python3: add raw prefix in cases harder to analyze at the token level
The `` script would be a lot more complicated if it had to
do backtracking and other more advanced static analysis to figure our those
cases, so we have to add the raw prefix to those cases manually.
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [extensions]
$ echo "evolve=$(echo $(dirname $TESTDIR))/hgext3rd/evolve/" >> $HGRCPATH
$ glog() {
> hg log -G --template '{rev}:{node|short}@{branch}({separate("/", obsolete, phase)}) {desc|firstline}\n' "$@"
> }
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
Cannot uncommit null changeset
$ hg uncommit
abort: cannot uncommit the null revision
(no changeset checked out)
Cannot uncommit public changeset
$ echo a > a
$ hg ci -Am adda a
$ hg phase --public .
$ hg uncommit
abort: cannot uncommit public changesets: 07f494440405
(see 'hg help phases' for details)
$ hg phase --force --draft .
Cannot uncommit merge
$ hg up -q null
$ echo b > b
$ echo c > c
$ echo d > d
$ echo f > f
$ echo g > g
$ echo j > j
$ echo m > m
$ echo n > n
$ echo o > o
$ hg ci -Am addmore
adding b
adding c
adding d
adding f
adding g
adding j
adding m
adding n
adding o
created new head
$ hg merge
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, don't forget to commit)
$ hg uncommit
abort: cannot uncommit while merging
$ hg ci -m merge
$ hg uncommit
abort: cannot uncommit merge changeset
Prepare complicated changeset
$ hg branch bar
marked working directory as branch bar
(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
$ hg cp a aa
$ echo b >> b
$ hg rm c
$ echo d >> d
$ echo e > e
$ hg mv f ff
$ hg mv g h
$ echo j >> j
$ echo k > k
$ echo l > l
$ hg rm m
$ hg rm n
$ echo o >> o
$ hg ci -Am touncommit
adding e
adding k
adding l
$ hg st --copies --change .
M b
M d
M j
M o
A aa
A e
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ hg man -r .
Add a couple of bookmarks
$ glog --hidden
@ 3:5eb72dbe0cb4@bar(draft) touncommit
o 2:f63b90038565@default(draft) merge
| o 1:f15c744d48e8@default(draft) addmore
o 0:07f494440405@default(draft) adda
$ hg bookmark -r 2 unrelated
$ hg bookmark touncommit-bm
$ hg bookmark --inactive touncommit-bm-inactive
$ hg bookmarks
* touncommit-bm 3:5eb72dbe0cb4
touncommit-bm-inactive 3:5eb72dbe0cb4
unrelated 2:f63b90038565
Prepare complicated working directory
$ hg branch foo
marked working directory as branch foo
$ hg mv ff f
$ hg mv h i
$ hg rm j
$ hg rm k
$ echo l >> l
$ echo m > m
$ echo o > o
Test uncommit without argument, should be a no-op
$ hg uncommit
abort: nothing to uncommit
(use --all to uncommit all files)
$ hg bookmarks
* touncommit-bm 3:5eb72dbe0cb4
touncommit-bm-inactive 3:5eb72dbe0cb4
unrelated 2:f63b90038565
Test no matches
$ hg uncommit --include nothere
abort: nothing to uncommit
(use --all to uncommit all files)
Enjoy uncommit
$ hg uncommit aa b c f ff g h j k l m o
$ hg branch
$ hg st --copies
M b
A aa
A i
A l
R c
R g
R j
R m
$ cat aa
$ cat b
$ cat l
$ cat m
$ test -f c && echo 'error: c was removed!'
$ test -f j && echo 'error: j was removed!'
$ test -f k && echo 'error: k was removed!'
$ hg st --copies --change .
M d
A e
R n
$ hg man -r .
$ hg cat -r . d
$ hg cat -r . e
$ glog --hidden
@ 4:e8db4aa611f6@bar(draft) touncommit
| x 3:5eb72dbe0cb4@bar(obsolete/draft) touncommit
o 2:f63b90038565@default(draft) merge
| o 1:f15c744d48e8@default(draft) addmore
o 0:07f494440405@default(draft) adda
$ hg bookmarks
* touncommit-bm 4:e8db4aa611f6
touncommit-bm-inactive 4:e8db4aa611f6
unrelated 2:f63b90038565
$ hg debugobsolete
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 e8db4aa611f6d5706374288e6898e498f5c44098 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
Test phase is preserved, no local changes
$ hg up -C 3 --hidden
8 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(leaving bookmark touncommit-bm)
updated to hidden changeset 5eb72dbe0cb4
(hidden revision '5eb72dbe0cb4' was rewritten as: e8db4aa611f6)
working directory parent is obsolete! (5eb72dbe0cb4)
(use 'hg evolve' to update to its successor: e8db4aa611f6)
$ hg --config extensions.purge= purge
$ hg uncommit -I 'set:added() and e'
2 new content-divergent changesets
$ hg st --copies
A e
$ hg st --copies --change .
M b
M d
M j
M o
A aa
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ glog --hidden
@ 5:a1d4c1ad76cc@bar(draft) touncommit
| * 4:e8db4aa611f6@bar(draft) touncommit
| x 3:5eb72dbe0cb4@bar(obsolete/draft) touncommit
o 2:f63b90038565@default(draft) merge
| o 1:f15c744d48e8@default(draft) addmore
o 0:07f494440405@default(draft) adda
$ hg debugobsolete
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 e8db4aa611f6d5706374288e6898e498f5c44098 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 a1d4c1ad76cc7eb5e8a36ef52396da334b6d59c5 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
Test --all
$ hg up -C 3 --hidden
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
updated to hidden changeset 5eb72dbe0cb4
(hidden revision '5eb72dbe0cb4' has diverged)
working directory parent is obsolete! (5eb72dbe0cb4)
(5eb72dbe0cb4 has diverged, use 'hg evolve --list --content-divergent' to resolve the issue)
$ hg --config extensions.purge= purge
$ hg uncommit --all -X e
1 new content-divergent changesets
$ hg st --copies
M b
M d
M j
M o
A aa
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ hg st --copies --change .
A e
$ hg debugobsolete
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 e8db4aa611f6d5706374288e6898e498f5c44098 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 a1d4c1ad76cc7eb5e8a36ef52396da334b6d59c5 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 c4cbebac3751269bdf12d1466deabcc78521d272 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
Display a warning if nothing left
$ hg uncommit e
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ hg debugobsolete
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 e8db4aa611f6d5706374288e6898e498f5c44098 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 a1d4c1ad76cc7eb5e8a36ef52396da334b6d59c5 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
5eb72dbe0cb409d094e3b4ae8eaa30071c1b8730 c4cbebac3751269bdf12d1466deabcc78521d272 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
c4cbebac3751269bdf12d1466deabcc78521d272 4f1c269eab68720f54e88ce3c1dc02b2858b6b89 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'uncommit', 'user': 'test'}
Test instability warning
$ hg ci -m touncommit
$ echo unrelated > unrelated
$ hg ci -Am addunrelated unrelated
$ hg previous
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
[8] touncommit
$ hg uncommit aa
1 new orphan changesets
Test uncommiting agains a different base
$ hg cat b --rev .
$ hg cat b --rev .^
$ hg cat b --rev 0
b: no such file in rev 07f494440405
$ hg uncommit --rev . b
abort: cannot uncommit to parent changeset
$ hg uncommit --rev 0 b
$ hg cat b --rev .
b: no such file in rev 5b27f6b17da2
Test uncommiting predecessors
$ hg uncommit --hidden --rev 'predecessors(.)' b --traceback
$ hg cat b --rev .
Test date, message and user update
$ hg log -r .
changeset: 12:912ed871207c
branch: bar
tag: tip
parent: 7:4f1c269eab68
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: touncommit
$ hg uncommit -m 'to-uncommit' d --user test2 --date '1337 0'
$ hg log -r .
changeset: 13:f1efd9ec508c
branch: bar
tag: tip
parent: 7:4f1c269eab68
user: test2
date: Thu Jan 01 00:22:17 1970 +0000
summary: to-uncommit
test -U option
$ hg uncommit -U b
$ hg log -r .
changeset: 14:288da4a95941
branch: bar
tag: tip
parent: 7:4f1c269eab68
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:22:17 1970 +0000
summary: to-uncommit
test the `hg amend --extract` entry point
$ hg status --change .
M j
M o
A e
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ hg status
M d
A aa
R b
$ hg amend --extract j
$ hg status --change .
M o
A e
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
$ hg status
M d
M j
A aa
R b
(with all)
$ hg amend --extract --all
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ hg status --change .
$ hg status
M d
M j
M o
A aa
A e
A ff
A h
A k
A l
R b
R c
R f
R g
R m
R n
Testing the --revert flag of `hg uncommit`
When working directory before uncommit is clean
$ hg amend
$ hg status
? b
$ hg diff -c . --stat
aa | 1 +
b | 1 -
c | 1 -
d | 1 +
e | 1 +
f | 1 -
ff | 1 +
g | 1 -
h | 1 +
j | 1 +
k | 1 +
l | 1 +
m | 1 -
n | 1 -
o | 1 +
15 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
$ hg uncommit --revert --all
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ hg status
When working directory is dirty before uncommit
$ echo foo > a
$ echo foo > b
$ echo foo > c
$ hg status
M a
M b
M c
$ hg amend
$ echo foo > foo
$ hg add foo
$ hg status
A foo
$ hg uncommit --revert --all
new changeset is empty
(use 'hg prune .' to remove it)
$ hg status
? foo
Bad explicit paths abort, like the bundled commit extension
$ hg uncommit foo
abort: cannot uncommit "foo"
(file was untracked in working directory parent)
$ hg ci -Aqm 'add foo'
$ hg uncommit bar
abort: cannot uncommit "bar"
(file does not exist)
$ hg uncommit d
abort: cannot uncommit "d"
(file was not changed in working directory parent)
$ hg status