--- a/tests/test-evolve-issue5832.t Thu Feb 07 16:24:59 2019 +0800
+++ b/tests/test-evolve-issue5832.t Wed Jan 30 10:03:00 2019 -0800
@@ -112,17 +112,17 @@
Resolving instability using `hg evolve`
$ hg evolve --any --all --config ui.interactive=True <<EOF
- > 0
+ > 1
move:[2] added b
atop:[5] added a
move:[4] merge commit
ancestor '7235ef625ea3' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
- 0: [62fb70414f99] added c
- 1: [5841d7cf9893] added d
+ 1: [62fb70414f99] added c
+ 2: [5841d7cf9893] added d
q: quit the prompt
- enter the index of the revision you want to select: 0
+ enter the index of the revision you want to select: 1
move:[9] merge commit
atop:[6] added c
working directory is now at 28a0775ac832
@@ -253,17 +253,17 @@
could not solve instability, ambiguous destination: parent split across two branches
$ hg evolve --any --all --config ui.interactive=True <<EOF
- > 1
+ > 2
move:[2] added b
atop:[6] added a
move:[4] merge commit
ancestor 'cdf2ea1b9312' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
- 0: [62fb70414f99] added c
- 1: [5841d7cf9893] added d
+ 1: [62fb70414f99] added c
+ 2: [5841d7cf9893] added d
q: quit the prompt
- enter the index of the revision you want to select: 1
+ enter the index of the revision you want to select: 2
move:[10] merge commit
atop:[8] added d
working directory is now at 460e6e72b7f9
@@ -398,16 +398,16 @@
could not solve instability, ambiguous destination: parent split across two branches
$ hg evolve --any --all --config ui.interactive=True <<EOF
- > 1
+ > 2
move:[2] added b
atop:[6] added a
ancestor 'b9b387427a53' split over multiple topological branches.
choose an evolve destination:
- 0: [62fb70414f99] added c
- 1: [5841d7cf9893] added d
+ 1: [62fb70414f99] added c
+ 2: [5841d7cf9893] added d
q: quit the prompt
- enter the index of the revision you want to select: 1
+ enter the index of the revision you want to select: 2
move:[4] merge commit
atop:[8] added d
move:[10] merge commit