[application/connect] simplify connection logic
authorPierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@logilab.fr>
Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:50:19 +0200
changeset 9017 aa709bc6b6c1
parent 9016 0368b94921ed
child 9018 9deb024a96c0
[application/connect] simplify connection logic ``application.connect`` now either sets a full featured ``DBAPISession`` to the ``WebRequest`` object or raises ``AuthenticationError``. The creation and usage of a fake DBAPISession is now handled by ``main_handle_request`` when needed. This means that fake DBAPISession are no longer tracked by the session manager and that user are not given anyway to retrieve them for a later request. This fake DBAPISession is still passed to ``core_handle`` because multiple cubes like registration or forgotten password need this behavior. We would like to get ride of it in the future. This clarification of the connection API greatly simplifies ``DBAPISession`` retrieval//creation process opening the way to improvements in this area. Related to #2503918
--- a/devtools/testlib.py	Thu Jun 13 15:36:10 2013 +0200
+++ b/devtools/testlib.py	Thu Jun 13 18:50:19 2013 +0200
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated, class_deprecated
 from logilab.common.shellutils import getlogin
-from cubicweb import ValidationError, NoSelectableObject
+from cubicweb import ValidationError, NoSelectableObject, AuthenticationError
 from cubicweb import cwconfig, dbapi, devtools, web, server
 from cubicweb.utils import json
 from cubicweb.sobjects import notification
@@ -787,12 +787,10 @@
         self.assertEqual(session.anonymous_session, False)
     def assertAuthFailure(self, req, nbsessions=0):
-        self.app.connect(req)
-        self.assertIsInstance(req.session, dbapi.DBAPISession)
-        self.assertEqual(req.session.cnx, None)
-        self.assertIsInstance(req.cnx, (dbapi._NeedAuthAccessMock, NoneType))
-        # + 1 since we should still have session without connection set
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.open_sessions), nbsessions + 1)
+        with self.assertRaises(AuthenticationError):
+            self.app.connect(req)
+        # +0 since we do not track the opened session
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.open_sessions), nbsessions)
         clear_cache(req, 'get_authorization')
     # content validation #######################################################
--- a/web/application.py	Thu Jun 13 15:36:10 2013 +0200
+++ b/web/application.py	Thu Jun 13 18:50:19 2013 +0200
@@ -212,44 +212,17 @@
         sessioncookie = self.session_cookie(req)
             sessionid = str(cookie[sessioncookie].value)
-        except KeyError: # no session cookie
-            session = self.open_session(req)
-        else:
-            try:
-                session = self.get_session(req, sessionid)
-            except InvalidSession:
-                # try to open a new session, so we get an anonymous session if
-                # allowed
-                session = self.open_session(req)
-            else:
-                if not session.cnx:
-                    # session exists but is not bound to a connection. We should
-                    # try to authenticate
-                    loginsucceed = False
-                    try:
-                        if self.open_session(req, allow_no_cnx=False):
-                            loginsucceed = True
-                    except Redirect:
-                        # may be raised in open_session (by postlogin mechanism)
-                        # on successful connection
-                        loginsucceed = True
-                        raise
-                    except AuthenticationError:
-                        # authentication failed, continue to use this session
-                        req.set_session(session)
-                    finally:
-                        if loginsucceed:
-                            # session should be replaced by new session created
-                            # in open_session
-                            self.session_manager.close_session(session)
+            self.get_session(req, sessionid)
+        except (KeyError, InvalidSession): # no valid session cookie
+            self.open_session(req)
     def get_session(self, req, sessionid):
         session = self.session_manager.get_session(req, sessionid)
         session.mtime = time()
         return session
-    def open_session(self, req, allow_no_cnx=True):
-        session = self.session_manager.open_session(req, allow_no_cnx=allow_no_cnx)
+    def open_session(self, req):
+        session = self.session_manager.open_session(req)
         sessioncookie = self.session_cookie(req)
         secure = req.https and req.base_url().startswith('https://')
         req.set_cookie(sessioncookie, session.sessionid,
@@ -362,7 +335,13 @@
             req.set_header('WWW-Authenticate', [('Basic', {'realm' : realm })], raw=False)
         content = ''
-            self.connect(req)
+            try:
+                self.connect(req)
+            except AuthenticationError:
+                # XXX We want to clean up this approach in the future. But
+                # several cubes like registration or forgotten password rely on
+                # this principle.
+                req.set_session(DBAPISession(None))
             # DENY https acces for anonymous_user
             if (req.https
                 and req.session.anonymous_session
--- a/web/test/unittest_application.py	Thu Jun 13 15:36:10 2013 +0200
+++ b/web/test/unittest_application.py	Thu Jun 13 18:50:19 2013 +0200
@@ -267,9 +267,9 @@
     def _test_cleaned(self, kwargs, injected, cleaned):
         req = self.request(**kwargs)
-        page = self.app.handle_request(req, 'view')
-        self.assertFalse(injected in page, (kwargs, injected))
-        self.assertTrue(cleaned in page, (kwargs, cleaned))
+        page = self.app_handle_request(req, 'view')
+        self.assertNotIn(injected, page)
+        self.assertIn(cleaned, page)
     def test_nonregr_script_kiddies(self):
         """test against current script injection"""
@@ -319,8 +319,9 @@
     def test_http_auth_no_anon(self):
         req, origsession = self.init_authentication('http')
-        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationError, self.app_handle_request, req, 'login')
-        self.assertEqual(req.cnx, None)
+        self.app.handle_request(req, 'login')
+        self.assertEqual(401, req.status_out)
+        clear_cache(req, 'get_authorization')
         authstr = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.admlogin, self.admpassword))
         req.set_request_header('Authorization', 'basic %s' % authstr)
         self.assertAuthSuccess(req, origsession)
@@ -331,9 +332,10 @@
         req, origsession = self.init_authentication('cookie')
-            form = self.app_handle_request(req, 'login')
+            form = self.app.handle_request(req, 'login')
         except Redirect as redir:
             self.fail('anonymous user should get login form')
+        clear_cache(req, 'get_authorization')
         self.assertTrue('__login' in form)
         self.assertTrue('__password' in form)
         self.assertEqual(req.cnx, None)
--- a/web/views/sessions.py	Thu Jun 13 15:36:10 2013 +0200
+++ b/web/views/sessions.py	Thu Jun 13 18:50:19 2013 +0200
@@ -64,22 +64,15 @@
             req.set_session(session, user)
         return session
-    def open_session(self, req, allow_no_cnx=True):
+    def open_session(self, req):
         """open and return a new session for the given request. The session is
         also bound to the request.
         raise :exc:`cubicweb.AuthenticationError` if authentication failed
         (no authentication info found or wrong user/password)
-        try:
-            cnx, login = self.authmanager.authenticate(req)
-        except AuthenticationError:
-            if allow_no_cnx:
-                session = DBAPISession(None)
-            else:
-                raise
-        else:
-            session = DBAPISession(cnx, login)
+        cnx, login = self.authmanager.authenticate(req)
+        session = DBAPISession(cnx, login)
         self._sessions[session.sessionid] = session
         # associate the connection to the current request