2019-06-26 Denis Laxalde Added tag debian/3.26.11-2 for changeset e7eb914df71d 3.26
2019-06-26 Denis Laxalde [debian] Release 3.26.11-2 3.26 debian/3.26.11-2
2019-06-26 Denis Laxalde [test] Require pycryptodomex, not pycryptodome
2019-06-25 Denis Laxalde [debian] Mention Lintian warnings fixes from previous changesets 3.26
2019-06-25 Denis Laxalde [debian] Remove unused/redundant entries from debian/cubicweb-ctl.dirs 3.26
2019-06-25 Denis Laxalde [debian] Make descriptions of python-cubicweb and python3-cubicweb uniform 3.26
2019-06-25 Denis Laxalde [debian] Mention that -postgresql-support binaries are dependency package 3.26
2019-06-25 Denis Laxalde [debian] Add ${misc:Depends} where missing 3.26
2019-06-25 Denis Laxalde [debian] Set Section: python for python- binary package 3.26
2019-06-25 Denis Laxalde [debian] Install cubicweb-ctl from python2 build 3.26
2019-06-20 Denis Laxalde [debian] Introduce python3-cubicweb and python3-cubicweb-pyramid binary packages 3.26
2019-06-19 Jérémy Bobbio [skeleton] Update Debian packaging template
2019-06-26 Denis Laxalde [test] Use --short-description when testing newcube command
2019-06-17 Jérémy Bobbio [devtools] Allow to specify short desc on `newcube` command line
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Remove build dependency on dh-systemd 3.26
2019-06-13 Denis Laxalde [config] Raise in case of failure to send emails when in test mode 3.26
2019-06-19 Jérémy Bobbio [doc] Update documentation to match current Debian packages
2019-06-19 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Remove transitional packages
2019-06-19 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Use sections from requires.txt to populate Recommends and Suggests
2019-06-19 Jérémy Bobbio [crypto] Use Cryptodome namespace instead of Crypto
2019-06-17 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Remove python3-six from Build-Depends
2019-06-17 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Merge python3-cubicweb-pyramid into python3-cubicweb
2019-06-17 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Remove explicit Depends on Python packages for python3-cubicweb
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Fix spelling mistake in doc-base abstract
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Fix doc-base section
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Use “dependency package” instead of “virtual package” to describe python3-cubicweb-postgresql-support
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Move lintian-overrides file to debian/source directory
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Stop using /etc/bash_completion.d
2019-06-13 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Tidy substvars usage in control file
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Specify priority “optional” instead of the obsolete “extra”
2019-06-10 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Remove build dependency on dh-systemd
2019-06-05 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Run test suite as part of autopkgtest
2019-06-05 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Switch to Debian source format 3.0 (quilt)
2019-06-05 Jérémy Bobbio [pkg] Switch all Debian packages to Python 3
2019-06-11 julien tayon Fix sorting key for rdefs in schema viewer
2019-06-04 julien tayon Flake8 cubicweb/web/schemaviewer.py
2019-06-04 julien tayon [py3] changing unicode to str
2019-06-11 julien tayon [py3] Use sorted(key=...) instead of sorted(cmp=...)
2019-06-07 Denis Laxalde Merge with 3.26
2019-06-07 Denis Laxalde Added tag 3.26.11, debian/3.26.11-1 for changeset 633ca84bea58 3.26
2019-06-07 Denis Laxalde [pkg] Version 3.26.11 3.26 3.26.11 debian/3.26.11-1
2019-06-06 Denis Laxalde Added tag debian/3.26.10-1 for changeset 0ce26fb5ab48 3.26
2019-05-23 Denis Laxalde [debian] New upstream release 3.26 debian/3.26.10-1
2019-05-23 Denis Laxalde [debian] Drop override_dh_auto_install about cubicweb-ctl 3.26
2019-05-23 Denis Laxalde [debian] Remove test/doc Build-Depends 3.26
2019-05-28 Laurent Peuch [fix] parse cube version number without space in them
2019-05-24 Philippe Pepiot Install patched yapps for test from an http archive
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [server/test] make test filename uniques
2019-05-24 Philippe Pepiot Merge 3.26
2019-05-21 julien tayon [dataimport] Fix case when extid is text in use_extid_as_cwuri() 3.26
2019-05-22 Noe Gaumont [doc] fix key used in the hook example
2019-05-22 Noe Gaumont [doc] set_operation has been replaced by add_data
2019-05-22 Noe Gaumont [doc] check_cycle is a standard function
2019-05-22 Noe Gaumont [doc] fix several typos
2019-05-21 Philippe Pepiot [pkg] make cubicweb[crypto] depends on pycryptodome instead of pycrypto
2019-05-21 Philippe Pepiot [crypto] Encode unicode strings in _cypherer()
2019-05-16 julien tayon [ldapfeed] FIX: Unique Key violation when synchronizing with LDAPfeed 3.26
2019-03-15 Denis Laxalde Skip tests for ldapsource with python >= 3.7 3.26
2019-05-16 Denis Laxalde Flake8 crypto module 3.26
2019-05-16 Denis Laxalde Make crypto module python3-compatible 3.26
2019-05-16 Laurent Peuch [mod] make ViolatedConstraint actually display useful information
2019-05-16 Denis Laxalde Fix flake8 errors/warnings about import in cubicweb/_exceptions.py
2019-05-16 Laurent Peuch add comment and # noqa on used import
2019-05-16 Laurent Peuch remove unused import
2019-05-16 Laurent Peuch [autopep8] E305 - Expected 2 blank lines after end of function or class
2019-05-16 Laurent Peuch [autopep8] E303 - Remove extra blank lines
2019-05-16 Laurent Peuch [autopep8] E302 - Add missing 2 blank lines
2019-05-16 Laurent Peuch [autopep8] E301 - Add missing blank line
2019-05-15 Laurent Peuch [enh] display CWConstraint type in its repr
2019-05-15 Laurent Peuch [entities] display CWConstraint type in its repr 3.26
2019-05-15 Laurent Peuch [changelog] document pyramid.ini automatic generation
2019-05-15 Denis Laxalde Flake8 cubicweb/pyramid/test/test_hooks.py
2019-05-15 Laurent Peuch [pyramid/doc] bad docstring
2019-05-15 Laurent Peuch [pyramid/misc] remove useless variable
2019-05-15 Laurent Peuch [pyramid/test] add test for pyramid.ini generation
2019-05-15 Denis Laxalde Added tag 3.26.10 for changeset 74cc5de1ee6c 3.26
2019-05-15 Denis Laxalde [pkg] Version 3.26.10 3.26 3.26.10
2019-05-10 Philippe Pepiot Move CWSchemaTC to RQLExpressionTC
2019-04-17 Denis Laxalde [skeleton] Drop py27 tox environment
2019-04-17 Denis Laxalde [skeleton] Do not ship Debian and RPM packaging files in sdist
2019-04-17 Denis Laxalde [skeleton] Add a check-manifest tox environment
2019-05-10 Philippe Pepiot Fix pyramid tests
2019-05-10 Philippe Pepiot Fix flake8 and check-manifest
2019-05-10 Philippe Pepiot Merge 3.26
2019-05-08 Laurent Peuch DeprecationWarning: In future versions of Waitress clear_untrusted_proxy_headers will be set to True by default. You may opt-out by setting this value to False, or opt-in explicitly by setting this to True.
2019-05-08 Laurent Peuch DeprecationWarning: The default pickle serializer is deprecated as of Pyramid 1.9 and it will be changed to use pyramid.session.JSONSerializer in version 2.0. Explicitly set the serializer to avoid future incompatibilities
2019-05-08 Laurent Peuch [pyramid/enh] generate pyramid.ini "create" and on "pyramid" command if needed
2019-05-08 Laurent Peuch DeprecationWarning: The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2. This alias will be removed in future versions. Use ConfigParser directly instead.
2019-04-08 Denis Laxalde Account for new psycopg2 exception classes mapping 3.26
2019-04-12 Laurent Peuch [cubicweb-ctl] remove "cubicweb-ctl wsgi" command following pyramid standardization
2019-04-12 Laurent Peuch Use secure hash algorithm in WebConfiguration.sign_text
2019-04-23 Laurent Peuch [enh] don't catch all exceptions in notification hooks during tests
2019-04-18 Noe Gaumont [doc] add a reference to static-messages.pot usage
2019-04-18 Noe Gaumont [doc] Clarify sentences
2019-04-18 Noe Gaumont [doc] Fix format and typo
2019-04-18 Nsukami Patrick Fix DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated
2019-04-18 Nsukami Patrick Fix DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence
2019-04-16 Philippe Pepiot [devtools/testlib] avoid hidding AttributeError in create_user() 3.26
2019-04-10 Nsukami Patrick Fix DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \
2019-04-12 Laurent Peuch DeprecationWarning: The 'warn' method is deprecated, use 'warning' instead
2019-04-12 Laurent Peuch [mod] remove backward compatible code for passlib and force modern version
2019-04-12 Laurent Peuch DeprecationWarning: Please use assertEqual instead.
2019-04-12 Laurent Peuch DeprecationWarning: Please use assertRaisesRegex instead.
2019-04-11 Laurent Peuch DeprecationWarning: inspect.getargspec() is deprecated since Python 3.0, use inspect.signature() or inspect.getfullargspec()
2019-04-11 Laurent Peuch [README] add testing instructions
2019-04-05 Denis Laxalde Add pytest-subtests to dev requirements
2019-03-26 Denis Laxalde [test] use unittest.mock instead of mock library
2019-04-05 Denis Laxalde Drop python2 support
2019-04-05 Denis Laxalde Merge with 3.26
2019-04-05 Denis Laxalde Remove unused imports in cubicweb.pyramid.config 3.26
2019-04-05 Denis Laxalde Added tag 3.26.9 for changeset 4d6909de765a 3.26
2019-04-05 Denis Laxalde [pkg] Version 3.26.9 3.26 3.26.9
2019-02-12 Laurent Peuch [pyramid/security] use cryptographically secure random generator 3.26
2019-04-04 Arthur Lutz Reclosing branch after merge tls-sprint
2019-04-04 Arthur Lutz Merging heads of old, closed branch tls-sprint
2019-04-04 Arthur Lutz Reclosing branch after merge 3.0
2019-04-04 Arthur Lutz Merging heads of old, closed branch 3.0
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [doc/changes] document that legacy cube support has been dropped
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [doc] replace legacy import to new style cube import in various places
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [web/views] drop deprecated module cubicweb.web.views.timeline
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [web/views] drop deprecated module cubicweb.web.views.massmailing
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [web/views] drop deprecated module cubicweb.web.views.isioc
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [web/views] drop deprecated module cubicweb.web.views.embedding
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [web/views] drop deprecated module cubicweb.web.views.igeocodable
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [pyramid/core] drop fallback import of legacy cubes
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [cwconfig] drop importing legacy cubes
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [doc] better documentation for "cubicweb-ctl newcube"
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [test] make unittest_cwconfig.py does not depend on legacy cube machinery
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [devtools/test] drop legacy cube i18n tests
2019-03-28 Philippe Pepiot [server/test] make unittest_migractions.py use new style cubes
2019-03-27 Philippe Pepiot [cwconfig] drop _cube_modname
2019-03-27 Philippe Pepiot [cwconfig] drop legacy cube importer
2019-03-22 Denis Laxalde Drop more deprecated code
2019-03-26 Denis Laxalde Flake8 cubicweb/cwvreg.py
2019-03-22 Denis Laxalde Drop deprecated "boxes" and "contentnavigation" registries
2019-03-22 Denis Laxalde Drop deprecated CWCache entity type
2019-03-22 Denis Laxalde Update i18n after "recent" changes
2019-03-22 Denis Laxalde Drop repair_file_1-9_migration.py
2019-03-22 Denis Laxalde Drop a left-over 3.22 deprecation warning
2019-03-27 Philippe Pepiot [doc] fix reference to ~src/cubes in tutorial
2019-03-27 Philippe Pepiot [doc] replace cubicweb-ctl start by cubicweb-ctl pyramid
2019-03-27 Philippe Pepiot [doc] make the tutorial use a python3 virtualenv
2019-03-27 Philippe Pepiot [doc] Update README "Getting started"
2019-03-21 Denis Laxalde Flake8 cubicweb/devtools/httptest.py
2019-03-21 Denis Laxalde Remove Twisted web server
2019-03-21 Denis Laxalde Separate twisted-specific configuration from WebConfigurationBase class
2019-03-21 Denis Laxalde Flake8 cubicweb/web/webconfig.py
2019-03-21 Denis Laxalde Flake8 cubicweb/etwist/twconfig.py
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Remove ctl commands using the Twisted backend
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Flake8 cubicweb/cwctl.py
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Remove _handle_win32() method from "create" command class
2019-03-15 Denis Laxalde Skip tests for ldapsource with python >= 3.7
2019-03-27 Denis Laxalde [doc] Update cubicweb-ctl page about how to run an instance
2019-03-27 Denis Laxalde [doc] Drop mention of the "pyramid" cube
2019-03-21 Laurent Peuch [cli/enh] on 'shell' or migration command, use ipython if available
2019-03-19 Philippe Pepiot [web/test] drop dependency on third party cubes
2019-03-15 Philippe Pepiot [test] drop dependency on third party cubes
2019-03-15 Philippe Pepiot [test] drop CubicWebConfigurationWithLegacyCubesTC
2019-03-15 Philippe Pepiot [test] drop unittest_cubes.py
2019-03-19 Philippe Pepiot [server/test] do not depend on third party cubes
2019-03-15 Philippe Pepiot [server/test] drop unused variable initialization in OperationsTC.setUp()
2019-03-13 Philippe Pepiot [server/test] bootstrap config in setUpModule function
2019-03-11 Philippe Pepiot [schema] drop monkeypatch "name_for" on BaseConstraint
2019-03-14 Laurent Peuch [fix] this check was too restrictive and broke tests 3.26
2019-03-14 Laurent Peuch [fix] exception type has changed 3.26
2019-03-13 Nicolas Chauvat [server.rqlannotation] refactor to make class SQLGenAnnotator consistent
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Drop most of deprecated code
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Drop deprecated code in cubicweb.hooks
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Drop deprecated code in cubicweb.entities
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Drop deprecated code in cubicweb.devtools
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Drop deprecated code in cubicweb.dataimport
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde Drop most deprecated code in cubicweb.web
2019-03-13 Denis Laxalde [web] use Separator "component" instead of deprecated BoxSeparator widget
2019-03-13 Denis Laxalde Flake8 cubicweb/web/box.py
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde [test] Remove upper bound for cubicweb-localperms
2019-03-14 Denis Laxalde [test] Make the expected value explicit in CubicWebConfigurationWithLegacyCubesTC.test_available_cubes()
2019-03-13 Denis Laxalde [test] Inline _test_available_cubes() method in cwconfig tests
2019-03-14 Laurent Peuch [DX] adding error messages to {ResultSet,ActionsRegistry}.possible_actions 3.26
2019-03-12 Nicolas Chauvat [server/querier] remove useless indirection QuerierHelper._annotate
2019-03-12 Nicolas Chauvat [server] remove useless indirection ExecutionPlan.sqlannotate
2019-03-12 Nicolas Chauvat [web] removed unused imports in basecomponents
2019-03-13 Denis Laxalde [test] Depends on psycopg2-binary 3.26
2019-03-12 Laurent Peuch [doc/changelog] the removal of next_tabindex produce an error not in the changelog
2019-03-11 Denis Laxalde Merge with branch 3.26
2019-03-08 Denis Laxalde [py3.7,test] Use cubicweb-file >= 2.2.2 3.26
2019-03-08 Denis Laxalde [flake8] Fix errors in cubicweb/ext/test/unittest_rest.py 3.26
2019-03-08 Denis Laxalde [test] Shorten prefix string in test_rql_role_with_unknown_vid 3.26
2019-03-08 Denis Laxalde [flake8] fix errors in cubicweb_i18ntestcube/views.py test file 3.26
2019-03-08 Denis Laxalde [test] Pass __module__ upon instantiation of RegistrableInstance 3.26
2019-03-08 Denis Laxalde Added tag 3.26.8 for changeset 91f75319a726 3.26
2019-03-07 Denis Laxalde [pkg] Version 3.26.8 3.26 3.26.8
2019-02-26 Laurent Peuch [doc] didn't had any questions 3.26
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