no more used for a while now tls-sprint
Tue, 17 Feb 2009 22:37:28 +0100
changeset 706 8be68582abb0
parent 705 937dd226f72a
child 707 21a59b468f1a
no more used for a while now
--- a/web/views/	Tue Feb 17 22:37:03 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<!-- rows are precomputed first to consume error messages if necessary -->
-<form method="post" id="entityForm" onsubmit="return validateForm('entityForm', null);"
-      action="%(action)s"
-      tal:define="rows python:[self.edit_form(e) for e in rset.entities()]"
-      >
-  <div tal:replace="structure self/error_message"/>
-  <div id="progress" tal:content="progress">validating changes...</div>
-  <fieldset>
-  <input type="hidden" name="__errorurl" value="#"
-         tal:attributes="value req/url;" />
-  <input type="hidden" name="__form_id" value="#"
-	 tal:attributes="value"/>
-  <input type="hidden" name="__redirectvid" value="primary"
-	 tal:attributes="value python:req.form.get('__redirectvid', 'list');"/>
-  <input type="hidden" name="__redirectrql" value="#"
-	 tal:attributes="value python:req.form.get('__redirectrql', rset.printable_rql());"/>
-  <table class="listing">
-    <tr class="header">
-      <th align="left"><input type="checkbox" onclick="setCheckboxesState('eid', this.checked)" value="" title="toggle check boxes" /></th>
-      <tal:th tal:iter="rdef python:sampleentity.relations_by_category('primary', 'add')">
-	<th tal:condition="python: rdef[0].type != 'eid'"
-            tal:content="python: rdef[0].display_name(req, rdef[-1])"/>
-      </tal:th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr tal:iter="row rows" tal:attributes="class python: repeat['row'].getOdd() and 'even' or 'odd'" tal:content="structure row"/>
-  </table>
-  <table width="100%%">
-    <tr>
-      <td align="left">
-	<input class="validateButton" type="submit"  value="#"
-	       tal:attributes="value okbuttonmsg; title okbuttontitle;"/>
-	<input class="validateButton" type="reset" name="__action_cancel" value="#"
-	       tal:attributes="value  cancelbuttonmsg; title cancelbuttontitle;"/>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
-  </fieldset>
--- a/web/views/	Tue Feb 17 22:37:03 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-<fieldset class="subentity">
-<legend class="iformTitle" tal:content="python: label">relations</legend>
-<table id="relatedEntities"
-       tal:define="pendings python: list(self.restore_pending_inserts(entity))">
-  <span tal:iter="row python: self.relations_table(entity)" tal:omit-tag="python: True">
-    <tr tal:condition="python: row[2]">
-      <th class="labelCol" tal:content="python: display_name(req, row[0].type, row[1])">relation name</th>
-      <td>
-	<ul>
-	  <li tal:iter="viewparams python: row[2]" class="invisible">
-	    <span tal:replace="structure python:viewparams[1]">[del it if you can]</span>
-	    <div tal:attributes="id python: 'span'+viewparams[0]; class python: viewparams[2]"
-                 tal:content="structure python: viewparams[3]">related entity view</div>
-	  </li>
-	  <li class="invisible"
-	      tal:condition="python: not self.force_display and self.maxrelitems &lt; len(row[2])"
-	      tal:content="structure python:self.force_display_link()"/>
-	</ul>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-  </span>
-  <tr tal:iter="row pendings"
-      tal:attributes="id python: 'tr' + row[1]">
-    <!-- row: (relname, nodeid, js, url, eview) -->
-    <th tal:content="python: row[3]">relation name</th>
-    <td>
-      <a class="handle" title="cancel this insert"
-	 tal:attributes="href python: row[2]">[x]</a>
-      <a class="editionPending"
-	 tal:attributes="href python: row[4]; id python: 'a' + row[1]"
-	 tal:content="python: row[5]">entity\'s text_view</a>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr tal:condition="not:pendings"><th>&nbsp;</th><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
-  <tr class="separator" tal:attributes="id string: relationSelectorRow_$eid;">
-    <th class="labelCol">
-      <span i18n:content="add relation"></span>
-      <select tal:attributes="id string: relationSelector_${eid};
-                              tabindex req/next_tabindex;
-			      onchange string: javascript:showMatchingSelect(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,${eid});">
-	<option value="" i18n:content="select a relation">select a relation</option>
-	<option tal:iter="rel python: entity.srelations_by_category(('generic', 'metadata'), 'add')" 
-                tal:attributes="value python: '%s_%s' % (rel[1], rel[2])"
-		tal:content="python: rel[0]">rel</option>
-      </select>
-    </th>
-    <td tal:attributes="id string: unrelatedDivs_$eid">
-    </td>
-  </tr>