2008-12-30 Nicolas Chauvat [doc] add links to google-appengine forum
2008-12-30 Nicolas Chauvat [doc] minor text improvements
2008-12-30 Sandrine Ribeau [doc] Improvement to the Views chapter. Moved content about the main template in the Templates chapter.
2008-12-29 Sandrine Ribeau merge
2008-12-29 Sandrine Ribeau [doc] Removes references to LAX.
2008-12-29 Sandrine Ribeau [doc] Removes chapter in french from english book which is duplicated content already translated.
2008-12-29 Nicolas Chauvat [doc] links are back to orangered
2008-12-29 Sandrine Ribeau [doc] Change styling of <a> and removes section "This Page" from left column template.
2008-12-29 Nicolas Chauvat [doc] small text improvement
2008-12-29 Sandrine Ribeau [doc]
2008-12-29 Sandrine Ribeau [doc] Switch graphic to english.
2008-12-27 Sandrine Ribeau [doc] Adds scripts to auto-generate modules list to index and add to the documentation.
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