--- a/README Fri Mar 24 18:37:03 2017 +0100
+++ b/README Fri Mar 24 18:21:48 2017 +0100
@@ -125,6 +125,21 @@
Using the extension will enable evolution, use 'experimental.evolution=!'
to disable obsmarkers echange. The old '__temporary__.advertiseobsolete'
option is no longer supported.
+- a new prototype of obsmarker discovery is available. The prototype is still
+ at early stage and not recommended for production.
+ Examples of current limitations:
+ - write access to the repo is highly recommanded for all operation,
+ - large memory footprint,
+ - initial caching is slow,
+ - unusable on large repo (because of various issue pointed earlier),
+ - likely to constains various bugs.
+ It can be tested by setting `experimental.obshashrange=1` on both client and
+ server. It is recommanded to get in touch with the evolve maintainer if you
+ decide to test it.
- the 'debugrecordpruneparents' have been moved into the 'evolve.legacy'
separate extension. enable that extentions if you need to convert/update
markers in an old repository.