uncommit: add a --rev argument
The uncommit command now taks a --rev argument. This lets restore the file
content in the current commit to another revision (instead of just is parent
content). This still does not touch the working directory content.\
This allow the longly awaited:
hg uncommit --hidden --rev 'precursors(.)'
HG=`which hg`
VERSION=$(shell python setup.py --version)
@echo 'Commonly used make targets:'
@echo ' tests - run all tests in the automatic test suite'
@echo ' all-version-tests - run all tests against many hg versions'
@echo ' tests-%s - run all tests in the specified hg version'
all: help
cd tests && $(PYTHON) run-tests.py --with-hg=$(HG) $(TESTFLAGS)
cd tests && $(PYTHON) run-tests.py --with-hg=$(HG) $(TESTFLAGS) $@
@echo "Path to crew repo is $(CREW) - set this with CREW= if needed."
hg -R $(CREW) checkout $$(echo $@ | sed s/tests-//) && \
(cd $(CREW) ; $(MAKE) clean ) && \
cd tests && $(PYTHON) $(CREW)/tests/run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS)
all-version-tests: tests-1.3.1 tests-1.4.3 tests-1.5.4 \
tests-1.6.4 tests-1.7.5 tests-1.8 tests-tip
python setup.py sdist --dist-dir ..
mv -f ../hg-evolve-$(VERSION).tar.gz ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
tar xf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
rm -rf ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
mv hg-evolve-$(VERSION) ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig
cp -r debian/ ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig/
@cd ../mercurial-evolve_$(VERSION).orig && echo 'debian build directory ready at' `pwd`
.PHONY: tests all-version-tests