evolve: add evolve info to cmdutil.afterresolvedstates
Adding evolve info to cmdutil.afterresolvedstate will improve the ui when we run
into merge conflicts while evolving. Once we resolve all the conflicts using `hg
resolve`, this will show a message saying "continue: hg evolve --continue".
Other extensions like rebase and shelve also use it and it's very helpful.
# stack.py - code related to stack workflow
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial import (
from .evolvebits import (
short = node.short
# TODO: compat
if not util.safehasattr(context.basectx, 'orphan'):
context.basectx.orphan = context.basectx.unstable
if not util.safehasattr(context.basectx, 'isunstable'):
context.basectx.isunstable = context.basectx.troubled
def parseusername(user):
"""parses the ctx user and returns the username without email ID if
possible, otherwise returns the mail address from that"""
username = None
if user:
# user is of form "abc <abc@xyz.com>"
username = user.split('<')[0]
if not username:
# assuming user is of form "<abc@xyz.com>"
if len(user) > 1:
username = user[1:-1]
username = user
username = username.strip()
return username
def _stackcandidates(repo):
"""build the smaller set of revs that might be part of a stack.
The intend is to build something more efficient than what revsets do in
this area.
phasecache = repo._phasecache
if not phasecache._phasesets:
return repo.revs('(not public()) - obsolete()')
if any(s is None for s in phasecache._phasesets):
return repo.revs('(not public()) - obsolete()')
result = set()
for s in phasecache._phasesets[phases.draft:]:
result |= s
result -= obsolete.getrevs(repo, 'obsolete')
return result
class stack(object):
"""object represent a stack and common logic associated to it."""
def __init__(self, repo, branch=None, topic=None):
self._repo = repo
self.branch = branch
self.topic = topic
self.behinderror = None
subset = _stackcandidates(repo)
if topic is not None and branch is not None:
raise error.ProgrammingError('both branch and topic specified (not defined yet)')
elif topic is not None:
trevs = repo.revs("%ld and topic(%s)", subset, topic)
elif branch is not None:
trevs = repo.revs("%ld and branch(%s) - topic()", subset, branch)
raise error.ProgrammingError('neither branch and topic specified (not defined yet)')
self._revs = trevs
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.revs)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.revs[index]
def index(self, item):
return self.revs.index(item)
def _dependencies(self):
deps, rdeps = builddependencies(self._repo, self._revs)
repo = self._repo
srcpfunc = repo.changelog.parentrevs
### post process to skip over possible gaps in the stack
# For example in the following situation, we need to detect that "t3"
# indirectly depends on t2.
# o t3
# |
# o other
# |
# o t2
# |
# o t1
pmap = {}
def pfuncrev(repo, rev):
"""a special "parent func" that also consider successors"""
parents = pmap.get(rev)
if parents is None:
parents = [repo[_singlesuccessor(repo, repo[p])].rev()
for p in srcpfunc(rev) if 0 <= p]
pmap[rev] = parents
return parents
revs = self._revs
stackrevs = set(self._revs)
for root in [r for r in revs if not deps[r]]:
seen = set()
stack = [root]
while stack:
current = stack.pop()
for p in pfuncrev(repo, current):
if p in seen:
if p in stackrevs:
elif phases.public < repo[p].phase():
# traverse only if we did not found a proper candidate
return deps, rdeps
def revs(self):
# some duplication/change from _orderrevs because we use a post
# processed dependency graph.
# Step 1: compute relation of revision with each other
dependencies, rdependencies = self._dependencies
dependencies = dependencies.copy()
rdependencies = rdependencies.copy()
# Step 2: Build the ordering
# Remove the revisions with no dependency(A) and add them to the ordering.
# Removing these revisions leads to new revisions with no dependency (the
# one depending on A) that we can remove from the dependency graph and add
# to the ordering. We progress in a similar fashion until the ordering is
# built
solvablerevs = [r for r in sorted(dependencies.keys())
if not dependencies[r]]
revs = []
while solvablerevs:
rev = solvablerevs.pop()
for dependent in rdependencies[rev]:
if not dependencies[dependent]:
del dependencies[rev]
# step 3: add t0
if revs:
pt1 = self._repo[revs[0]].p1()
pt1 = self._repo['.']
if pt1.obsolete():
pt1 = self._repo[_singlesuccessor(self._repo, pt1)]
revs.insert(0, pt1.rev())
return revs
def changesetcount(self):
return len(self._revs)
def troubledcount(self):
return len([r for r in self._revs if self._repo[r].isunstable()])
def heads(self):
revs = self.revs[1:]
deps, rdeps = self._dependencies
return [r for r in revs if not rdeps[r]]
def behindcount(self):
revs = self.revs[1:]
deps, rdeps = self._dependencies
if revs:
minroot = [min(r for r in revs if not deps[r])]
dest = destutil.destmerge(self._repo, action='rebase',
return len(self._repo.revs("only(%d, %ld)", dest, minroot))
except error.NoMergeDestAbort:
return 0
except error.ManyMergeDestAbort as exc:
# XXX we should make it easier for upstream to provide the information
self.behinderror = str(exc).split('-', 1)[0].rstrip()
return -1
return 0
def branches(self):
branches = sorted(set(self._repo[r].branch() for r in self._revs))
if not branches:
branches = set([self._repo[None].branch()])
return branches
def labelsgen(prefix, labelssuffix):
""" Takes a label prefix and a list of suffixes. Returns a string of the prefix
formatted with each suffix separated with a space.
return ' '.join(prefix % suffix for suffix in labelssuffix)
def showstack(ui, repo, branch=None, topic=None, opts=None):
if opts is None:
opts = {}
if topic is not None and branch is not None:
msg = 'both branch and topic specified [%s]{%s}(not defined yet)'
msg %= (branch, topic)
raise error.ProgrammingError(msg)
elif topic is not None:
prefix = 't'
if topic not in repo.topics:
raise error.Abort(_('cannot resolve "%s": no such topic found') % topic)
elif branch is not None:
prefix = 'b'
raise error.ProgrammingError('neither branch and topic specified (not defined yet)')
fm = ui.formatter('topicstack', opts)
prev = None
entries = []
idxmap = {}
label = 'topic'
if topic == repo.currenttopic:
label = 'topic.active'
data = stackdata(repo, branch=branch, topic=topic)
empty = False
if data['changesetcount'] == 0:
empty = True
if topic is not None:
fm.plain(_('### topic: %s')
% ui.label(topic, label),
if 1 < data['headcount']:
fm.plain(' (')
fm.plain('%d heads' % data['headcount'],
fm.plain(_('### target: %s (branch)')
% '+'.join(data['branches']), # XXX handle multi branches
if topic is None:
if 1 < data['headcount']:
fm.plain(' (')
fm.plain('%d heads' % data['headcount'],
if data['behindcount'] == -1:
fm.plain(', ')
fm.plain('ambiguous rebase destination - %s' % data['behinderror'],
elif data['behindcount']:
fm.plain(', ')
fm.plain('%d behind' % data['behindcount'], label='topic.stack.summary.behindcount')
if empty:
fm.plain(_("(stack is empty)\n"))
for idx, r in enumerate(stack(repo, branch=branch, topic=topic), 0):
ctx = repo[r]
# special case for t0, b0 as it's hard to plugin into rest of the logic
if idx == 0:
# t0, b0 can be None
if r == -1:
entries.append((idx, False, ctx))
prev = ctx.rev()
p1 = ctx.p1()
p2 = ctx.p2()
if p1.obsolete():
p1 = repo[_singlesuccessor(repo, p1)]
except MultipleSuccessorsError as e:
successors = e.successorssets
if len(successors) > 1:
# case of divergence which we don't handle yet
p1 = repo[successors[0][-1]]
if p2.node() != node.nullid:
entries.append((idxmap.get(p1.rev()), False, p1))
entries.append((idxmap.get(p2.rev()), False, p2))
elif p1.rev() != prev and p1.node() != node.nullid:
entries.append((idxmap.get(p1.rev()), False, p1))
entries.append((idx, True, ctx))
idxmap[ctx.rev()] = idx
prev = r
# super crude initial version
for idx, isentry, ctx in entries[::-1]:
symbol = None
states = []
iscurrentrevision = repo.revs('%d and parents()', ctx.rev())
if iscurrentrevision:
symbol = '@'
if ctx.orphan():
symbol = '$'
if not isentry:
symbol = '^'
# "base" is kind of a "ghost" entry
# none of the above if statments get executed
if not symbol:
symbol = ':'
if idx is None:
fm.plain(' ')
if ui.verbose:
fm.plain(' ')
fm.write('topic.stack.index', '%s%%d' % prefix, idx,
label='topic.stack.index ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.index.%s', states))
if ui.verbose:
fm.write('topic.stack.shortnode', '(%s)', short(ctx.node()),
label='topic.stack.shortnode ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.shortnode.%s', states))
fm.write('topic.stack.state.symbol', '%s', symbol,
label='topic.stack.state ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.state.%s', states))
fm.plain(' ')
fm.write('topic.stack.desc', '%s', ctx.description().splitlines()[0],
label='topic.stack.desc ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.desc.%s', states))
fm.condwrite(states != ['clean'] and idx is not None, 'topic.stack.state',
' (%s)', fm.formatlist(states, 'topic.stack.state'),
label='topic.stack.state ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.state.%s', states))
def stackdata(repo, branch=None, topic=None):
"""get various data about a stack
:changesetcount: number of non-obsolete changesets in the stack
:troubledcount: number on troubled changesets
:headcount: number of heads on the topic
:behindcount: number of changeset on rebase destination
data = {}
current = stack(repo, branch, topic)
data['changesetcount'] = current.changesetcount
data['troubledcount'] = current.troubledcount
data['headcount'] = len(current.heads)
data['behindcount'] = current.behindcount
data['behinderror'] = current.behinderror
data['branches'] = current.branches
return data