backport stable
authorSylvain Thénault <>
Wed, 03 Mar 2010 17:51:49 +0100 (2010-03-03)
changeset 4762 8dce25da9d95
parent 4737 64143d458495 (current diff)
parent 4761 e37932b89a6a (diff)
child 4763 81b0df087375
backport stable
--- a/devtools/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/devtools/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
     # workflow related
-    'workflow_of', 'state_of', 'transition_of', 'initial_state', 'allowed_transition',
-    'destination_state', 'from_state', 'to_state',
+    'workflow_of', 'state_of', 'transition_of', 'initial_state', 'default_workflow',
+    'allowed_transition', 'destination_state', 'from_state', 'to_state',
     'condition', 'subworkflow', 'subworkflow_state', 'subworkflow_exit',
     'custom_workflow', 'in_state', 'wf_info_for',
     # cwproperty
--- a/doc/book/en/admin/ldap.rst	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/doc/book/en/admin/ldap.rst	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,64 @@
 LDAP integration
-XXX feed me
\ No newline at end of file
+Using LDAP as a source for user credentials and information is quite
+easy. The most difficult part lies in building an LDAP schema or
+using an existing one.
+At cube creation time, one is asked if more sources are wanted. LDAP
+is one possible option at this time. Of course, it is always possible
+to set it up later in the `source` configuration file, which we
+discuss there.
+It is possible to add as many LDAP sources as wanted, which translates
+in as many [ldapxxx] sections in the `source` configuration file.
+The general principle of the LDAP source is, given a proper
+configuration, to create local users matching the users available in
+the directory, deriving local user attributes from directory users
+attributes. Then a periodic task ensures local user information
+synchronization with the directory.
+Credential checks are _always_ done against the LDAP server.
+The base functionality for this is in
+Configurations options
+Let us enumerate the options (but please keep in mind that the
+authoritative source for these is in the aforementioned python
+module), by categories (LDAP server connection, LDAP schema mapping
+information, LDAP source internal configuration).
+LDAP server connection options:
+* host: may contain port information using <host>:<port> notation.
+* protocol (choices are ldap, ldaps, ldapi)
+* auth-mode (choices are simple, cram_md5, digest_md5, gssapi, support
+  for the later being partial as of now)
+* auth-realm, realm to use when using gssapi/kerberos authentication
+* data-cnx-dn, user dn to use to open data connection to the ldap (eg
+  used to respond to rql queries)
+* data-cnx-password, password to use to open data connection to the
+  ldap (eg used to respond to rql queries)
+LDAP schema mapping:
+* user-base-dn, base DN to lookup for users
+* user-scope, user search scope
+* user-classes, classes of user
+* user-attrs-map, map from ldap user attributes to cubicweb attributes
+* user-login-attr, attribute used as login on authentication
+LDAP source internal configuration:
+* user-default-group, name of a group in which ldap users will be by
+  default. You can set multiple groups by separating them by a comma
+* synchronization-interval, interval between synchronization with the
+  ldap directory in seconds (default to once a day)
+* life time of query cache in minutes (default to two hours).
--- a/doc/book/en/development/devweb/controllers.rst	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/doc/book/en/development/devweb/controllers.rst	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,79 @@
-XXX the view controller, other controllers
\ No newline at end of file
+Controllers are responsible for taking action upon user requests
+(loosely following the terminology of the MVC meta pattern).
+The following controllers are provided out-of-the box in CubicWeb. We
+list them by category.
+* the View controller (web/views/ is associated
+  with most browsing actions within a CubicWeb application: it always
+  instantiates a `main template` and lets the ResultSet/Views dispatch
+  system build up the whole content; it handles ObjectNotFound and
+  NoSelectableObject errors that may bubble up to its entry point, in
+  an end-user-friendly way (but other programming errors will slip
+  through)
+* the JSon controller (web/views/ provides services
+  for Ajax calls, typically using JSON as a serialization format for
+  input, and sometimes using either JSON or XML for output; 
+* the Login/Logout controllers (web/views/ make
+  effective user login or logout requests
+* the Edit controller (web/views/ handles CRUD
+  operations in response to a form being submitted; it works in close
+  association with the Forms, to which it delegates some of the work
+* the Form validator controller (web/views/
+  provides form validation from Ajax context, using the Edit
+  controller, to implement the classic form handling loop (user edits,
+  hits 'submit/apply', validation occurs server-side by way of the
+  Form validator controller, and the UI is decorated with failure
+  information, either global or per-field , until it is valid)
+* the SendMail controller (web/views/ is reponsible
+  for outgoing email notifications
+* the MailBugReport controller (web/views/ allows
+  to quickly have a `repotbug` feature in one's application
+All controllers (should) live in the 'controllers' namespace within
+the global registry.
+Most API details should be resolved by source code inspection, as the
+various controllers have differing goals.
+`web/` contains the top-level abstract Controller class and
+its (NotImplemented) entry point `publish(rset=None)` method.
+A handful of helpers are also provided there:
+* process_rql builds a result set from an rql query typically issued
+  from the browser (and available through _cw.form['rql'])
+* validate_cache will force cache validation handling with respect to
+  the HTTP Cache directives (that were typically originally issued
+  from a previous server -> client response); concrete Controller
+  implementations dealing with HTTP (thus, for instance, not the
+  SendMail controller) may very well call this in their publication
+  process.
--- a/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@
             del self.__unique
         except AttributeError:
     # raw edition utilities ###################################################
     def set_attributes(self, _cw_unsafe=False, **kwargs):
--- a/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -50,8 +50,9 @@
 WORKFLOW_TYPES = set(('Transition', 'State', 'TrInfo', 'Workflow',
-                         'WorkflowTransition', 'BaseTransition',
-                         'SubWorkflowExitPoint'))
+                      'WorkflowTransition', 'BaseTransition',
+                      'SubWorkflowExitPoint'))
 INTERNAL_TYPES = set(('CWProperty', 'CWPermission', 'CWCache', 'ExternalUri'))
@@ -63,6 +64,31 @@
 ybo.RDEF_PROPERTIES += ('eid',)
+    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
+    'add':    ('managers',),
+    'delete': ('managers',),
+    'update': ('managers',),
+    }
+    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
+    'add':    ('managers',),
+    'delete': ('managers',),
+    }
+    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
+    'update':    ('managers',),
+    }
+    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
+    'add':    (),
+    'delete': (),
+    }
+    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
+    'update': (),
+    }
 # XXX same algorithm as in reorder_cubes and probably other place,
 # may probably extract a generic function
 def order_eschemas(eschemas):
@@ -369,7 +395,8 @@
         if need_has_text is None:
             need_has_text = may_need_has_text
         if need_has_text and not has_has_text and not deletion:
-            rdef = ybo.RelationDefinition(self.type, 'has_text', 'String')
+            rdef = ybo.RelationDefinition(self.type, 'has_text', 'String',
+                                          __permissions__=RO_ATTR_PERMS)
         elif not need_has_text and has_has_text:
             self.schema.del_relation_def(self.type, 'has_text', 'String')
@@ -491,9 +518,11 @@
         if not
             # automatically add the eid relation to non final entity types
             rdef = ybo.RelationDefinition(eschema.type, 'eid', 'Int',
-                                          cardinality='11', uid=True)
+                                          cardinality='11', uid=True,
+                                          __permissions__=RO_ATTR_PERMS)
-            rdef = ybo.RelationDefinition(eschema.type, 'identity', eschema.type)
+            rdef = ybo.RelationDefinition(eschema.type, 'identity', eschema.type,
+                                          __permissions__=RO_REL_PERMS)
         self._eid_index[eschema.eid] = eschema
         return eschema
@@ -1054,8 +1083,16 @@
         cw = entity._cw
     elif form is not None:
         cw = form._cw
-    if cw is not None and cw.user.has_permission(PERM_USE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT):
-        return self.regular_formats + tuple(NEED_PERM_FORMATS)
+    if cw is not None:
+        if hasattr(cw, 'is_super_session'):
+            # cw is a server session
+            hasperm = cw.is_super_session or \
+                      not cw.vreg.config.is_hook_category_activated('integrity') or \
+                      cw.user.has_permission(PERM_USE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT)
+        else:
+            hasperm = cw.user.has_permission(PERM_USE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT)
+        if hasperm:
+            return self.regular_formats + tuple(NEED_PERM_FORMATS)
     return self.regular_formats
 # XXX monkey patch PyFileReader.import_erschema until bw_normalize_etype is
--- a/schemas/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/schemas/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -1,38 +1,25 @@
 """some utilities to define schema permissions
 :organization: Logilab
-:copyright: 2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:copyright: 2008-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 :contact: --
 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
 from rql.utils import quote
-from cubicweb.schema import ERQLExpression, RRQLExpression
+from cubicweb.schema import RO_REL_PERMS, RO_ATTR_PERMS, \
+     ERQLExpression, RRQLExpression
 # permissions for "meta" entity type (readable by anyone, can only be
 # added/deleted by managers)
-    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
-    'add':    ('managers',),
-    'delete': ('managers',),
-    'update': ('managers', 'owners',),
-    }
 # permissions for "meta" relation type (readable by anyone, can only be
 # added/deleted by managers)
-    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
-    'add':    ('managers',),
-    'delete': ('managers',),
-    }
 # permissions for relation type that should only set by hooks using unsafe
 # execute, readable by anyone
-    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
-    'add':    (),
-    'delete': (),
-    }
 def _perm(names):
     if isinstance(names, (list, tuple)):
--- a/schemas/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/schemas/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 from yams.buildobjs import (EntityType, RelationType, SubjectRelation,
                             String, Datetime, Password)
-from cubicweb.schema import (RQLConstraint, WorkflowableEntityType,
-                             ERQLExpression, RRQLExpression)
-from cubicweb.schemas import META_ETYPE_PERMS, META_RTYPE_PERMS
+from cubicweb.schema import (
+    RQLConstraint, WorkflowableEntityType, ERQLExpression, RRQLExpression,
 class CWUser(WorkflowableEntityType):
     """define a CubicWeb user"""
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 class in_group(RelationType):
     """core relation indicating a user's groups"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
 class owned_by(RelationType):
     """core relation indicating owners of an entity. This relation
@@ -118,18 +118,21 @@
 class creation_date(RelationType):
     """creation time of an entity"""
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ATTR_PERMS
     cardinality = '11'
     subject = '*'
     object = 'Datetime'
 class modification_date(RelationType):
     """latest modification time of an entity"""
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ATTR_PERMS
     cardinality = '11'
     subject = '*'
     object = 'Datetime'
 class cwuri(RelationType):
     """internal entity uri"""
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ATTR_PERMS
     cardinality = '11'
     subject = '*'
     object = 'String'
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@
 class CWPermission(EntityType):
     """entity type that may be used to construct some advanced security configuration
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True, maxsize=100,
                   description=_('name or identifier of the permission'))
@@ -170,11 +173,11 @@
     """link a permission to the entity. This permission should be used in the
     security definition of the entity's type to be useful.
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
 class require_group(RelationType):
     """used to grant a permission to a group"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
 class ExternalUri(EntityType):
@@ -209,6 +212,8 @@
     Also, checkout the AppObject.get_cache() method.
+    # XXX only handle by hooks, shouldn't be readable/editable at all through
+    # the ui and so no permissions should be granted, no?
     __permissions__ = {
         'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests'),
         'add':    ('managers',),
--- a/schemas/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/schemas/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -10,14 +10,16 @@
 from yams.buildobjs import (EntityType, RelationType, RelationDefinition,
                             SubjectRelation, RichString, String, Boolean, Int)
-from cubicweb.schema import RQLConstraint
-from cubicweb.schemas import META_ETYPE_PERMS, META_RTYPE_PERMS
+from cubicweb.schema import (
+    RQLConstraint,
+    )
 # not restricted since as "is" is handled as other relations, guests need
 # access to this
 class CWEType(EntityType):
     """define an entity type, used to build the instance schema"""
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
                   unique=True, maxsize=64)
     description = RichString(internationalizable=True,
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
 class CWRType(EntityType):
     """define a relation type, used to build the instance schema"""
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
                   unique=True, maxsize=64)
     description = RichString(internationalizable=True,
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@
     used to build the instance schema
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     relation_type = SubjectRelation('CWRType', cardinality='1*',
                                     constraints=[RQLConstraint('O final TRUE')],
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@
     used to build the instance schema
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     relation_type = SubjectRelation('CWRType', cardinality='1*',
                                     constraints=[RQLConstraint('O final FALSE')],
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@
 # not restricted since it has to be read when checking allowed transitions
 class RQLExpression(EntityType):
     """define a rql expression used to define permissions"""
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     exprtype = String(required=True, vocabulary=['ERQLExpression', 'RRQLExpression'])
     mainvars = String(maxsize=8,
                       description=_('name of the main variables which should be '
@@ -134,14 +136,14 @@
 class CWConstraint(EntityType):
     """define a schema constraint"""
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     cstrtype = SubjectRelation('CWConstraintType', cardinality='1*')
     value = String(description=_('depends on the constraint type'))
 class CWConstraintType(EntityType):
     """define a schema constraint type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
                   unique=True, maxsize=64)
@@ -149,7 +151,7 @@
 # not restricted since it has to be read when checking allowed transitions
 class CWGroup(EntityType):
     """define a CubicWeb users group"""
-    __permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
     name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
                   unique=True, maxsize=64)
@@ -173,32 +175,32 @@
 class relation_type(RelationType):
     """link a relation definition to its relation type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     inlined = True
 class from_entity(RelationType):
     """link a relation definition to its subject entity type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     inlined = True
 class to_entity(RelationType):
     """link a relation definition to its object entity type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     inlined = True
 class constrained_by(RelationType):
     """constraints applying on this relation"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
 class cstrtype(RelationType):
     """constraint factory"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     inlined = True
 class read_permission_cwgroup(RelationDefinition):
     """groups allowed to read entities/relations of this type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     name = 'read_permission'
     subject = ('CWEType', 'CWAttribute', 'CWRelation')
     object = 'CWGroup'
@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@
 class add_permission_cwgroup(RelationDefinition):
     """groups allowed to add entities/relations of this type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     name = 'add_permission'
     subject = ('CWEType', 'CWRelation')
     object = 'CWGroup'
@@ -214,7 +216,7 @@
 class delete_permission_cwgroup(RelationDefinition):
     """groups allowed to delete entities/relations of this type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     name = 'delete_permission'
     subject = ('CWEType', 'CWRelation')
     object = 'CWGroup'
@@ -222,7 +224,7 @@
 class update_permission_cwgroup(RelationDefinition):
     """groups allowed to update entities/relations of this type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     name = 'update_permission'
     subject = ('CWEType', 'CWAttribute')
     object = 'CWGroup'
@@ -230,7 +232,7 @@
 class read_permission_rqlexpr(RelationDefinition):
     """rql expression allowing to read entities/relations of this type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     name = 'read_permission'
     subject = ('CWEType', 'CWAttribute', 'CWRelation')
     object = 'RQLExpression'
@@ -239,7 +241,7 @@
 class add_permission_rqlexpr(RelationDefinition):
     """rql expression allowing to add entities/relations of this type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     name = 'add_permission'
     subject = ('CWEType', 'CWRelation')
     object = 'RQLExpression'
@@ -248,7 +250,7 @@
 class delete_permission_rqlexpr(RelationDefinition):
     """rql expression allowing to delete entities/relations of this type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     name = 'delete_permission'
     subject = ('CWEType', 'CWRelation')
     object = 'RQLExpression'
@@ -257,7 +259,7 @@
 class update_permission_rqlexpr(RelationDefinition):
     """rql expression allowing to update entities/relations of this type"""
-    __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
+    __permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
     name = 'update_permission'
     subject = ('CWEType', 'CWAttribute')
     object = 'RQLExpression'
@@ -305,3 +307,13 @@
     cardinality = '?*'
     subject = 'CWEType'
     object = 'CWEType'
+def post_build_callback(schema):
+    """set attributes permissions for schema/workflow entities"""
+    from cubicweb.schema import SCHEMA_TYPES, WORKFLOW_TYPES, META_RTYPES
+    for eschema in schema.entities():
+        if eschema in SCHEMA_TYPES or eschema in WORKFLOW_TYPES:
+            for rschema in eschema.subject_relations():
+                if and not rschema in META_RTYPES:
+                    rdef = eschema.rdef(rschema)
+                    rdef.permissions = PUB_SYSTEM_ATTR_PERMS
--- a/server/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/server/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
     handler.install_custom_sql_scripts(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'schemas'), driver)
     for directory in reversed(config.cubes_path()):
         handler.install_custom_sql_scripts(join(directory, 'schema'), driver)
+    # serialize the schema
     initialize_schema(config, schema, handler)
     # yoo !
--- a/server/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/server/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
         self.preprocess(rqlst, security=False)
         return rqlst
 class InsertPlan(ExecutionPlan):
     """an execution model specific to the INSERT rql query
--- a/server/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/server/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@
     #     skip that for super session (though we can still skip it for internal
     #     sessions). Also we should imo rely on the orm to first fetch existing
     #     entity if any then delete it.
-    if session.is_internal_session:
+    if session.is_internal_session \
+           or not session.vreg.config.is_hook_category_activated('integrity'):
     card = session.schema_rproperty(rtype, eidfrom, eidto, 'cardinality')
     # one may be tented to check for neweids but this may cause more than one
--- a/server/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/server/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -51,10 +51,6 @@
     return res
 # schema / perms deserialization ##############################################
-OLD_SCHEMA_TYPES = frozenset(('EFRDef', 'ENFRDef', 'ERType', 'EEType',
-                              'EConstraintType', 'EConstraint', 'EGroup',
-                              'EUser', 'ECache', 'EPermission', 'EProperty'))
 def deserialize_schema(schema, session):
     """return a schema according to information stored in an rql database
     as CWRType and CWEType entities
@@ -90,12 +86,6 @@
                                {'x': eid, 'n': netype})
             session.system_sql('UPDATE entities SET type=%(n)s WHERE type=%(x)s',
                                {'x': etype, 'n': netype})
-            # XXX should be donne as well on sqlite based sources
-            if not etype in OLD_SCHEMA_TYPES and \
-               (getattr(dbhelper, 'case_sensitive', False)
-                or etype.lower() != netype.lower()):
-                session.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s%s RENAME TO %s%s' % (
-                    sqlutils.SQL_PREFIX, etype, sqlutils.SQL_PREFIX, netype))
                 session.system_sql('UPDATE deleted_entities SET type=%(n)s WHERE type=%(x)s',
@@ -182,6 +172,17 @@
             res.setdefault(eid, {}).setdefault(action, []).append( (expr, mainvars, expreid) )
     return res
+def deserialize_rdef_constraints(session):
+    """return the list of relation definition's constraints as instances"""
+    res = {}
+    for rdefeid, ceid, ct, val in session.execute(
+        'Any E, X,TN,V WHERE E constrained_by X, X is CWConstraint, '
+        'X cstrtype T, T name TN, X value V', build_descr=False):
+        cstr = CONSTRAINTS[ct].deserialize(val)
+        cstr.eid = ceid
+        res.setdefault(rdefeid, []).append(cstr)
+    return res
 def set_perms(erschema, permsdict):
     """set permissions on the given erschema according to the permission
     definition dictionary as built by deserialize_ertype_permissions for a
@@ -202,21 +203,9 @@
             for p in somethings)
-def deserialize_rdef_constraints(session):
-    """return the list of relation definition's constraints as instances"""
-    res = {}
-    for rdefeid, ceid, ct, val in session.execute(
-        'Any E, X,TN,V WHERE E constrained_by X, X is CWConstraint, '
-        'X cstrtype T, T name TN, X value V', build_descr=False):
-        cstr = CONSTRAINTS[ct].deserialize(val)
-        cstr.eid = ceid
-        res.setdefault(rdefeid, []).append(cstr)
-    return res
 # schema / perms serialization ################################################
-def serialize_schema(cursor, schema, verbose=False):
+def serialize_schema(cursor, schema):
     """synchronize schema and permissions in the database according to
     current schema
@@ -224,38 +213,40 @@
     if not quiet:
         _title = '-> storing the schema in the database '
         print _title,
-    execute = cursor.execute
+    execute = cursor.unsafe_execute
     eschemas = schema.entities()
     aller = eschemas + schema.relations()
-    if not verbose and not quiet:
+    if not quiet:
         pb_size = len(aller) + len(CONSTRAINTS) + len([x for x in eschemas if x.specializes()])
         pb = ProgressBar(pb_size, title=_title)
         pb = None
+    # serialize all entity types, assuring CWEType is serialized first
+    eschemas.remove(schema.eschema('CWEType'))
+    eschemas.insert(0, schema.eschema('CWEType'))
+    for eschema in eschemas:
+        execschemarql(execute, eschema, eschema2rql(eschema, groupmap))
+        if pb is not None:
+            pb.update()
+    # serialize constraint types
     rql = 'INSERT CWConstraintType X: X name %(ct)s'
     for cstrtype in CONSTRAINTS:
-        if verbose:
-            print rql
         execute(rql, {'ct': unicode(cstrtype)}, build_descr=False)
         if pb is not None:
-    groupmap = group_mapping(cursor, interactive=False)
-    for ertype in aller:
-        # skip eid and has_text relations
-        if ertype in VIRTUAL_RTYPES:
+    # serialize relations
+    for rschema in schema.relations():
+        # skip virtual relations such as eid, has_text and identity
+        if rschema in VIRTUAL_RTYPES:
             if pb is not None:
         for rql, kwargs in erschema2rql(schema[ertype], groupmap):
-            if verbose:
-                print rql % kwargs
             execute(rql, kwargs, build_descr=False)
         if pb is not None:
     for rql, kwargs in specialize2rql(schema):
-        if verbose:
-            print rql % kwargs
-        execute(rql, kwargs, build_descr=False)
+        assert execute(rql, kwargs, build_descr=False)
         if pb is not None:
     if not quiet:
--- a/server/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/server/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@
     # check user's state at login time
     consider_user_state = True
+    # XXX hooks control stuff should probably be on the session, not on the config
     # hooks activation configuration
     # all hooks should be activated during normal execution
     disabled_hooks_categories = set()
@@ -232,9 +234,13 @@
     def is_hook_activated(cls, hook):
+        return cls.is_hook_category_activated(hook.category)
+    @classmethod
+    def is_hook_category_activated(cls, category):
         if cls.hooks_mode is cls.DENY_ALL:
-            return hook.category in cls.enabled_hooks_categories
-        return hook.category not in cls.disabled_hooks_categories
+            return category in cls.enabled_hooks_categories
+        return category not in cls.disabled_hooks_categories
     # should some hooks be deactivated during [pre|post]create script execution
     free_wheel = False
--- a/server/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/server/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
                         operation.handle_event('revert%s_event' % trstate)
                     # XXX use slice notation since self.pending_operations is a
                     # read-only property.
-                    self.pending_operations[:] = processed + self.pending_operations 
+                    self.pending_operations[:] = processed + self.pending_operations
--- a/server/test/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/server/test/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
         result, descr = rset.rows, rset.description
         self.assertEquals(descr[0][0], 'String')
         self.assertEquals(descr[0][1], 'Int')
-        self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 'RQLExpression') # XXX may change as schema evolve
+        self.assertEquals(result[0][0], 'CWRelation') # XXX may change as schema evolve
     def test_select_groupby_orderby(self):
         rset = self.execute('Any N GROUPBY N ORDERBY N WHERE X is CWGroup, X name N')
--- a/web/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/web/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -61,12 +61,10 @@
         self._edited_entity = None
     def publish(self, rset=None):
-        """publish the current request, with an option input rql string
-        (already processed if necessary)
-        """
+        """publish the current request, with an optional input rset"""
         raise NotImplementedError
-    # generic methods useful for concret implementations ######################
+    # generic methods useful for concrete implementations ######################
     def process_rql(self, rql):
         """execute rql if specified"""
@@ -102,6 +100,7 @@
         if not self._edited_entity:
             self._edited_entity = entity
+    # XXX move to EditController (only customer)
     def delete_entities(self, eidtypes):
         """delete entities from the repository"""
         redirect_info = set()
@@ -125,6 +124,7 @@
+    # XXX is that used AT ALL ?
     def reset(self):
         """reset form parameters and redirect to a view determinated by given
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
+    # XXX is that used AT ALL ?
     def _return_to_original_view(self, newparams):
         """validate-button case"""
         # transforms __redirect[*] parameters into regular form parameters
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@
         url = append_url_params(url, self._cw.form.get('__redirectparams'))
         raise Redirect(url)
+    # XXX is that used AT ALL ?
     def _return_to_edition_view(self, newparams):
         """apply-button case"""
         form = self._cw.form
@@ -197,6 +198,7 @@
         raise Redirect(self._cw.build_url(path, **newparams))
+    # XXX is that used AT ALL ?
     def _return_to_lastpage(self, newparams):
         """cancel-button case: in this case we are always expecting to go back
         where we came from, and this is not easy. Currently we suppose that
--- a/web/data/cubicweb.widgets.js	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/web/data/cubicweb.widgets.js	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@
 function toggleTree(event) {
     var linode = jQuery(this);
     var url = linode.attr('cubicweb:loadurl');
-    linode.find('ul.placeholder').remove();
     if (url) {
+        linode.find('ul.placeholder').remove();
 	linode.loadxhtml(url, {callback: function(domnode) {
 	    jQuery(domnode).treeview({toggle: toggleTree,
--- a/web/test/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/web/test/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -43,13 +43,11 @@
                            ('firstname', 'subject'),
                            ('surname', 'subject'),
                            ('in_group', 'subject'),
-                           ('eid', 'subject'),
         self.assertListEquals(rbc(e, 'muledit', 'attributes'),
                               [('login', 'subject'),
                                ('upassword', 'subject'),
                                ('in_group', 'subject'),
-                               ('eid', 'subject'),
         self.assertListEquals(rbc(e, 'main', 'metadata'),
                               [('last_login_time', 'subject'),
@@ -76,13 +74,10 @@
         # owned_by is defined both as subject and object relations on CWUser
         self.assertListEquals(sorted(x for x in rbc(e, 'main', 'hidden')
                                      if x != ('tags', 'object')),
-                              sorted([('has_text', 'subject'),
-                                      ('identity', 'subject'),
-                                      ('for_user', 'object'),
+                              sorted([('for_user', 'object'),
                                       ('created_by', 'object'),
                                       ('wf_info_for', 'object'),
                                       ('owned_by', 'object'),
-                                      ('identity', 'object'),
     def test_inlined_view(self):
@@ -106,11 +101,9 @@
                                ('test', 'subject'),
                                ('description', 'subject'),
                                ('salary', 'subject'),
-                               ('eid', 'subject')
         self.assertListEquals(rbc(e, 'muledit', 'attributes'),
                               [('nom', 'subject'),
-                               ('eid', 'subject')
         self.assertListEquals(rbc(e, 'main', 'metadata'),
                               [('creation_date', 'subject'),
@@ -124,10 +117,7 @@
                                ('connait', 'object')
         self.assertListEquals(rbc(e, 'main', 'hidden'),
-                              [('has_text', 'subject'),
-                               ('identity', 'subject'),
-                               ('identity', 'object'),
-                               ])
+                              [])
     def test_edition_form(self):
         rset = self.execute('CWUser X LIMIT 1')
--- a/web/views/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/web/views/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
             return []
         # XXX we should simply put eid in the generated section, no?
         return [(rtype, role) for rtype, _, role in self._relations_by_section(
-            'attributes', 'update', strict) if rtype != 'eid']
+            'attributes', 'update', strict)]
     def editable_relations(self):
         """return a sorted list of (relation's label, relation'schema, role) for
--- a/web/views/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/web/views/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -375,12 +375,12 @@
             rset = self._exec(rql)
             rset = None
-        comp = self._cw.vreg[registry].select(compid, self._cw, rset=rset)
         if extraargs is None:
             extraargs = {}
         else: # we receive unicode keys which is not supported by the **syntax
             extraargs = dict((str(key), value)
                              for key, value in extraargs.items())
+        comp = self._cw.vreg[registry].select(compid, self._cw, rset=rset, **extraargs)
         extraargs = extraargs or {}
         return comp.render(**extraargs)
@@ -402,13 +402,23 @@
     def js_reledit_form(self):
+        req = self._cw
         args = dict((x, self._cw.form[x])
                     for x in frozenset(('rtype', 'role', 'reload', 'landing_zone')))
         entity = self._cw.entity_from_eid(int(self._cw.form['eid']))
         # note: default is reserved in js land
         args['default'] = self._cw.form['default_value']
         args['reload'] = simplejson.loads(args['reload'])
-        return entity.view('doreledit', **args)
+        rset = req.eid_rset(int(self._cw.form['eid']))
+        view = req.vreg['views'].select('doreledit', req, rset=rset, rtype=args['rtype'])
+        stream = view.set_stream()
+        view.render(**args)
+        extresources = req.html_headers.getvalue(skiphead=True)
+        if extresources:
+            stream.write(u'<div class="ajaxHtmlHead">\n')
+            stream.write(extresources)
+            stream.write(u'</div>\n')
+        return stream.getvalue()
     def js_i18n(self, msgids):
--- a/web/views/	Fri Feb 26 17:39:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/web/views/	Wed Mar 03 17:51:49 2010 +0100
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
         if self.main_related_section:
+        self.content_navigation_components('navcontentbottom')
         # side boxes
         if boxes or hasattr(self, 'render_side_related'):
@@ -73,7 +74,6 @@
-        self.content_navigation_components('navcontentbottom')
     def content_navigation_components(self, context):
         self.w(u'<div class="%s">' % context)