test-exchange-case-D1: avoid stripping obsolescence marker
The test needs to have changeset unknown locally with obsolescence markers still
applying to them. So we make sure the markers are not stripped (future 4.3 strip
markers by default).
#require test-repo
$ checkflake8() {
> if ! (which flake8 > /dev/null); then
> echo skipped: missing tool: flake8;
> exit 80;
> fi;
> };
$ checkflake8
Copied from Mercurial core (60ee2593a270)
$ cd "`dirname "$TESTDIR"`"
run flake8 if it exists; if it doesn't, then just skip
$ hg files -0 'set:(**.py or grep("^#!.*python")) - removed()' 2>/dev/null \
> | xargs -0 flake8