2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Move lintian-overrides file to debian/source directory
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Stop using /etc/bash_completion.d
2019-06-13 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Tidy substvars usage in control file
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Specify priority “optional” instead of the obsolete “extra”
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Remove build dependency on dh-systemd
2019-06-05 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Run test suite as part of autopkgtest
2019-06-05 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Switch to Debian source format 3.0 (quilt)
2019-06-05 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Switch all Debian packages to Python 3
2019-06-11 julien tayon Fix sorting key for rdefs in schema viewer
2019-06-04 julien tayon Flake8 cubicweb/web/schemaviewer.py
2019-06-04 julien tayon [py3] changing unicode to str
2019-06-11 julien tayon [py3] Use sorted(key=...) instead of sorted(cmp=...)
2019-06-07 Denis Laxalde Merge with 3.26
2019-06-07 Denis Laxalde Added tag 3.26.11, debian/3.26.11-1 for changeset 633ca84bea58 3.26
2019-06-07 Denis Laxalde [pkg] Version 3.26.11 3.26 3.26.11 debian/3.26.11-1
2019-06-06 Denis Laxalde Added tag debian/3.26.10-1 for changeset 0ce26fb5ab48 3.26
2019-05-23 Denis Laxalde [debian] New upstream release 3.26 debian/3.26.10-1
2019-05-23 Denis Laxalde [debian] Drop override_dh_auto_install about cubicweb-ctl 3.26
2019-05-23 Denis Laxalde [debian] Remove test/doc Build-Depends 3.26
2019-05-28 Laurent Peuch [fix] parse cube version number without space in them
2019-05-24 Philippe Pepiot Install patched yapps for test from an http archive
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [server/test] make test filename uniques
2019-05-24 Philippe Pepiot Merge 3.26
2019-05-21 julien tayon [dataimport] Fix case when extid is text in use_extid_as_cwuri() 3.26
2019-05-22 Noe Gaumont [doc] fix key used in the hook example
2019-05-22 Noe Gaumont [doc] set_operation has been replaced by add_data
2019-05-22 Noe Gaumont [doc] check_cycle is a standard function
2019-05-22 Noe Gaumont [doc] fix several typos
2019-05-21 Philippe Pepiot [pkg] make cubicweb[crypto] depends on pycryptodome instead of pycrypto
2019-05-21 Philippe Pepiot [crypto] Encode unicode strings in _cypherer()
2019-05-16 julien tayon [ldapfeed] FIX: Unique Key violation when synchronizing with LDAPfeed 3.26
2019-03-15 Denis Laxalde Skip tests for ldapsource with python >= 3.7 3.26
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