2010-09-17 Aurelien Campeas [views/reledit] bw compat code is unneeded there stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault [primary view] introducing use_list_limit in pvdc fix reledit regression on the way (introducted a few changesets ago) stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault [js] update js for reledit to 3.9 ajax api stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault cleanup stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault [boolean field] we've to override format_single_value as well in case where None are allowed stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault [repo/sql] don't do anything when value is None. This will avoid None to be turned into False in the case of a boolean for instance. stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault [reledit] more api cleanup stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault [reledit] new rtag entry to control apparition of relation label in default value stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault [test] fix setting of base-url during test: override default_base_url, else we set it too late (after uiprops generation) stable
2010-09-17 Sylvain Thénault [navigation] move hack from page_link to page_url so '#1251858: Can't see all the elements when a limited list is shown' if fixed as well stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault backport stable into default
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault merge stable heads stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault merge stable heads stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault cleanup stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [ReST] settings update: add traceback=True to avoid sys.exit, and set stylesheet to None since we don't care about it and that may makes docutils stupidly fail according to the cwd at import time... stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [url publishing] fix regression introduced by refactoring in 3.9.7, leading to table view being choosen when one would expect the primary view. Fix similar pb with /<etype> url and list view (this one has been there for a while) stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [publisher] avoid extra Name error on unexpected error stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [publisher] with python>=2.5, we should catch BaseException here stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault Added tag cubicweb-debian-version-3.9.7-1 for changeset 1c01f9dffd64 stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault Added tag cubicweb-version-3.9.7 for changeset de588e756f4f stable cubicweb-debian-version-3.9.7-1
2010-09-16 Alexandre Fayolle ewrongattribute stable
2010-09-16 Alexandre Fayolle force debug mode to false in service mode stable
2010-09-16 Alexandre Fayolle repair service mode start on windows stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault 3.9.7 stable cubicweb-version-3.9.7
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [navigation] for rql to the one of the rset being paginated stable
2010-09-16 Aurelien Campeas [reledit] cut methods to make overriding easier, add event on success update after reload stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [propagation hooks] support to skip some relation when propagating to linked entities. Proper renaming and enhance documentation on the way stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault add permission relations to schema types stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [syncschema hooks] simplify core types definition be reusing schema sets (remove typos on the way) stable
2010-09-16 Alexandre Fayolle raise ProcessFormError when a problem occurs during date / time parsing stable
2010-09-16 Aurelien Campeas [request] memoize tabindex across ajax calls (on pageid) to avoid ui confusion stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [entity] give ordermethod=None to fetch_rql to tell you don't want a specific order stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [repo] new method on repo+dbapi.Connection to get a value from repository's configuration stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [repo] docstring cleanup stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [primary view] should specify rtype/role when selecting a rtype view stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [table view] use get instead of has_key so one can specify he doesn't want actions or filter stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [urlpublishing] refactor to ease overriding stable
2010-09-16 Sylvain Thénault [dbapi] reorganize Connection methods and use a @check_not_closed decorator stable
2010-09-15 Sylvain Thénault [facet] add missing @property making subsequent access always true stable
2010-09-15 Sylvain Thénault cleanup stable
2010-09-15 Sylvain Thénault fix regretion introduced by changeset "pagination/ ajaxes fixes" (2f5ebeb7665d) stable
2010-09-15 Sylvain Thénault [navigation] refactor base navigation component: replace deprecated replacePageChunk js call by loadxhtml, using the magic js object stable
2010-09-15 Alexandre Fayolle unique_together: recast exception raised by sqlite stable
2010-09-15 Aurelien Campeas [views/reledit] refactor composite handling stable
2010-09-15 Sylvain Thénault [doc] add note about x-ref in doc's README stable
2010-09-15 Stephanie Marcu [book - #1251197] add a section in migration page for add_cube and add_cubes command stable
2010-09-15 Stephanie Marcu [book - #1251780] add a section to explain how to write tests to test which actions are visible stable
2010-09-15 Stephanie Marcu [book - #1251260] add a warning in automatic test when user redefine the base class stable
2010-09-15 Sylvain Thénault should not use pyro 4 stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault cleanups stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [basecontroller] we should consume divid to avoid it being reused by the table view, leading to duplicated id (and hence weird rendering) stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [basecontroller] pagination / ajax fixes stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [basecontroller] handle case where the query is prefixed by 'rql:' as allowed by the search input stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [repo tests] add test case for RQLUniqueConstraint stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [primary view] properly handle case where view specified in pvdc['vid'] isn't selectable stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [primary view] don't need to pick arbitrary target, this is properly handled by the rtag stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [schema] turn comment into docstring for RQLUniqueConstraint stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [schema] ensure DISTINCT is displayed for constraint using it, this ease debugging stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [windows distrib] trailing slashes in MANIFEST.in breaks windows install (sic) stable
2010-09-14 Sylvain Thénault [schema] mark CWUniqueTogetherConstraint and its relations as schema entity/relations stable
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