--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-extension-isolation.t Tue Apr 09 20:45:36 2019 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+Testing extensions isolation
+In this test case, we check that a repository using the extensions can co-exist
+with a repository not using the extension.
+ $ . $TESTDIR/testlib/common.sh
+Create repo
+ $ hg init repo-evo
+ $ cat > repo-evo/.hg/hgrc << EOF
+ > [extensions]
+ > evolve=
+ > EOF
+ $ hg init repo-topic
+ $ cat > repo-topic/.hg/hgrc << EOF
+ > [extensions]
+ > topic=
+ > EOF
+ $ hg init repo-both
+ $ cat > repo-both/.hg/hgrc << EOF
+ > [extensions]
+ > evolve=
+ > topic=
+ > EOF
+ $ hg init repo-no-ext
+check setup
+ $ hg -R repo-evo help -e evolve | head -n 1
+ warning: --repository ignored
+ evolve extension - extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
+ $ hg -R repo-both help -e evolve | head -n 1
+ warning: --repository ignored
+ evolve extension - extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
+ $ hg -R repo-no-ext help -e evolve
+ warning: --repository ignored
+ abort: no such help topic: evolve
+ (try 'hg help --keyword evolve')
+ [255]
+ $ hg -R repo-no-ext help -e topic
+ warning: --repository ignored
+ abort: no such help topic: topic
+ (try 'hg help --keyword topic')
+ [255]
+start hgweb dir for all repo
+ $ cat > hgweb.conf << EOF
+ > [paths]
+ > / = *
+ > EOF
+ $ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid --web-conf hgweb.conf -A access.log -E error.log
+ $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
+Test isolation
+As of 4.9 (and previous version). It seems like extensions are displayed as
+enabled even for repository where they are not supposed to be. See the output
+tagged `no-false`.
+(however, topic and evolve are not supposed to affect other repository as shown
+in the rest of this test).
+ $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-no-ext/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
+ [1]
+ $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-evo/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
+ enabled extensions:
+ </p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>evolve
+ <dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
+ </dl>
+ <p>
+ disabled extensions:
+ $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-topic/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 7
+ enabled extensions:
+ </p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>evolve (no-false !)
+ <dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution (no-false !)
+ <dt>topic
+ <dd>support for topic branches
+ </dl>
+ $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-both/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 9
+ enabled extensions:
+ </p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>evolve
+ <dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution
+ <dt>topic
+ <dd>support for topic branches
+ </dl>
+ <p>
+ disabled extensions:
+ $ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT 'repo-no-ext/help/extensions' | grep 'enabled extensions' -A 9
+ enabled extensions: (no-false !)
+ </p> (no-false !)
+ <dl> (no-false !)
+ <dt>evolve (no-false !)
+ <dd>extends Mercurial feature related to Changeset Evolution (no-false !)
+ <dt>topic (no-false !)
+ <dd>support for topic branches (no-false !)
+ </dl> (no-false !)
+ <p> (no-false !)
+ disabled extensions: (no-false !)
+make sure repos don't affect each other (and check both ways)
+Check evolve isolation
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ [1]
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ _evoext_getbundle_obscommon
+ _evoext_obshash_0
+ _evoext_obshash_1
+ _evoext_obshashrange_v1
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ [1]
+Check topic isolation
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ [1]
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-topic | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ topics
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ [1]
+Check coupled isolation
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ [1]
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-both | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ _evoext_getbundle_obscommon
+ _evoext_obshash_0
+ _evoext_obshash_1
+ _evoext_obshashrange_v1
+ topics
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ _evoext_getbundle_obscommon
+ _evoext_obshash_0
+ _evoext_obshash_1
+ _evoext_obshashrange_v1
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-topic | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ topics
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-evo | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ _evoext_getbundle_obscommon
+ _evoext_obshash_0
+ _evoext_obshash_1
+ _evoext_obshashrange_v1
+ $ hg debugcapabilities http://$LOCALIP:$HGPORT/repo-no-ext | egrep 'topics|evoext'
+ [1]
+Final cleanup
+ $ cat error.log
+ $ $RUNTESTDIR/killdaemons.py $DAEMON_PIDS