python3: add raw prefix in cases harder to analyze at the token level
The `` script would be a lot more complicated if it had to
do backtracking and other more advanced static analysis to figure our those
cases, so we have to add the raw prefix to those cases manually.
Testing obsolescence markers push: Cases B.6
Mercurial pushes obsolescences markers relevant to the "pushed-set", the set of
all changesets that requested to be "in sync" after the push (even if they are
already on both side).
This test belongs to a series of tests checking such set is properly computed
and applied. This does not tests "obsmarkers" discovery capabilities.
Category B: pruning case
TestCase 6: Pruned changeset with precursors not in pushed set
B.6 Pruned changeset with precursors not in pushed set
.. {{{
.. B ø⇠⊗ B'
.. | |
.. A ○ |
.. |/
.. ● O
.. }}}
.. Marker exist from:
.. * `B ø⇠⊗ B'`
.. * B' prune
.. Command run:
.. * hg push -r O
.. Expected exchange:
.. * `B ø⇠⊗ B'`
.. * B' prune
$ . $TESTDIR/testlib/
$ setuprepos B.6
creating test repo for test case B.6
- pulldest
- main
- pushdest
cd into `main` and proceed with env setup
$ cd main
$ mkcommit A
$ mkcommit B0
$ hg up --quiet 0
$ mkcommit B1
created new head
$ hg debugobsolete `getid 'desc(B0)'` `getid 'desc(B1)'`
obsoleted 1 changesets
$ hg prune -qd '0 0' .
$ hg log -G --hidden
x f6298a8ac3a4 (draft): B1
| x 962ecf6b1afc (draft): B0
| |
| o f5bc6836db60 (draft): A
@ a9bdc8b26820 (public): O
$ inspect_obsmarkers
obsstore content
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'prune', 'user': 'test'}
a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04 86c0915d87bd250d041dcb32e46789b6f859686b
f5bc6836db60e308a17ba08bf050154ba9c4fad7 90eb403e560458149d549c4a965c0c2b81fe0cbb
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b 6758dc37fbd86f9625196ba95b8b76ec8c72e73d
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 ce7933a7b712bc438ea1881c2b79c6581618245c
rev node index size depth obshash
1 f5bc6836db60 0 2 2 000000000000
0 a9bdc8b26820 0 1 1 86c0915d87bd
1 f5bc6836db60 1 1 2 000000000000
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
Actual Test
$ dotest B.6 O
## Running testcase B.6
# testing echange of "O" (a9bdc8b26820)
## initial state
# obstore: main
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'prune', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
# obstore: pulldest
## pushing "O" from main to pushdest
pushing to pushdest
searching for changes
no changes found
remote: 2 new obsolescence markers
## post push state
# obstore: main
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'prune', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'prune', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pulldest
## pulling "a9bdc8b26820" from main into pulldest
pulling from main
no changes found
2 new obsolescence markers
## post pull state
# obstore: main
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'prune', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pushdest
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'prune', 'user': 'test'}
# obstore: pulldest
962ecf6b1afc94e15c7e48fdfb76ef8abd11372b f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'test'}
f6298a8ac3a4b78bbeae5f1d3dc5bc3c3812f0f3 0 {a9bdc8b26820b1b87d585b82eb0ceb4a2ecdbc04} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'prune', 'user': 'test'}