-20
- stabilize: improve choice of the next changeset to stabilize
- stabilize: improve resolution of several corner case
- rebase: handle removing empty changesets
- rebase: handle --collapse
- evolve: add `obsolete` alias to `kill`
- evolve: add `evolve` alias to `stabilize`