changeset 3324 6ba8eaffe8f6
parent 3312 8e9ea8307cdd
child 3327 0abc8fb7f49f
--- a/hgext3rd/evolve/stablerange.py	Sun Dec 10 02:46:05 2017 +0100
+++ b/hgext3rd/evolve/stablerange.py	Wed Dec 20 15:51:05 2017 +0100
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
 import abc
+import functools
 import heapq
 import math
 import os
@@ -446,33 +447,114 @@
         """Compute subrange unique to the exclusive part of merge"""
         result = []
         depth = repo.depthcache.get
+        walkfrom = functools.partial(self._sortcache.walkfrom, repo)
+        getjumps = functools.partial(self._sortcache.getjumps, repo)
         skips = depth(headrev) - slicepoint
+        tomap = slicepoint - initial_index
+        jumps = getjumps(headrev)
+        # this function is only caled if headrev is a merge
+        # and initial_index is above its lower parents
+        assert jumps is not None
+        jumps = iter(jumps)
+        assert 0 < skips, skips
+        assert 0 < tomap, (tomap, (headrev, initial_index), slicepoint)
+        # utility function know the size of segment
+        # (this value could be cached)
+        def until(start, stop):
+            revs = walkfrom(start)
+            count = 0
+            for count, r in enumerate(revs, 1):
+                if r == stop:
+                    break
+            assert 0 < count, (start, stop)
+            return count
+        # utility function to find the next changeset with jump information
+        # (and the distance to it)
+        def nextmerge(startrev):
+            for idx, rev in enumerate(walkfrom(startrev)):
+                if getjumps(rev) is not None:
+                    return idx, rev
+            idx += 1
+            return idx, None
-        def nextrevs():
-            revs = self._sortcache.walkfrom(repo, headrev)
-            towalk = depth(headrev) - initial_index
-            while 0 < towalk:
-                yield next(revs)
-                towalk -= 1
-            yield None
-        revs = nextrevs()
-        for i in xrange(skips):
-            next(revs)
-        rangehead = current = next(revs)
-        rangepath = self._sortcache.walkfrom(repo, current)
-        nextonpath = next(rangepath, None)
-        steps = 0
-        while current is not None:
-            while current == nextonpath and current is not None:
-                steps += 1
-                current = next(revs)
-                nextonpath = next(rangepath, None)
-            result.append((rangehead, depth(rangehead) - steps))
-            if current is not None:
-                rangehead = current
-                rangepath = self._sortcache.walkfrom(repo, current)
-                nextonpath = next(rangepath, None)
-                steps = 0
+        # skip over all necesary data
+        mainjump = None
+        jumpdest = headrev
+        while 0 < skips:
+            jumphead = jumpdest
+            currentjump = next(jumps)
+            jumppoint = currentjump[0]
+            jumpdest = currentjump[1]
+            skipped = size = until(jumphead, jumppoint)
+            if size == skips:
+                mainjump = next(jumps)
+                jumphead = jumpdest
+            elif skips < size:
+                revs = walkfrom(jumphead)
+                next(revs)
+                for i in xrange(skips):
+                    jumphead = next(revs)
+                    assert jumphead is not None
+                skipped = skips
+                size -= skips
+                mainjump = currentjump
+            skips -= skipped
+        assert skips == 0, skips
+        # exiting from the previous block we should have:
+        # jumphead: first non-skipped revision (head of the high subrange)
+        # mainjump: next jump coming jump on main iteration
+        # Now we need to compare walk on the main iteration with walk from the
+        # current subrange head. Instead of doing a full walk, we just skim
+        # over the jumps for each iteration.
+        rangehead = jumphead
+        refjumps = None
+        size = 0
+        while size < tomap:
+            assert mainjump is not None
+            if refjumps is None:
+                dist2merge, merge = nextmerge(jumphead)
+                dist2jump = until(jumphead, mainjump[0])
+                if (dist2jump <= dist2merge) or merge is None:
+                    refjumps = iter(())
+                    ref = None
+                else:
+                    # advance counters
+                    size += dist2merge
+                    jumphead = merge
+                    refjumps = iter(getjumps(merge))
+                    ref = next(refjumps, None)
+            elif mainjump == ref:
+                # both follow the same path
+                size += until(jumphead, ref[0])
+                jumphead = mainjump[1]
+                mainjump = next(jumps, None)
+                ref = next(refjumps, None)
+                if ref is None:
+                    # we are doing with section specific to the last merge
+                    # reset `refjumps` to trigger the logic that search for the
+                    # next merge
+                    refjumps = None
+            else:
+                size += until(jumphead, mainjump[0])
+                if size < tomap:
+                    subrange = (rangehead, depth(rangehead) - size)
+                    assert subrange[1] < depth(subrange[0])
+                    result.append(subrange)
+                    tomap -= size
+                    size = 0
+                    jumphead = rangehead = mainjump[1]
+                    mainjump = next(jumps, None)
+                    refjumps = None
+        if tomap:
+            subrange = (rangehead, depth(rangehead) - tomap)
+            assert subrange[1] < depth(subrange[0]), (rangehead, depth(rangehead), tomap)
+            result.append(subrange)
         return result