[datafeed cw parser] refactor: split logic that was in the parser
authorSylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 18:53:38 +0200
changeset 7553 935423529f45
parent 7552 82dde8276a5b
child 7554 fdace9d67d96
[datafeed cw parser] refactor: split logic that was in the parser into: * an "item builder" component, turning an etree xml node into a specific python dictionnary representing an entity * "action" components, selected given an entity, a relation and its role in the relation, and responsible to link the entity to given related items (eg dictionnary) This changes make it easy to add new action or to override existing one's behaviour according to the entity, the relation, etc... Also refactor the xml view so one can also override what's included in the tag used to mark the entity as used by a relation, hopefully allowing to reduce the number of http requests needed for a full datafeed import.
--- a/sobjects/parsers.py	Wed Jun 22 18:53:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/sobjects/parsers.py	Wed Jun 22 18:53:38 2011 +0200
@@ -38,12 +38,15 @@
 from logilab.common.date import todate, totime
 from logilab.common.textutils import splitstrip, text_to_dict
+from logilab.common.decorators import classproperty
 from yams.constraints import BASE_CONVERTERS
 from yams.schema import role_name as rn
-from cubicweb import ValidationError, typed_eid
+from cubicweb import ValidationError, RegistryException, typed_eid
+from cubicweb.view import Component
 from cubicweb.server.sources import datafeed
+from cubicweb.server.hook import match_rtype
 # XXX see cubicweb.cwvreg.YAMS_TO_PY
 # XXX see cubicweb.web.views.xmlrss.SERIALIZERS
@@ -75,33 +78,6 @@
             typeddict[rschema.type] = converters[attrtype](stringdict[rschema])
     return typeddict
-def _parse_entity_etree(parent):
-    for node in list(parent):
-        try:
-            item = {'cwtype': unicode(node.tag),
-                    'cwuri': node.attrib['cwuri'],
-                    'cwsource': node.attrib.get('cwsource'),
-                    'eid': typed_eid(node.attrib['eid']),
-                    }
-        except KeyError:
-            # cw < 3.11 compat mode XXX
-            item = {'cwtype': unicode(node.tag),
-                    'cwuri': node.find('cwuri').text,
-                    'cwsource': None,
-                    'eid': typed_eid(node.find('eid').text),
-                    }
-        rels = {}
-        for child in node:
-            role = child.get('role')
-            if role:
-                # relation
-                related = rels.setdefault(role, {}).setdefault(child.tag, [])
-                related += [ritem for ritem, _ in _parse_entity_etree(child)]
-            else:
-                # attribute
-                item[child.tag] = unicode(child.text)
-        yield item, rels
 def rtype_role_rql(rtype, role):
     if role == 'object':
         return 'Y %s X WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % rtype
@@ -109,39 +85,41 @@
         return 'X %s Y WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % rtype
-def _check_no_option(action, options, eid, _):
-    if options:
-        msg = _("'%s' action doesn't take any options") % action
-        raise ValidationError(eid, {rn('options', 'subject'): msg})
+class CWEntityXMLParser(datafeed.DataFeedXMLParser):
+    """datafeed parser for the 'xml' entity view
-def _check_linkattr_option(action, options, eid, _):
-    if not 'linkattr' in options:
-        msg = _("'%s' action requires 'linkattr' option") % action
-        raise ValidationError(eid, {rn('options', 'subject'): msg})
+    Most of the logic is delegated to the following components:
+    * an "item builder" component, turning an etree xml node into a specific
+      python dictionnary representing an entity
-class CWEntityXMLParser(datafeed.DataFeedXMLParser):
-    """datafeed parser for the 'xml' entity view"""
-    __regid__ = 'cw.entityxml'
+    * "action" components, selected given an entity, a relation and its role in
+      the relation, and responsible to link the entity to given related items
+      (eg dictionnary)
-    action_options = {
-        'copy': _check_no_option,
-        'link-or-create': _check_linkattr_option,
-        'link': _check_linkattr_option,
-        }
-    parse_etree = staticmethod(_parse_entity_etree)
+    So the parser is only doing the gluing service and the connection to the
+    source.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'cw.entityxml'
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super(CWEntityXMLParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.action_methods = {
-            'copy': self.related_copy,
-            'link-or-create': self.related_link_or_create,
-            'link': self.related_link,
-            }
         self._parsed_urls = {}
         self._processed_entities = set()
+    def select_linker(self, action, rtype, role, entity=None):
+        try:
+            return self._cw.vreg['components'].select(
+                'cw.entityxml.action.%s' % action, self._cw, entity=entity,
+                rtype=rtype, role=role, parser=self)
+        except RegistryException:
+            raise RegistryException('Unknown action %s' % action)
+    def list_actions(self):
+        reg = self._cw.vreg['components']
+        return sorted(clss[0].action for rid, clss in reg.iteritems()
+                      if rid.startswith('cw.entityxml.action.'))
     # mapping handling #########################################################
     def add_schema_config(self, schemacfg, checkonly=False):
@@ -166,11 +144,15 @@
             raise ValidationError(schemacfg.eid, {rn('options', 'subject'): msg})
             action = options.pop('action')
-            self.action_options[action](action, options, schemacfg.eid, _)
+            linker = self.select_linker(action, rtype, role)
+            linker.check_options(options, schemacfg.eid)
         except KeyError:
             msg = _('"action" must be specified in options; allowed values are '
                     '%s') % ', '.join(self.action_methods)
             raise ValidationError(schemacfg.eid, {rn('options', 'subject'): msg})
+        except RegistryException:
+            msg = _('allowed values for "action" are %s') % ', '.join(self.list_actions())
+            raise ValidationError(schemacfg.eid, {rn('options', 'subject'): msg})
         if not checkonly:
             if role == 'subject':
                 etype = schemacfg.schema.stype.name
@@ -198,9 +180,12 @@
         """IDataFeedParser main entry point"""
         super(CWEntityXMLParser, self).process(self.complete_url(url),
                                                raise_on_error, partialcommit)
-    # XXX suppression support according to source configuration. If set, get all
-    # cwuri of entities from this source, and compare with newly imported ones
+    def parse_etree(self, parent):
+        for node in list(parent):
+            builder = self._cw.vreg['components'].select(
+                'cw.entityxml.item-builder', self._cw, node=node,
+                parser=self)
+            yield builder.build_item()
     def process_item(self, item, rels):
         entity = self.extid2entity(str(item.pop('cwuri')),  item.pop('cwtype'),
@@ -224,10 +209,11 @@
                                   rtype, role, entity.__regid__)
-                actionmethod = self.action_methods[action]
-            except KeyError:
-                raise Exception('Unknown action %s' % action)
-            actionmethod(entity, rtype, role, related_items, rules)
+                linker = self.select_linker(action, rtype, role, entity)
+            except RegistryException:
+                self.source.error('no linker for action %s', action)
+            else:
+                linker.link_items(related_items, rules)
         return entity
     def before_entity_copy(self, entity, sourceparams):
@@ -235,81 +221,7 @@
         attrs = extract_typed_attrs(entity.e_schema, sourceparams['item'])
-    def related_copy(self, entity, rtype, role, others, rules):
-        """implementation of 'copy' action
-        Takes no option.
-        """
-        assert not any(x[1] for x in rules), "'copy' action takes no option"
-        ttypes = frozenset([x[0] for x in rules])
-        eids = [] # local eids
-        for item in others:
-            if item['cwtype'] in ttypes:
-                item, _rels = self._complete_item(item)
-                other_entity = self.process_item(item, [])
-                if other_entity is not None:
-                    eids.append(other_entity.eid)
-        if eids:
-            self._set_relation(entity, rtype, role, eids)
-        else:
-            self._clear_relation(entity, rtype, role, ttypes)
-    def related_link(self, entity, rtype, role, others, rules):
-        """implementation of 'link' action
-        requires an options to control search of the linked entity.
-        """
-        for ttype, options in rules:
-            assert 'linkattr' in options, (
-                "'link' action requires a list of attributes used to "
-                "search if the entity already exists")
-            self._related_link(entity, rtype, role, ttype, others, [options['linkattr']],
-                               create_when_not_found=False)
-    def related_link_or_create(self, entity, rtype, role, others, rules):
-        """implementation of 'link-or-create' action
-        requires an options to control search of the linked entity.
-        """
-        for ttype, options in rules:
-            assert 'linkattr' in options, (
-                "'link-or-create' action requires a list of attributes used to "
-                "search if the entity already exists")
-            self._related_link(entity, rtype, role, ttype, others, [options['linkattr']],
-                               create_when_not_found=True)
-    def _related_link(self, entity, rtype, role, ttype, others, searchattrs,
-                      create_when_not_found):
-        def issubset(x,y):
-            return all(z in y for z in x)
-        eids = [] # local eids
-        for item in others:
-            if item['cwtype'] != ttype:
-                continue
-            if not issubset(searchattrs, item):
-                item, _rels = self._complete_item(item, False)
-                if not issubset(searchattrs, item):
-                    self.source.error('missing attribute, got %s expected keys %s'
-                                      % item, searchattrs)
-                    continue
-            kwargs = dict((str(attr), item[attr]) for attr in searchattrs) # XXX str() needed with python < 2.6
-            targets = tuple(self._cw.find_entities(item['cwtype'], **kwargs))
-            if len(targets) > 1:
-                self.source.error('ambiguous link: found %s entity %s with attributes %s',
-                                  len(targets), item['cwtype'], kwargs)
-            elif len(targets) == 1:
-                eids.append(targets[0].eid)
-            elif create_when_not_found:
-                eids.append(self._cw.create_entity(item['cwtype'], **kwargs).eid)
-            else:
-                self.source.error('can not find %s entity with attributes %s',
-                                  item['cwtype'], kwargs)
-        if eids:
-            self._set_relation(entity, rtype, role, eids)
-        else:
-            self._clear_relation(entity, rtype, role, (ttype,))
-    def complete_url(self, url, etype=None):
+    def complete_url(self, url, etype=None, add_relations=True):
         """append to the url's query string information about relation that should
         be included in the resulting xml, according to source mapping.
@@ -332,44 +244,208 @@
         params = parse_qs(qs)
         if not 'vid' in params:
             params['vid'] = ['xml']
-        relations = params.setdefault('relation', [])
-        for rtype, role, _ in self.source.mapping.get(etype, ()):
-            reldef = '%s-%s' % (rtype, role)
-            if not reldef in relations:
-                relations.append(reldef)
+        if add_relations:
+            relations = params.setdefault('relation', [])
+            for rtype, role, _ in self.source.mapping.get(etype, ()):
+                reldef = '%s-%s' % (rtype, role)
+                if not reldef in relations:
+                    relations.append(reldef)
         return url + '?' + self._cw.build_url_params(**params)
-    def _complete_item(self, item, add_relations=True):
+    def complete_item(self, item, add_relations=True):
             return self._parsed_urls[(item['cwuri'], add_relations)]
         except KeyError:
-            itemurl = self.complete_url(item['cwuri'], item['cwtype'])
+            itemurl = self.complete_url(item['cwuri'], item['cwtype'],
+                                        add_relations)
             item_rels = list(self.parse(itemurl))
             assert len(item_rels) == 1, 'url %s expected to bring back one '\
                    'and only one entity, got %s' % (itemurl, len(item_rels))
             self._parsed_urls[(item['cwuri'], add_relations)] = item_rels[0]
             return item_rels[0]
-    def _clear_relation(self, entity, rtype, role, ttypes):
-        if entity.eid not in self.stats['created']:
+class CWEntityXMLItemBuilder(Component):
+    __regid__ = 'cw.entityxml.item-builder'
+    def __init__(self, _cw, parser, node, **kwargs):
+        super(CWEntityXMLItemBuilder, self).__init__(_cw, **kwargs)
+        self.parser = parser
+        self.node = node
+    def build_item(self):
+        node = self.node
+        item = dict(node.attrib.items())
+        item['cwtype'] = unicode(node.tag)
+        item.setdefault('cwsource', None)
+        try:
+            item['eid'] = typed_eid(item['eid'])
+        except KeyError:
+            # cw < 3.11 compat mode XXX
+            item['eid'] = typed_eid(node.find('eid').text)
+            item['cwuri'] = node.find('cwuri').text
+        rels = {}
+        for child in node:
+            role = child.get('role')
+            if role:
+                # relation
+                related = rels.setdefault(role, {}).setdefault(child.tag, [])
+                related += [ritem for ritem, _ in self.parser.parse_etree(child)]
+            else:
+                # attribute
+                item[child.tag] = unicode(child.text)
+        return item, rels
+class CWEntityXMLActionCopy(Component):
+    """implementation of cubicweb entity xml parser's'copy' action
+    Takes no option.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'cw.entityxml.action.copy'
+    def __init__(self, _cw, parser, rtype, role, entity=None, **kwargs):
+        super(CWEntityXMLActionCopy, self).__init__(_cw, **kwargs)
+        self.parser = parser
+        self.rtype = rtype
+        self.role = role
+        self.entity = entity
+    @classproperty
+    def action(cls):
+        return cls.__regid__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
+    def check_options(self, options, eid):
+        self._check_no_options(options, eid)
+    def _check_no_options(self, options, eid, msg=None):
+        if options:
+            if msg is None:
+                msg = self._cw._("'%s' action doesn't take any options") % self.action
+            raise ValidationError(eid, {rn('options', 'subject'): msg})
+    def link_items(self, others, rules):
+        assert not any(x[1] for x in rules), "'copy' action takes no option"
+        ttypes = frozenset([x[0] for x in rules])
+        eids = [] # local eids
+        for item in others:
+            if item['cwtype'] in ttypes:
+                item = self.parser.complete_item(item)[0]
+                other_entity = self.parser.process_item(item, [])
+                if other_entity is not None:
+                    eids.append(other_entity.eid)
+        if eids:
+            self._set_relation(eids)
+        else:
+            self._clear_relation(ttypes)
+    def _clear_relation(self, ttypes):
+        if not self.parser.created_during_pull(self.entity):
             if len(ttypes) > 1:
                 typerestr = ', Y is IN(%s)' % ','.join(ttypes)
                 typerestr = ', Y is %s' % ','.join(ttypes)
-            self._cw.execute('DELETE ' + rtype_role_rql(rtype, role) + typerestr,
-                             {'x': entity.eid})
+            self._cw.execute('DELETE ' + rtype_role_rql(self.rtype, self.role) + typerestr,
+                             {'x': self.entity.eid})
-    def _set_relation(self, entity, rtype, role, eids):
+    def _set_relation(self, eids):
         assert eids
-        rqlbase = rtype_role_rql(rtype, role)
+        rtype = self.rtype
+        rqlbase = rtype_role_rql(rtype, self.role)
         eidstr = ','.join(str(eid) for eid in eids)
         self._cw.execute('DELETE %s, NOT Y eid IN (%s)' % (rqlbase, eidstr),
-                         {'x': entity.eid})
-        if role == 'object':
+                         {'x': self.entity.eid})
+        if self.role == 'object':
             rql = 'SET %s, Y eid IN (%s), NOT Y %s X' % (rqlbase, eidstr, rtype)
             rql = 'SET %s, Y eid IN (%s), NOT X %s Y' % (rqlbase, eidstr, rtype)
-        self._cw.execute(rql, {'x': entity.eid})
+        self._cw.execute(rql, {'x': self.entity.eid})
+class CWEntityXMLActionLink(CWEntityXMLActionCopy):
+    """implementation of cubicweb entity xml parser's'link' action
+    requires a 'linkattr' option to control search of the linked entity.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'cw.entityxml.action.link'
+    def check_options(self, options, eid):
+        if not 'linkattr' in options:
+            msg = self._cw._("'%s' action requires 'linkattr' option") % self.action
+            raise ValidationError(eid, {rn('options', 'subject'): msg})
+    create_when_not_found = False
+    def link_items(self, others, rules):
+        for ttype, options in rules:
+            searchattrs = splitstrip(options.get('linkattr', ''))
+            self._related_link(ttype, others, searchattrs)
+    def _related_link(self, ttype, others, searchattrs):
+        def issubset(x,y):
+            return all(z in y for z in x)
+        eids = [] # local eids
+        source = self.parser.source
+        for item in others:
+            if item['cwtype'] != ttype:
+                continue
+            if not issubset(searchattrs, item):
+                item = self.parser.complete_item(item, False)[0]
+                if not issubset(searchattrs, item):
+                    source.error('missing attribute, got %s expected keys %s',
+                                 item, searchattrs)
+                    continue
+            # XXX str() needed with python < 2.6
+            kwargs = dict((str(attr), item[attr]) for attr in searchattrs)
+            targets = self._find_entities(item, kwargs)
+            if len(targets) > 1:
+                source.error('ambiguous link: found %s entity %s with attributes %s',
+                             len(targets), item['cwtype'], kwargs)
+            elif len(targets) == 1:
+                eids.append(targets[0].eid)
+            elif self.create_when_not_found:
+                eids.append(self._cw.create_entity(item['cwtype'], **kwargs).eid)
+            else:
+                source.error('can not find %s entity with attributes %s',
+                             item['cwtype'], kwargs)
+        if eids:
+            self._set_relation(eids)
+        else:
+            self._clear_relation((ttype,))
+    def _find_entities(self, item, kwargs):
+        return tuple(self._cw.find_entities(item['cwtype'], **kwargs))
+class CWEntityXMLActionLinkInState(CWEntityXMLActionLink):
+    """custom implementation of cubicweb entity xml parser's'link' action for
+    in_state relation
+    """
+    __select__ = match_rtype('in_state')
+    def check_options(self, options, eid):
+        super(CWEntityXMLActionLinkInState, self).check_options(options, eid)
+        if not 'name' in options['linkattr']:
+            msg = self._cw._("'%s' action for in_state relation should at least have 'linkattr=name' option") % self.action
+            raise ValidationError(eid, {rn('options', 'subject'): msg})
+    def _find_entities(self, item, kwargs):
+        assert 'name' in item # XXX else, complete_item
+        state_name = item['name']
+        wf = self.entity.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable').current_workflow
+        state = wf.state_by_name(state_name)
+        if state is None:
+            return ()
+        return (state,)
+class CWEntityXMLActionLinkOrCreate(CWEntityXMLActionLink):
+    """implementation of cubicweb entity xml parser's'link-or-create' action
+    requires a 'linkattr' option to control search of the linked entity.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'cw.entityxml.action.link-or-create'
+    create_when_not_found = True
 def registration_callback(vreg):
--- a/sobjects/test/unittest_parsers.py	Wed Jun 22 18:53:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/sobjects/test/unittest_parsers.py	Wed Jun 22 18:53:38 2011 +0200
@@ -57,11 +57,14 @@
     <Tag cwuri="http://pouet.org/9" eid="9"/>
     <Tag cwuri="http://pouet.org/10" eid="10"/>
+  <in_state role="subject">
+    <State cwuri="http://pouet.org/11" eid="11" name="activated"/>
+  </in_state>
     'http://pouet.org/6': u'''
 <rset size="1">
  <EmailAddress eid="6" cwuri="http://pouet.org/6">
@@ -127,6 +130,8 @@
                              (('CWUser', 'in_group', '*'),
+                             (('CWUser', 'in_state', '*'),
+                              u'role=subject\naction=link\nlinkattr=name'),
                              (('*', 'tags', 'CWUser'),
@@ -136,9 +141,9 @@
         dfsource = self.repo.sources_by_uri['myfeed']
         parser = dfsource._get_parser(self.session)
-                         'http://www.cubicweb.org/cwuser?relation=tags-object&relation=in_group-subject&relation=use_email-subject&vid=xml')
+                         'http://www.cubicweb.org/cwuser?relation=tags-object&relation=in_group-subject&relation=in_state-subject&relation=use_email-subject&vid=xml')
-                         'http://www.cubicweb.org/cwuser?relation=hop&relation=tags-object&relation=in_group-subject&relation=use_email-subject&vid=rdf')
+                         'http://www.cubicweb.org/cwuser?relation=hop&relation=tags-object&relation=in_group-subject&relation=in_state-subject&relation=use_email-subject&vid=rdf')
     def test_actions(self):
@@ -147,6 +152,8 @@
                          {u'CWUser': {
                              (u'in_group', u'subject', u'link'): [
                                  (u'CWGroup', {u'linkattr': u'name'})],
+                             (u'in_state', u'subject', u'link'): [
+                                 (u'State', {u'linkattr': u'name'})],
                              (u'tags', u'object', u'link-or-create'): [
                                  (u'Tag', {u'linkattr': u'name'})],
                              (u'use_email', u'subject', u'copy'): [
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/test/unittest_views_xmlrss.py	Wed Jun 22 18:53:38 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
+from cubicweb.web.views.xmlrss import SERIALIZERS
+class EntityXMLViewTC(CubicWebTC):
+    """see also cw.sobjects.test.unittest_parsers"""
+    def test(self):
+        req = self.request(relation=['tags-object', 'in_group-subject',
+                                     'in_state-subject', 'use_email-subject'])
+        self.assertMultiLineEqual(
+            req.user.view('xml'),
+            '''\
+<CWUser eid="6" cwuri="None6" cwsource="system">
+  <login>admin</login>
+  <upassword/>
+  <firstname/>
+  <surname/>
+  <last_login_time/>
+  <creation_date>%(date)s</creation_date>
+  <modification_date>%(date)s</modification_date>
+  <tags role="object">
+  </tags>
+  <in_group role="subject">
+    <CWGroup eid="%(group_eid)s" cwuri="None%(group_eid)s"/>
+  </in_group>
+  <in_state role="subject">
+    <State eid="%(state_eid)s" cwuri="None%(state_eid)s" name="activated"/>
+  </in_state>
+  <use_email role="subject">
+  </use_email>
+''' % {'date': SERIALIZERS['Datetime'](req.user.creation_date),
+       'state_eid': req.user.in_state[0].eid,
+       'group_eid': req.user.in_group[0].eid})
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main
+    unittest_main()
--- a/web/views/xmlrss.py	Wed Jun 22 18:53:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/web/views/xmlrss.py	Wed Jun 22 18:53:38 2011 +0200
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
 class XMLItemView(EntityView):
     __regid__ = 'xmlitem'
-    def cell_call(self, row, col):
-        """ element as an item for an xml feed """
-        entity = self.cw_rset.complete_entity(row, col)
+    def entity_call(self, entity):
+        """element as an item for an xml feed"""
+        entity.complete()
         source = entity.cw_metainformation()['source']['uri']
         self.w(u'<%s eid="%s" cwuri="%s" cwsource="%s">\n'
                % (entity.__regid__, entity.eid, xml_escape(entity.cwuri),
@@ -116,17 +116,31 @@
             self.w(u'  <%s role="%s">\n' % (rtype, role))
             for related in entity.related(rtype, role, entities=True):
-                # XXX put unique attributes as xml attribute, they are much
-                # probably used to search existing entities in client data feed,
-                # and putting it here may avoid an extra request to get those
-                # attributes values
-                self.w(u'    <%s eid="%s" cwuri="%s"/>\n'
-                       % (related.e_schema, related.eid,
-                          xml_escape(related.cwuri)))
+                related.view('xmlrelateditem', w=self.w)
             self.w(u'  </%s>\n' % rtype)
         self.w(u'</%s>\n' % (entity.e_schema))
+class XMLRelatedItemView(EntityView):
+    __regid__ = 'xmlrelateditem'
+    def entity_call(self, entity):
+        # XXX put unique attributes as xml attribute, they are much probably
+        # used to search existing entities in client data feed, and putting it
+        # here may avoid an extra request to get those attributes values
+        self.w(u'    <%s eid="%s" cwuri="%s"/>\n'
+               % (entity.e_schema, entity.eid, xml_escape(entity.cwuri)))
+class XMLRelatedItemStateView(XMLRelatedItemView):
+    __select__ = is_instance('State')
+    def entity_call(self, entity):
+        self.w(u'    <%s eid="%s" cwuri="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
+               % (entity.e_schema, entity.eid, xml_escape(entity.cwuri),
+                  xml_escape(entity.name)))
 class XMLRsetView(AnyRsetView):
     """dumps raw rset as xml"""
     __regid__ = 'rsetxml'