[cubicweb/doc] Add tutorial on data import in CubicWeb.
authorVladimir Popescu <vladimir.popescu@logilab.fr>
Tue, 12 Mar 2013 18:31:15 +0100
changeset 8836 8a57802d40d3
parent 8835 3612b760488b
child 8840 bd5b5759c9b3
[cubicweb/doc] Add tutorial on data import in CubicWeb. This involves creating the "tutorials/dataimport" directory structure under "cubicweb/doc" and, inside the "dataimport" directory, putting several files: - a ResT file containing the tutorial *per se*; this tutorial addresses the following issues: * creating a CubicWeb schema for representing a given data set (here, the Diseasome RDF data, for illustration purposes); * parsing the data; * importing the data, by using several stores: + the ``RQLObjectStore``, ``NoHookRQLObjectStore`` and ``SQLGenObjectStore`` from the ``dataimport`` module in CubicWeb; + the ``MassiveObjectStore`` from the ``dataimport`` module in the ``dataio`` cube. The tutorial also provides timing benchmarks of the various stores. - a set of Python files illustrating the data import, in the context of Diseasome RDF data parsing: * a Diseasome RDF data parse module, * a Diseasome data import module, * a CubicWeb schema for representing Diseasome data.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/tutorials/dataimport/data_import_tutorial.rst	Tue Mar 12 18:31:15 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+Importing relational data into a CubicWeb instance
+This tutorial explains how to import data from an external source (e.g. a collection of files) 
+into a CubicWeb cube instance.
+First, once we know the format of the data we wish to import, we devise a 
+*data model*, that is, a CubicWeb (Yams) schema which reflects the way the data
+is structured. This schema is implemented in the ``schema.py`` file.
+In this tutorial, we will describe such a schema for a particular data set, 
+the Diseasome data (see below).
+Once the schema is defined, we create a cube and an instance. 
+The cube is a specification of an application, whereas an instance 
+is the application per se. 
+Once the schema is defined and the instance is created, the import can be performed, via
+the following steps:
+1. Build a custom parser for the data to be imported. Thus, one obtains a Python
+   memory representation of the data.
+2. Map the parsed data to the data model defined in ``schema.py``.
+3. Perform the actual import of the data. This comes down to "populating"
+   the data model with the memory representation obtained at 1, according to
+   the mapping defined at 2.
+This tutorial illustrates all the above steps in the context of relational data
+stored in the RDF format.
+More specifically, we describe the import of Diseasome_ RDF/OWL data.
+.. _Diseasome: http://datahub.io/dataset/fu-berlin-diseasome
+Building a data model
+The first thing to do when using CubicWeb for creating an application from scratch
+is to devise a *data model*, that is, a relational representation of the problem to be
+modeled or of the structure of the data to be imported. 
+In such a schema, we define
+an entity type (``EntityType`` objects) for each type of entity to import. Each such type
+has several attributes. If the attributes are of known CubicWeb (Yams) types, viz. numbers,
+strings or characters, then they are defined as attributes, as e.g. ``attribute = Int()``
+for an attribute named ``attribute`` which is an integer. 
+Each such type also has a set of
+relations, which are defined like the attributes, except that they represent, in fact,
+relations between the entities of the type under discussion and the objects of a type which
+is specified in the relation definition. 
+For example, for the Diseasome data, we have two types of entities, genes and diseases.
+Thus, we create two classes which inherit from ``EntityType``::
+    class Disease(EntityType):
+        # Corresponds to http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label
+        label = String(maxsize=512, fulltextindexed=True)
+        ...
+        #Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/diseasome/associatedGene
+        associated_genes = SubjectRelation('Gene', cardinality='**')
+        ...
+        #Corresponds to 'http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/diseasome/chromosomalLocation'
+        chromosomal_location = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='?*', inlined=True)
+    class Gene(EntityType):
+        ...
+In this schema, there are attributes whose values are numbers or strings. Thus, they are 
+defined by using the CubicWeb / Yams primitive types, e.g., ``label = String(maxsize=12)``. 
+These types can have several constraints or attributes, such as ``maxsize``. 
+There are also relations, either between the entity types themselves, or between them
+and a CubicWeb type, ``ExternalUri``. The latter defines a class of URI objects in 
+CubicWeb. For instance, the ``chromosomal_location`` attribute is a relation between 
+a ``Disease`` entity and an ``ExternalUri`` entity. The relation is marked by the CubicWeb /
+Yams ``SubjectRelation`` method. The latter can have several optional keyword arguments, such as
+``cardinality`` which specifies the number of subjects and objects related by the relation type 
+specified. For example, the ``'?*'`` cardinality in the ``chromosomal_relation`` relation type says
+that zero or more ``Disease`` entities are related to zero or one ``ExternalUri`` entities.
+In other words, a ``Disease`` entity is related to at most one ``ExternalUri`` entity via the
+``chromosomal_location`` relation type, and that we can have zero or more ``Disease`` entities in the
+data base. 
+For a relation between the entity types themselves, the ``associated_genes`` between a ``Disease``
+entity and a ``Gene`` entity is defined, so that any number of ``Gene`` entities can be associated
+to a ``Disease``, and there can be any number of ``Disease`` s if a ``Gene`` exists.
+Of course, before being able to use the CubicWeb / Yams built-in objects, we need to import them::
+    from yams.buildobjs import EntityType, SubjectRelation, String, Int
+    from cubicweb.schemas.base import ExternalUri
+Building a custom data parser
+The data we wish to import is structured in the RDF format,
+as a text file containing a set of lines. 
+On each line, there are three fields. 
+The first two fields are URIs ("Universal Resource Identifiers"). 
+The third field is either an URI or a string. Each field bares a particular meaning:
+- the leftmost field is an URI that holds the entity to be imported. 
+  Note that the entities defined in the data model (i.e., in ``schema.py``) should 
+  correspond to the entities whose URIs are specified in the import file.
+- the middle field is an URI that holds a relation whose subject is the  entity 
+  defined by the leftmost field. Note that this should also correspond
+  to the definitions in the data model.
+- the rightmost field is either an URI or a string. When this field is an URI, 
+  it gives the object of the relation defined by the middle field.
+  When the rightmost field is a string, the middle field is interpreted as an attribute
+  of the subject (introduced by the leftmost field) and the rightmost field is
+  interpreted as the value of the attribute.
+Note however that some attributes (i.e. relations whose objects are strings) 
+have their objects defined as strings followed by ``^^`` and by another URI;
+we ignore this part.
+Let us show some examples:
+- of line holding an attribute definition:
+  ``<http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/genes/CYP17A1> 
+  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "CYP17A1" .``
+  The line contains the definition of the ``label`` attribute of an
+  entity of type ``gene``. The value of ``label`` is '``CYP17A1``'.
+- of line holding a relation definition:
+  ``<http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/diseases/1> 
+  <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/diseasome/associatedGene> 
+  <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/genes/HADH2> .``
+  The line contains the definition of the ``associatedGene`` relation between
+  a ``disease`` subject entity identified by ``1`` and a ``gene`` object 
+  entity defined by ``HADH2``.
+Thus, for parsing the data, we can (:note: see the ``diseasome_parser`` module):
+1. define a couple of regular expressions for parsing the two kinds of lines, 
+   ``RE_ATTS`` for parsing the attribute definitions, and ``RE_RELS`` for parsing
+   the relation definitions.
+2. define a function that iterates through the lines of the file and retrieves
+   (``yield`` s) a (subject, relation, object) tuple for each line.
+   We called it ``_retrieve_structure`` in the ``diseasome_parser`` module.
+   The function needs the file name and the types for which information
+   should be retrieved.
+Alternatively, instead of hand-making the parser, one could use the RDF parser provided
+in the ``dataio`` cube.
+.. XXX To further study and detail the ``dataio`` cube usage.
+Once we get to have the (subject, relation, object) triples, we need to map them into
+the data model.
+Mapping the data to the schema
+In the case of diseasome data, we can just define two dictionaries for mapping
+the names of the relations as extracted by the parser, to the names of the relations
+as defined in the ``schema.py`` data model. In the ``diseasome_parser`` module 
+they are called ``MAPPING_ATTS`` and ``MAPPING_RELS``. 
+Given that the relation and attribute names are given in CamelCase in the original data,
+mappings are necessary if we follow the PEP08 when naming the attributes in the data model.
+For example, the RDF relation ``chromosomalLocation`` is mapped into the schema relation 
+Once these mappings have been defined, we just iterate over the (subject, relation, object)
+tuples provided by the parser and we extract the entities, with their attributes and relations.
+For each entity, we thus have a dictionary with two keys, ``attributes`` and ``relations``.
+The value associated to the ``attributes`` key is a dictionary containing (attribute: value) 
+pairs, where "value" is a string, plus the ``cwuri`` key / attribute holding the URI of 
+the entity itself.
+The value associated to the ``relations`` key is a dictionary containing (relation: value)
+pairs, where "value" is an URI.
+This is implemented in the ``entities_from_rdf`` interface function of the module 
+``diseasome_parser``. This function provides an iterator on the dictionaries containing
+the ``attributes`` and ``relations`` keys for all entities.
+However, this is a simple case. In real life, things can get much more complicated, and the 
+mapping can be far from trivial, especially when several data sources (which can follow 
+different formatting and even structuring conventions) must be mapped into the same data model.
+Importing the data
+The data import code should be placed in a Python module. Let us call it 
+``diseasome_import.py``. Then, this module should be called via
+``cubicweb-ctl``, as follows::
+    cubicweb-ctl shell diseasome_import.py -- <other arguments e.g. data file>
+In the import module, we should use a *store* for doing the import.
+A store is an object which provides three kinds of methods for
+importing data:
+- a method for importing the entities, along with the values
+  of their attributes.
+- a method for importing the relations between the entities.
+- a method for committing the imports to the database.
+In CubicWeb, we have four stores:
+1. ``ObjectStore`` base class for the stores in CubicWeb.
+   It only provides a skeleton for all other stores and
+   provides the means for creating the memory structures
+   (dictionaries) that hold the entities and the relations
+   between them.
+2. ``RQLObjectStore``: store which uses the RQL language for performing
+   database insertions and updates. It relies on all the CubicWeb hooks 
+   machinery, especially for dealing with security issues (database access
+   permissions).
+2. ``NoHookRQLObjectStore``: store which uses the RQL language for
+   performing database insertions and updates, but for which 
+   all hooks are deactivated. This implies that 
+   certain checks with respect to the CubicWeb / Yams schema 
+   (data model) are not performed. However, all SQL queries 
+   obtained from the RQL ones are executed in a sequential
+   manner, one query per inserted entity.
+4. ``SQLGenObjectStore``: store which uses the SQL language directly. 
+   It inserts entities either sequentially, by executing an SQL query 
+   for each entity, or directly by using one PostGRES ``COPY FROM`` 
+   query for a set of similarly structured entities. 
+For really massive imports (millions or billions of entities), there
+is a cube ``dataio`` which contains another store, called 
+``MassiveObjectStore``. This store is similar to ``SQLGenObjectStore``,
+except that anything related to CubicWeb is bypassed. That is, even the
+CubicWeb EID entity identifiers are not handled. This store is the fastest,
+but has a slightly different API from the other four stores mentioned above.
+Moreover, it has an important limitation, in that it doesn't insert inlined [#]_
+relations in the database. 
+.. [#] An inlined relation is a relation defined in the schema
+       with the keyword argument ``inlined=True``. Such a relation
+       is inserted in the database as an attribute of the entity
+       whose subject it is.
+In the following section we will see how to import data by using the stores
+in CubicWeb's ``dataimport`` module.
+Using the stores in ``dataimport``
+``ObjectStore`` is seldom used in real life for importing data, since it is
+only the base store for the other stores and it doesn't perform an actual
+import of the data. Nevertheless, the other three stores, which import data,
+are based on ``ObjectStore`` and provide the same API.
+All three stores ``RQLObjectStore``, ``NoHookRQLObjectStore`` and
+``SQLGenObjectStore`` provide exactly the same API for importing data, that is
+entities and relations, in an SQL database. 
+Before using a store, one must import the ``dataimport`` module and then initialize 
+the store, with the current ``session`` as a parameter::
+    import cubicweb.dataimport as cwdi
+    ...
+    store = cwdi.RQLObjectStore(session)
+Each such store provides three methods for data import:
+#. ``create_entity(Etype, **attributes)``, which allows us to add
+   an entity of the Yams type ``Etype`` to the database. This entity's attributes
+   are specified in the ``attributes`` dictionary. The method returns the entity 
+   created in the database. For example, we add two entities,
+   a person, of ``Person`` type, and a location, of ``Location`` type::
+        person = store.create_entity('Person', name='Toto', age='18', height='190')
+        location = store.create_entity('Location', town='Paris', arrondissement='13')
+#. ``relate(subject_eid, r_type, object_eid)``, which allows us to add a relation
+   of the Yams type ``r_type`` to the database. The relation's subject is an entity
+   whose EID is ``subject_eid``; its object is another entity, whose EID is 
+   ``object_eid``.  For example [#]_::
+        store.relate(person.eid(), 'lives_in', location.eid(), **kwargs)
+   ``kwargs`` is only used by the ``SQLGenObjectStore``'s ``relate`` method and is here
+   to allow us to specify the type of the subject of the relation, when the relation is
+   defined as inlined in the schema. 
+.. [#] The ``eid`` method of an entity defined via ``create_entity`` returns
+       the entity identifier as assigned by CubicWeb when creating the entity.
+       This only works for entities defined via the stores in the CubicWeb's
+       ``dataimport`` module.
+    The keyword argument that is understood by ``SQLGenObjectStore`` is called 
+   ``subjtype`` and holds the type of the subject entity. For the example considered here,
+   this comes to having [#]_::
+        store.relate(person.eid(), 'lives_in', location.eid(), subjtype=person.dc_type())
+   If ``subjtype`` is not specified, then the store tries to infer the type of the subject.
+   However, this doesn't always work, e.g. when there are several possible subject types
+   for a given relation type. 
+.. [#] The ``dc_type`` method of an entity defined via ``create_entity`` returns
+       the type of the entity just created. This only works for entities defined via
+       the stores in the CubicWeb's ``dataimport`` module. In the example considered
+       here, ``person.dc_type()`` returns ``'Person'``.
+   All the other stores but ``SQLGenObjectStore`` ignore the ``kwargs`` parameters.
+#. ``flush()``, which allows us to perform the actual commit into the database, along
+   with some cleanup operations. Ideally, this method should be called as often as 
+   possible, that is after each insertion in the database, so that database sessions
+   are kept as atomic as possible. In practice, we usually call this method twice: 
+   first, after all the entities have been created, second, after all relations have
+   been created. 
+   Note however that before each commit the database insertions
+   have to be consistent with the schema. Thus, if, for instance,
+   an entity has an attribute defined through a relation (viz.
+   a ``SubjectRelation``) with a ``"1"`` or ``"+"`` object 
+   cardinality, we have to create the entity under discussion,
+   the object entity of the relation under discussion, and the
+   relation itself, before committing the additions to the database.
+   The ``flush`` method is simply called as::
+        store.flush().
+Using the ``MassiveObjectStore`` in the ``dataio`` cube
+This store, available in the ``dataio`` cube, allows us to
+fully dispense with the CubicWeb import mechanisms and hence
+to interact directly with the database server, via SQL queries.
+Moreover, these queries rely on PostGreSQL's ``COPY FROM`` instruction
+to create several entities in a single query. This brings tremendous 
+performance improvements with respect to the RQL-based data insertion
+However, the API of this store is slightly different from the API of
+the stores in CubicWeb's ``dataimport`` module.
+Before using the store, one has to import the ``dataio`` cube's 
+``dataimport`` module, then initialize the store by giving it the
+``session`` parameter::
+    from cubes.dataio import dataimport as mcwdi
+    ...
+    store = mcwdi.MassiveObjectStore(session)
+The ``MassiveObjectStore`` provides six methods for inserting data
+into the database:
+#. ``init_rtype_table(SubjEtype, r_type, ObjEtype)``, which specifies the
+   creation of the tables associated to the relation types in the database.
+   Each such table has three column, the type of the subject entity, the
+   type of the relation (that is, the name of the attribute in the subject
+   entity which is defined via the relation), and the type of the object
+   entity. For example::
+        store.init_rtype_table('Person', 'lives_in', 'Location')
+   Please note that these tables can be created before the entities, since
+   they only specify their types, not their unique identifiers.
+#. ``create_entity(Etype, **attributes)``, which allows us to add new entities,
+   whose attributes are given in the ``attributes`` dictionary. 
+   Please note however that, by default, this method does *not* return 
+   the created entity. The method is called, for example, as in::
+        store.create_entity('Person', name='Toto', age='18', height='190', 
+                            uri='http://link/to/person/toto_18_190')
+        store.create_entity('Location', town='Paris', arrondissement='13',
+                            uri='http://link/to/location/paris_13')
+   In order to be able to link these entities via the relations when needed,
+   we must provide ourselves a means for uniquely identifying the entities.
+   In general, this is done via URIs, stored in attributes like ``uri`` or
+   ``cwuri``. The name of the attribute is irrelevant as long as its value is
+   unique for each entity.
+#. ``relate_by_iid(subject_iid, r_type, object_iid)`` allows us to actually 
+   relate the entities uniquely identified by ``subject_iid`` and 
+   ``object_iid`` via a relation of type ``r_type``. For example::
+        store.relate_by_iid('http://link/to/person/toto_18_190',
+                            'lives_in',
+                            'http://link/to/location/paris_13')
+   Please note that this method does *not* work for inlined relations!
+#. ``convert_relations(SubjEtype, r_type, ObjEtype, subj_iid_attribute,
+   obj_iid_attribute)``
+   allows us to actually insert
+   the relations in the database. At one call of this method, one inserts
+   all the relations of type ``rtype`` between entities of given types.
+   ``subj_iid_attribute`` and ``object_iid_attribute`` are the names
+   of the attributes which store the unique identifiers of the entities,
+   as assigned by the user. These names can be identical, as long as
+   their values are unique. For example, for inserting all relations
+   of type ``lives_in`` between ``People`` and ``Location`` entities,
+   we write::
+        store.convert_relations('Person', 'lives_in', 'Location', 'uri', 'uri')
+#. ``flush()`` performs the actual commit in the database. It only needs 
+   to be called after ``create_entity`` and ``relate_by_iid`` calls. 
+   Please note that ``relate_by_iid`` does *not* perform insertions into
+   the database, hence calling ``flush()`` for it would have no effect.
+#. ``cleanup()`` performs database cleanups, by removing temporary tables.
+   It should only be called at the end of the import.
+.. XXX to add smth on the store's parameter initialization.
+Application to the Diseasome data
+Import setup
+We define an import function, ``diseasome_import``, which does basically four things:
+#. creates and initializes the store to be used, via a line such as::
+        store = cwdi.SQLGenObjectStore(session)
+   where ``cwdi`` is the imported ``cubicweb.dataimport`` or 
+   ``cubes.dataio.dataimport``.
+#. calls the diseasome parser, that is, the ``entities_from_rdf`` function in the 
+   ``diseasome_parser`` module and iterates on its result, in a line such as::
+        for entity, relations in parser.entities_from_rdf(filename, ('gene', 'disease')):
+   where ``parser`` is the imported ``diseasome_parser`` module, and ``filename`` is the 
+   name of the file containing the data (with its path), e.g. ``../data/diseasome_dump.nt``.
+#. creates the entities to be inserted in the database; for Diseasome, there are two 
+   kinds of entities:
+   #. entities defined in the data model, viz. ``Gene`` and ``Disease`` in our case.
+   #. entities which are built in CubicWeb / Yams, viz. ``ExternalUri`` which define
+      URIs.
+   As we are working with RDF data, each entity is defined through a series of URIs. Hence,
+   each "relational attribute" [#]_ of an entity is defined via an URI, that is, in CubicWeb
+   terms, via an ``ExternalUri`` entity. The entities are created, in the loop presented above,
+   as such::
+        ent = store.create_entity(etype, **entity)
+   where ``etype`` is the appropriate entity type, either ``Gene`` or ``Disease``.
+.. [#] By "relational attribute" we denote an attribute (of an entity) which
+       is defined through a relation, e.g. the ``chromosomal_location`` attribute
+       of ``Disease`` entities, which is defined through a relation between a
+       ``Disease`` and an ``ExternalUri``.
+   The ``ExternalUri`` entities are as many as URIs in the data file. For them, we define a unique
+   attribute, ``uri``, which holds the URI under discussion::
+        extu = store.create_entity('ExternalUri', uri="http://path/of/the/uri")
+#. creates the relations between the entities. We have relations between:
+   #. entities defined in the schema, e.g. between ``Disease`` and ``Gene``
+      entities, such as the ``associated_genes`` relation defined for 
+      ``Disease`` entities.
+   #. entities defined in the schema and ``ExternalUri`` entities, such as ``gene_id``.
+   The way relations are added to the database depends on the store: 
+   - for the stores in the CubicWeb ``dataimport`` module, we only use 
+     ``store.relate``, in 
+     another loop, on the relations (that is, a 
+     loop inside the preceding one, mentioned at step 2)::
+        for rtype, rels in relations.iteritems():
+            ...
+            store.relate(ent.eid(), rtype, extu.eid(), **kwargs)
+     where ``kwargs`` is a dictionary designed to accommodate the need for specifying
+     the type of the subject entity of the relation, when the relation is inlined and
+     ``SQLGenObjectStore`` is used. For example::
+            ...
+            store.relate(ent.eid(), 'chromosomal_location', extu.eid(), subjtype='Disease')
+   - for the ``MassiveObjectStore`` in the ``dataio`` cube's ``dataimport`` module, 
+     the relations are created in three steps:
+     #. first, a table is created for each relation type, as in::
+            ...
+            store.init_rtype_table(ent.dc_type(), rtype, extu.dc_type())
+        which comes down to lines such as::
+            store.init_rtype_table('Disease', 'associated_genes', 'Gene')
+            store.init_rtype_table('Gene', 'gene_id', 'ExternalUri')
+     #. second, the URI of each entity will be used as its identifier, in the 
+        ``relate_by_iid`` method, such as::
+            disease_uri = 'http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/diseases/3'
+            gene_uri = '<http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/genes/HSD3B2'
+            store.relate_by_iid(disease_uri, 'associated_genes', gene_uri)
+     #. third, the relations for each relation type will be added to the database, 
+        via the ``convert_relations`` method, such as in::
+            store.convert_relations('Disease', 'associated_genes', 'Gene', 'cwuri', 'cwuri')
+        and::
+            store.convert_relations('Gene', 'hgnc_id', 'ExternalUri', 'cwuri', 'uri')
+        where ``cwuri`` and ``uri`` are the attributes which store the URIs of the entities
+        defined in the data model, and of the ``ExternalUri`` entities, respectively.
+#. flushes all relations and entities::
+    store.flush()
+   which performs the actual commit of the inserted entities and relations in the database.
+If the ``MassiveObjectStore`` is used, then a cleanup of temporary SQL tables should be performed
+at the end of the import::
+    store.cleanup()
+Timing benchmarks
+In order to time the import script, we just decorate the import function with the ``timed``
+    from logilab.common.decorators import timed
+    ...
+    @timed
+    def diseasome_import(session, filename):
+        ...
+After running the import function as shown in the "Importing the data" section, we obtain two time measurements::
+    diseasome_import clock: ... / time: ...
+Here, the meanings of these measurements are [#]_:
+- ``clock`` is the time spent by CubicWeb, on the server side (i.e. hooks and data pre- / post-processing on SQL 
+  queries),
+- ``time`` is the sum between ``clock`` and the time spent in PostGreSQL.
+.. [#] The meanings of the ``clock`` and ``time`` measurements, when using the ``@timed``
+       decorators, were taken from `a blog post on massive data import in CubicWeb`_.
+.. _a blog post on massive data import in CubicWeb: http://www.cubicweb.org/blogentry/2116712
+The import function is put in an import module, named ``diseasome_import`` here. The module is called
+directly from the CubicWeb shell, as follows::
+    cubicweb-ctl shell diseasome_instance diseasome_import.py \
+    -- -df diseasome_import_file.nt -st StoreName
+The module accepts two arguments:
+- the data file, introduced by ``-df [--datafile]``, and
+- the store, introduced by ``-st [--store]``.
+The timings (in seconds) for different stores are given in the following table, for 
+importing 4213 ``Disease`` entities and 3919 ``Gene`` entities with the import module
+just described:
+| Store                    | CubicWeb time (clock)  | PostGreSQL time (time - clock) | Total time |
+| ``RQLObjectStore``       | 225.98                 | 62.05                          | 288.03     |
+| ``NoHookRQLObjectStore`` | 62.73                  | 51.38                          | 114.11     |
+| ``SQLGenObjectStore``    | 20.41                  | 11.03                          | 31.44      |
+| ``MassiveObjectStore``   | 4.84                   | 6.93                           | 11.77      |
+In this tutorial we have seen how to import data in a CubicWeb application instance. We have first seen how to
+create a schema, then how to create a parser of the data and a mapping of the data to the schema.
+Finally, we have seen four ways of importing data into CubicWeb.
+Three of those are integrated into CubicWeb, namely the ``RQLObjectStore``, ``NoHookRQLObjectStore`` and
+``SQLGenObjectStore`` stores, which have a common API:
+- ``RQLObjectStore`` is by far the slowest, especially its time spent on the 
+  CubicWeb side, and so it should be used only for small amounts of 
+  "sensitive" data (i.e. where security is a concern).
+- ``NoHookRQLObjectStore`` slashes by almost four the time spent on the CubicWeb side, 
+  but is also quite slow; on the PostGres side it is as slow as the previous store. 
+  It should be used for data where security is not a concern,
+  but consistency (with the data model) is.
+- ``SQLGenObjectStore`` slashes by three the time spent on the CubicWeb side and by five the time 
+  spent on the PostGreSQL side. It should be used for relatively great amounts of data, where
+  security and data consistency are not a concern. Compared to the previous store, it has the
+  disadvantage that, for inlined relations, we must specify their subjects' types.
+For really huge amounts of data there is a fourth store, ``MassiveObjectStore``, available
+from the ``dataio`` cube. It provides a blazing performance with respect to all other stores:
+it is almost 25 times faster than ``RQLObjectStore`` and almost three times faster than 
+``SQLGenObjectStore``. However, it has a few usage caveats that should be taken into account:
+#. it cannot insert relations defined as inlined in the schema,
+#. no security or consistency check is performed on the data,
+#. its API is slightly different from the other stores.
+Hence, this store should be used when security and data consistency are not a concern,
+and there are no inlined relations in the schema.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/tutorials/dataimport/diseasome_import.py	Tue Mar 12 18:31:15 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# copyright 2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+# contact http://www.logilab.fr -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""This module imports the Diseasome data into a CubicWeb instance.
+# Python imports
+import sys
+import argparse
+# Logilab import, for timing
+from logilab.common.decorators import timed
+# CubicWeb imports
+import cubicweb.dataimport as cwdi
+from cubes.dataio import dataimport as mcwdi
+# Diseasome parser import
+import diseasome_parser as parser
+def _is_of_class(instance, class_name):
+    """Helper function to determine whether an instance is
+    of a specified class or not.
+    Returns a True if this is the case and False otherwise.
+    """
+    if instance.__class__.__name__ == class_name:
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def diseasome_import(session, file_name, store):
+    """Main function for importing Diseasome data.
+    It uses the Diseasome data parser to get the contents of the
+    data from a file, then uses a store for importing the data
+    into a CubicWeb instance.
+    >>> diseasome_import(session, 'file_name', Store)
+    """
+    exturis = dict(session.execute('Any U, X WHERE X is ExternalUri, X uri U'))
+    uri_to_eid = {}
+    uri_to_etype = {}
+    all_relations = {}
+    etypes = {('http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/'
+               'diseasome/resource/diseasome/genes'): 'Gene',
+              ('http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/'
+               'diseasome/resource/diseasome/diseases'): 'Disease'}
+    # Read the parsed data
+    for entity, relations in parser.entities_from_rdf(file_name, 
+                                                      ('gene', 'disease')):
+        uri = entity.get('cwuri', None)
+        types = list(relations.get('types', []))
+        if not types:
+            continue
+        etype = etypes.get(types[0])
+        if not etype:
+            sys.stderr.write('Entity type %s not recognized.', types[0])
+            sys.stderr.flush()
+        if _is_of_class(store, 'MassiveObjectStore'):
+            for relation in (set(relations).intersection(('classes', 
+                            'possible_drugs', 'omim', 'omim_page', 
+                            'chromosomal_location', 'same_as', 'gene_id',
+                            'hgnc_id', 'hgnc_page'))):
+                store.init_rtype_table(etype, relation, 'ExternalUri')
+            for relation in set(relations).intersection(('subtype_of',)):
+                store.init_rtype_table(etype, relation, 'Disease')
+            for relation in set(relations).intersection(('associated_genes',)):
+                store.init_rtype_table(etype, relation, 'Gene')
+        # Create the entities
+        ent = store.create_entity(etype, **entity)
+        if not _is_of_class(store, 'MassiveObjectStore'):
+            uri_to_eid[uri] = ent.eid
+            uri_to_etype[uri] = ent.dc_type()
+        else:
+            uri_to_eid[uri] = uri
+            uri_to_etype[uri] = etype
+        # Store relations for after
+        all_relations[uri] = relations
+    # Perform a first commit, of the entities
+    store.flush()
+    kwargs = {}
+    for uri, relations in all_relations.iteritems():
+        from_eid = uri_to_eid.get(uri)
+        # ``subjtype`` should be initialized if ``SQLGenObjectStore`` is used
+        # and there are inlined relations in the schema.
+        # If ``subjtype`` is not given, while ``SQLGenObjectStore`` is used
+        # and there are inlined relations in the schema, the store
+        # tries to infer the type of the subject, but this does not always 
+        # work, e.g. when there are several object types for the relation.
+        # ``subjtype`` is ignored for other stores, or if there are no
+        # inlined relations in the schema.
+        kwargs['subjtype'] = uri_to_etype.get(uri)
+        if not from_eid:
+            continue
+        for rtype, rels in relations.iteritems():
+            if rtype in ('classes', 'possible_drugs', 'omim', 'omim_page',
+                         'chromosomal_location', 'same_as', 'gene_id',
+                         'hgnc_id', 'hgnc_page'):
+                for rel in list(rels):
+                    if rel not in exturis:
+                        # Create the "ExternalUri" entities, which are the
+                        # objects of the relations
+                        extu = store.create_entity('ExternalUri', uri=rel)
+                        if not _is_of_class(store, 'MassiveObjectStore'):
+                            rel_eid = extu.eid
+                        else:
+                            # For the "MassiveObjectStore", the EIDs are 
+                            # in fact the URIs.
+                            rel_eid = rel
+                        exturis[rel] = rel_eid
+                    else:
+                        rel_eid = exturis[rel]
+                    # Create the relations that have "ExternalUri"s as objects
+                    if not _is_of_class(store, 'MassiveObjectStore'):
+                        store.relate(from_eid, rtype, rel_eid, **kwargs)
+                    else:
+                        store.relate_by_iid(from_eid, rtype, rel_eid)
+            elif rtype in ('subtype_of', 'associated_genes'):
+                for rel in list(rels):
+                    to_eid = uri_to_eid.get(rel)
+                    if to_eid:
+                        # Create relations that have objects of other type 
+                        # than "ExternalUri"
+                        if not _is_of_class(store, 'MassiveObjectStore'):
+                            store.relate(from_eid, rtype, to_eid, **kwargs)
+                        else:
+                            store.relate_by_iid(from_eid, rtype, to_eid)
+                    else:
+                        sys.stderr.write('Missing entity with URI %s '
+                                         'for relation %s' % (rel, rtype))
+                        sys.stderr.flush()
+    # Perform a second commit, of the "ExternalUri" entities.
+    # when the stores in the CubicWeb ``dataimport`` module are used,
+    # relations are also committed.
+    store.flush()
+    # If the ``MassiveObjectStore`` is used, then entity and relation metadata
+    # are pushed as well. By metadata we mean information on the creation
+    # time and author.
+    if _is_of_class(store, 'MassiveObjectStore'):
+        store.flush_meta_data()
+        for relation in ('classes', 'possible_drugs', 'omim', 'omim_page', 
+                         'chromosomal_location', 'same_as'):
+            # Afterwards, relations are actually created in the database.
+            store.convert_relations('Disease', relation, 'ExternalUri',
+                                    'cwuri', 'uri')
+        store.convert_relations('Disease', 'subtype_of', 'Disease', 
+                                'cwuri', 'cwuri')
+        store.convert_relations('Disease', 'associated_genes', 'Gene', 
+                                'cwuri', 'cwuri')
+        for relation in ('gene_id', 'hgnc_id', 'hgnc_page', 'same_as'):
+            store.convert_relations('Gene', relation, 'ExternalUri', 
+                                    'cwuri', 'uri')
+        # Clean up temporary tables in the database
+        store.cleanup()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # Change sys.argv so that ``cubicweb-ctl shell`` can work out the options
+    # we give to our ``diseasome_import.py`` script.
+    sys.argv = [arg for 
+                arg in sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--") - 1:] if arg != "--"]
+    PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Import Diseasome data")
+    PARSER.add_argument("-df", "--datafile", type=str,
+                        help="RDF data file name")
+    PARSER.add_argument("-st", "--store", type=str,
+                        default="RQLObjectStore",
+                        help="data import store")
+    ARGS = PARSER.parse_args()
+    if ARGS.datafile:
+        FILENAME = ARGS.datafile
+        if ARGS.store in (st + "ObjectStore" for 
+                          st in ("RQL", "NoHookRQL", "SQLGen")):
+            IMPORT_STORE = getattr(cwdi, ARGS.store)(session)
+        elif ARGS.store == "MassiveObjectStore":
+            IMPORT_STORE = mcwdi.MassiveObjectStore(session)
+        else:
+            sys.exit("Import store unknown")
+        diseasome_import(session, FILENAME, IMPORT_STORE)
+    else:
+        sys.exit("Data file not found or not specified")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/tutorials/dataimport/diseasome_parser.py	Tue Mar 12 18:31:15 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Diseasome data import module.
+Its interface is the ``entities_from_rdf`` function.
+import re
+RE_RELS = re.compile(r'^<(.*?)>\s<(.*?)>\s<(.*?)>\s*\.')
+RE_ATTS = re.compile(r'^<(.*?)>\s<(.*?)>\s"(.*)"(\^\^<(.*?)>|)\s*\.')
+MAPPING_ATTS = {'bio2rdfSymbol': 'bio2rdf_symbol',
+                'label': 'label',
+                'name': 'name',
+                'classDegree': 'class_degree',
+                'degree': 'degree',
+                'size': 'size'}
+MAPPING_RELS = {'geneId': 'gene_id',
+                'hgncId': 'hgnc_id', 
+                'hgncIdPage': 'hgnc_page', 
+                'sameAs': 'same_as', 
+                'class': 'classes', 
+                'diseaseSubtypeOf': 'subtype_of', 
+                'associatedGene': 'associated_genes', 
+                'possibleDrug': 'possible_drugs',
+                'type': 'types',
+                'omim': 'omim', 
+                'omimPage': 'omim_page', 
+                'chromosomalLocation': 'chromosomal_location'}
+def _retrieve_reltype(uri):
+    """
+    Retrieve a relation type from an URI.
+    Internal function which takes an URI containing a relation type as input
+    and returns the name of the relation.
+    If no URI string is given, then the function returns None.
+    """
+    if uri:
+        return uri.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].rsplit('#', 1)[-1]
+def _retrieve_etype(tri_uri):
+    """
+    Retrieve entity type from a triple of URIs.
+    Internal function whith takes a tuple of three URIs as input
+    and returns the type of the entity, as obtained from the
+    first member of the tuple.
+    """
+    if tri_uri:
+        return tri_uri.split('> <')[0].rsplit('/', 2)[-2].rstrip('s')
+def _retrieve_structure(filename, etypes):
+    """
+    Retrieve a (subject, relation, object) tuples iterator from a file.
+    Internal function which takes as input a file name and a tuple of 
+    entity types, and returns an iterator of (subject, relation, object)
+    tuples.
+    """
+    with open(filename) as fil:
+        for line in fil:
+            if _retrieve_etype(line) not in etypes:
+                continue
+            match = RE_RELS.match(line)
+            if not match:
+                match = RE_ATTS.match(line)
+            subj = match.group(1)
+            relation = _retrieve_reltype(match.group(2))
+            obj = match.group(3)
+            yield subj, relation, obj
+def entities_from_rdf(filename, etypes):
+    """
+    Return entities from an RDF file.
+    Module interface function which takes as input a file name and
+    a tuple of entity types, and returns an iterator on the 
+    attributes and relations of each entity. The attributes
+    and relations are retrieved as dictionaries.
+    >>> for entities, relations in entities_from_rdf('data_file', 
+                                                     ('type_1', 'type_2')):
+        ...
+    """
+    entities = {}
+    for subj, rel, obj in _retrieve_structure(filename, etypes):
+        entities.setdefault(subj, {})
+        entities[subj].setdefault('attributes', {})
+        entities[subj].setdefault('relations', {})
+        entities[subj]['attributes'].setdefault('cwuri', unicode(subj))
+        if rel in MAPPING_ATTS:
+            entities[subj]['attributes'].setdefault(MAPPING_ATTS[rel], 
+                                                    unicode(obj))
+        if rel in MAPPING_RELS:
+            entities[subj]['relations'].setdefault(MAPPING_RELS[rel], set())
+            entities[subj]['relations'][MAPPING_RELS[rel]].add(unicode(obj))
+    return ((ent.get('attributes'), ent.get('relations')) 
+            for ent in entities.itervalues())
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/tutorials/dataimport/schema.py	Tue Mar 12 18:31:15 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# copyright 2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+# contact http://www.logilab.fr -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""cubicweb-diseasome schema"""
+from yams.buildobjs import EntityType, SubjectRelation, String, Int
+from cubicweb.schemas.base import ExternalUri
+class Disease(EntityType):
+    """Disease entity definition.
+    A Disease entity is characterized by several attributes which are 
+    defined by URIs:
+    - a name, which we define as a CubicWeb / Yams String object
+    - a label, also defined as a Yams String
+    - a class degree, defined as a Yams Int (that is, an integer)
+    - a degree, also defined as a Yams Int
+    - size, also defined as an Int
+    - classes, defined as a set containing zero, one or several objects 
+      identified by their URIs, that is, objects of type ``ExternalUri``
+    - subtype_of, defined as a set containing zero, one or several
+      objects of type ``Disease``
+    - associated_genes, defined as a set containing zero, one or several
+      objects of type ``Gene``, that is, of genes associated to the
+      disease
+    - possible_drugs, defined as a set containing zero, one or several
+      objects, identified by their URIs, that is, of type ``ExternalUri``
+    - omim and omim_page are identifiers in the OMIM (Online Mendelian
+      Inheritance in Man) database, which contains an inventory of "human
+      genes and genetic phenotypes" 
+      (see http://http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim). Given that a disease
+      only has unique omim and omim_page identifiers, when it has them,
+      these attributes have been defined through relations such that
+      for each disease there is at most one omim and one omim_page. 
+      Each such identifier is defined through an URI, that is, through
+      an ``ExternalUri`` entity.
+      That is, these relations are of cardinality "?*". For optimization
+      purposes, one might be tempted to defined them as inlined, by setting
+      the ``inlined`` keyword argument to ``True``.
+    - chromosomal_location is also defined through a relation of 
+      cardinality "?*", since any disease has at most one chromosomal
+      location associated to it.
+    - same_as is also defined through an URI, and hence through a
+      relation having ``ExternalUri`` entities as objects.
+    For more information on this data set and the data set itself, 
+    please consult http://datahub.io/dataset/fu-berlin-diseasome.
+    """
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/name
+    name = String(maxsize=256, fulltextindexed=True)
+    # Corresponds to http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label
+    label = String(maxsize=512, fulltextindexed=True)
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/classDegree
+    class_degree = Int()
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/degree
+    degree = Int()
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/size
+    size = Int()
+    #Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/class
+    classes = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='**')
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/diseaseSubtypeOf
+    subtype_of = SubjectRelation('Disease', cardinality='**')
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/associatedGene
+    associated_genes = SubjectRelation('Gene', cardinality='**')
+    #Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/possibleDrug
+    possible_drugs = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='**')
+    #Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/omim
+    omim = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='?*', inlined=True)
+    #Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/omimPage
+    omim_page = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='?*', inlined=True)
+    #Corresponds to 'http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/chromosomalLocation'
+    chromosomal_location = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='?*',
+                                           inlined=True)
+    #Corresponds to http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs
+    same_as = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='**')
+class Gene(EntityType):
+    """Gene entity defintion.
+    A gene is characterized by the following attributes:
+    - label, defined through a Yams String.
+    - bio2rdf_symbol, also defined as a Yams String, since it is 
+      just an identifier.
+    - gene_id is an URI identifying a gene, hence it is defined
+      as a relation with an ``ExternalUri`` object.
+    - a pair of unique identifiers in the HUGO Gene Nomenclature
+      Committee (http://http://www.genenames.org/). They are defined
+      as ``ExternalUri`` entities as well.
+    - same_as is also defined through an URI, and hence through a
+      relation having ``ExternalUri`` entities as objects.
+    """
+    # Corresponds to http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label
+    label = String(maxsize=512, fulltextindexed=True)
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/geneId
+    gene_id = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='**')
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/hgncId
+    hgnc_id = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='**')
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/hgncIdPage
+    hgnc_page = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='**')
+    # Corresponds to http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/diseasome/resource/
+    # diseasome/bio2rdfSymbol
+    bio2rdf_symbol = String(maxsize=64, fulltextindexed=True)
+    #Corresponds to http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs
+    same_as = SubjectRelation('ExternalUri', cardinality='**')