[doc] moved makefile. corrected paths to images.
authorNicolas Chauvat <nicolas.chauvat@logilab.fr>
Thu, 13 Nov 2008 02:38:34 +0100
changeset 53 537ad3e8e461
parent 52 144c0a68953d
child 54 e5cd878dc796
[doc] moved makefile. corrected paths to images.
Binary file doc/book/en/server-class-diagram.png has changed
--- a/doc/book/fr/chap_fondements_cubicweb.txt	Thu Nov 13 02:32:12 2008 +0100
+++ b/doc/book/fr/chap_fondements_cubicweb.txt	Thu Nov 13 02:38:34 2008 +0100
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 Architecture globale
-.. image:: archi_globale.png
+.. image:: images/archi_globale.png
 **Note**: en pratique la partie cliente et la partie serveur sont
 généralement intégrées dans le même processus et communiquent donc
--- a/doc/book/fr/chap_visualisation_donnees.txt	Thu Nov 13 02:32:12 2008 +0100
+++ b/doc/book/fr/chap_visualisation_donnees.txt	Thu Nov 13 02:38:34 2008 +0100
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 Le template principal par défaut construit la page selon la décomposition
 suivante :
-.. image:: main_template_layout.png
+.. image:: images/main_template_layout.png
 Le rectancle contenant le `view.dispatch()` représente l'emplacement où est
 inséré la vue de contenu à afficher. Les autres représentent des sous-templates
--- a/doc/book/fr/gae.txt	Thu Nov 13 02:32:12 2008 +0100
+++ b/doc/book/fr/gae.txt	Thu Nov 13 02:38:34 2008 +0100
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/01-intro.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/02-install.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/03-create-app.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/04-develop-views.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/05-components.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/06-maintemplate.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/07-rss-xml.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/08-rql.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/09-urlrewrite.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/10-security.fr.txt
-.. include:: ../laxmanual_fr/11-faq.fr.txt
+.. include:: 01-intro.fr.txt
+.. include:: 02-install.fr.txt
+.. include:: 03-create-app.fr.txt
+.. include:: 04-develop-views.fr.txt
+.. include:: 05-components.fr.txt
+.. include:: 06-maintemplate.fr.txt
+.. include:: 07-rss-xml.fr.txt
+.. include:: 08-rql.fr.txt
+.. include:: 09-urlrewrite.fr.txt
+.. include:: 10-security.fr.txt
+.. include:: 11-faq.fr.txt
Binary file doc/book/fr/images/server-class-diagram.png has changed
--- a/doc/book/fr/makefile	Thu Nov 13 02:32:12 2008 +0100
+++ b/doc/book/fr/makefile	Thu Nov 13 02:38:34 2008 +0100
@@ -1,21 +1,94 @@
-MKHTMLOPTS=--doctype book --param toc.section.depth=1  --target html --stylesheet standard 
+MKHTMLOPTS=--doctype article --target html --stylesheet standard 
-MKPDFOPTS=--doctype book --param toc.section.depth=2  --target pdf --stylesheet standard
 TXTFILES:= $(wildcard *.txt)
 TARGET := $(TXTFILES:.txt=.html)
-all: index.html
+# You can set these sphinx variables from the command line.
+SPHINXBUILD   = sphinx-build
+PAPER         =
+# Internal variables for sphinx
+PAPEROPT_a4     = -D latex_paper_size=a4
+PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
+ALLSPHINXOPTS   = -d build/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) .
+.PHONY: help clean html web pickle htmlhelp latex changes linkcheck
-index.html: *.txt
-	mkdoc ${MKHTMLOPTS} index.txt
+	@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
+	@echo "  all       to make standalone HTML files, developer manual and API doc"
+	@echo "  apidoc    to make API doc"
+	@echo "  html      to make standalone HTML files"
+	@echo "---  "	
+	@echo "  pickle    to make pickle files (usable by e.g. sphinx-web)"
+	@echo "  htmlhelp  to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
+	@echo "  latex     to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
+	@echo "  changes   to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items"
+	@echo "  linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
-index.pdf: *.txt
-	mkdoc ${MKPDFOPTS} index.txt
+	rm -rf apidoc/
+	rm -f *.html
+	cd devmanual_fr && make	clean
+	-rm -rf build/*
+all: ${TARGET} devmanual apidoc html
 %.html: %.txt
-	mkdoc ${MKHTMLOPTS} $<
+	cd devmanual_fr && make	
+#	epydoc --html -o epydoc/ -n ../server/*.py ../core/*.py ../common/*.py ../server/*/*.py ../modpython/*/*.py ../common/*/*.py
+	epydoc --html -o apidoc -n "cubicweb" --exclude=setup --exclude=__pkginfo__ ../
+# run sphinx ###
+	mkdir -p build/html build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/html
+	@echo
+	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in build/html."
+	mkdir -p build/pickle build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pickle $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/pickle
+	@echo
+	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files or run"
+	@echo "  sphinx-web build/pickle"
+	@echo "to start the sphinx-web server."
+web: pickle
-	rm -f *.html
+	mkdir -p build/htmlhelp build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/htmlhelp
+	@echo
+	@echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
+	      ".hhp project file in build/htmlhelp."
+	mkdir -p build/latex build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/latex
+	@echo
+	@echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in build/latex."
+	@echo "Run \`make all-pdf' or \`make all-ps' in that directory to" \
+	      "run these through (pdf)latex."
+	mkdir -p build/changes build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/changes
+	@echo
+	@echo "The overview file is in build/changes."
+	mkdir -p build/linkcheck build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/linkcheck
+	@echo
+	@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
+	      "or in build/linkcheck/output.txt."
--- a/doc/makefile	Thu Nov 13 02:32:12 2008 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-MKHTMLOPTS=--doctype article --target html --stylesheet standard 
-TXTFILES:= $(wildcard *.txt)
-TARGET := $(TXTFILES:.txt=.html)
-# You can set these sphinx variables from the command line.
-SPHINXBUILD   = sphinx-build
-PAPER         =
-# Internal variables for sphinx
-PAPEROPT_a4     = -D latex_paper_size=a4
-PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
-ALLSPHINXOPTS   = -d build/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) .
-.PHONY: help clean html web pickle htmlhelp latex changes linkcheck
-	@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
-	@echo "  all       to make standalone HTML files, developer manual and API doc"
-	@echo "  apidoc    to make API doc"
-	@echo "  html      to make standalone HTML files"
-	@echo "---  "	
-	@echo "  pickle    to make pickle files (usable by e.g. sphinx-web)"
-	@echo "  htmlhelp  to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
-	@echo "  latex     to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
-	@echo "  changes   to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items"
-	@echo "  linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
-	rm -rf apidoc/
-	rm -f *.html
-	cd devmanual_fr && make	clean
-	-rm -rf build/*
-all: ${TARGET} devmanual apidoc html
-%.html: %.txt
-	cd devmanual_fr && make	
-#	epydoc --html -o epydoc/ -n ../server/*.py ../core/*.py ../common/*.py ../server/*/*.py ../modpython/*/*.py ../common/*/*.py
-	epydoc --html -o apidoc -n "cubicweb" --exclude=setup --exclude=__pkginfo__ ../
-# run sphinx ###
-	mkdir -p build/html build/doctrees
-	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/html
-	@echo
-	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in build/html."
-	mkdir -p build/pickle build/doctrees
-	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pickle $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/pickle
-	@echo
-	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files or run"
-	@echo "  sphinx-web build/pickle"
-	@echo "to start the sphinx-web server."
-web: pickle
-	mkdir -p build/htmlhelp build/doctrees
-	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/htmlhelp
-	@echo
-	@echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
-	      ".hhp project file in build/htmlhelp."
-	mkdir -p build/latex build/doctrees
-	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/latex
-	@echo
-	@echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in build/latex."
-	@echo "Run \`make all-pdf' or \`make all-ps' in that directory to" \
-	      "run these through (pdf)latex."
-	mkdir -p build/changes build/doctrees
-	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/changes
-	@echo
-	@echo "The overview file is in build/changes."
-	mkdir -p build/linkcheck build/doctrees
-	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/linkcheck
-	@echo
-	@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
-	      "or in build/linkcheck/output.txt."