author Sushil khanchi <>
Fri, 22 Feb 2019 21:01:06 +0530
changeset 4408 02ece0e5865e
parent 2270 b53343c8d692
permissions -rw-r--r--
evolve: fix the broken behaviour on div resolution in relocation case In content divergence resolution, I see that when "relocationreq" is True which means both the cset are on different parent and relocation is required. In this case when "divergent" is the one who is behind the "other" cset in DAG, we swap them. At this point one thing we missed is to update the evolvestate['divergent']. Because of this in continue case we didn't get the right value of obsmarkers creation. In this patch I added the code to update the evolvestate when we swap them. Now as we know "divergent" and "other" can be swapped in some cases, it is better to store the intial divergent separately in evolvestate which is evolvestate['orig-divergent'] and later this value is used to update the evolvestate['replacements'] which is the track of revisions which has been resolved. Changes in tests demonstrate the fixed behaviour.

VERSION=$(shell python --version)


all: help

	python sdist --dist-dir ..
	mv -f ../hg-evolve-$(VERSION).tar.gz ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
	tar xf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
	rm -rf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
	mv hg-evolve-$(VERSION) ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
	cp -r debian/ ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig/
	@cd ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig && echo 'debian build directory ready at' `pwd`

	$(PYTHON) install --home="$(HOME)" --prefix="" --force

# test targets
TESTFLAGS ?= $(shell echo $$HGTESTFLAGS)


	@echo 'Commonly used make targets:'
	@echo '  deb-prepare        - prepare the build of a debian package'
	@echo '  tests              - run all tests in the automatic test suite'
	@echo '  all-version-tests - run all tests against many hg versions'
	@echo '  tests-%s           - run all tests in the specified hg version'

all: help

ifeq ($(HGROOT),)
	$(error HGROOT is not set to the root of the hg source tree)

tests: _check_hgroot
	cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/ $(TESTFLAGS)

# /!\ run outside of the compatibility branch output test will likely fails

test-%: _check_hgroot
	cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/ $(TESTFLAGS) $@

tests-%: _check_hgroot
	hg -R $(HGROOT) checkout $$(echo $@ | sed s/tests-//) && \
	(cd $(HGROOT) ; $(MAKE) clean ) && \
	cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(HGTESTS)/ $(TESTFLAGS)

# build a script to extract declared version
all-version-tests: tests-@

.PHONY: tests all-version-tests