[web] Replace minified copy of jquery.flot.js 0.6 with non-minified version
authorJulien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Tue, 21 Oct 2014 18:01:06 +0200
changeset 10101 476c850f8cd5
parent 10100 6718c03f8938
child 10102 769695d59add
[web] Replace minified copy of jquery.flot.js 0.6 with non-minified version Related to #3851121
--- a/web/data/jquery.flot.js	Thu Oct 23 11:42:20 2014 +0200
+++ b/web/data/jquery.flot.js	Tue Oct 21 18:01:06 2014 +0200
@@ -1,1 +1,2119 @@
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Date(Aa);if(AS.timeformat!=null){return C.plot.formatDate(Af,AS.timeformat,AS.monthNames)}var Ab=Ad.tickSize[0]*AU[Ad.tickSize[1]];var Ac=Ad.max-Ad.min;var Ae=(AS.twelveHourClock)?" %p":"";if(Ab<AU.minute){fmt="%h:%M:%S"+Ae}else{if(Ab<AU.day){if(Ac<2*AU.day){fmt="%h:%M"+Ae}else{fmt="%b %d %h:%M"+Ae}}else{if(Ab<AU.month){fmt="%b %d"}else{if(Ab<AU.year){if(Ac<AU.year){fmt="%b"}else{fmt="%b %y"}}else{fmt="%y"}}}}return C.plot.formatDate(Af,fmt,AS.monthNames)}}else{var AK=AS.tickDecimals;var AQ=-Math.floor(Math.log(AX)/Math.LN10);if(AK!=null&&AQ>AK){AQ=AK}AM=Math.pow(10,-AQ);AL=AX/AM;if(AL<1.5){AZ=1}else{if(AL<3){AZ=2;if(AL>2.25&&(AK==null||AQ+1<=AK)){AZ=2.5;++AQ}}else{if(AL<7.5){AZ=5}else{AZ=10}}}AZ*=AM;if(AS.minTickSize!=null&&AZ<AS.minTickSize){AZ=AS.minTickSize}if(AS.tickSize!=null){AZ=AS.tickSize}AP.tickDecimals=Math.max(0,(AK!=null)?AK:AQ);AT=function(Ac){var Ae=[];var Af=A(Ac.min,Ac.tickSize),Ab=0,Aa=Number.NaN,Ad;do{Ad=Aa;Aa=Af+Ab*Ac.tickSize;Ae.push({v:Aa,label:Ac.tickFormatter(Aa,Ac)});++Ab}while(Aa<Ac.max&&Aa!=Ad);return Ae};AW=function(Aa,Ab){return Aa.toFixed(Ab.tickDecimals)}}AP.tickSize=AV?[AZ,AV]:AZ;AP.tickGenerator=AT;if(C.isFunction(AS.tickFormatter)){AP.tickFormatter=function(Aa,Ab){return""+AS.tickFormatter(Aa,Ab)}}else{AP.tickFormatter=AW}}function p(AO,AQ){AO.ticks=[];if(!AO.used){return }if(AQ.ticks==null){AO.ticks=AO.tickGenerator(AO)}else{if(typeof AQ.ticks=="number"){if(AQ.ticks>0){AO.ticks=AO.tickGenerator(AO)}}else{if(AQ.ticks){var AP=AQ.ticks;if(C.isFunction(AP)){AP=AP({min:AO.min,max:AO.max})}var AN,AK;for(AN=0;AN<AP.length;++AN){var AL=null;var AM=AP[AN];if(typeof 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AU=Ae[AX-AS],Ab=Ae[AX-AS+1],AT=Ae[AX],Aa=Ae[AX+1];if(AU==null||AT==null){continue}if(Ab<=Aa&&Ab<Ac.min){if(Aa<Ac.min){continue}AU=(Ac.min-Ab)/(Aa-Ab)*(AT-AU)+AU;Ab=Ac.min}else{if(Aa<=Ab&&Aa<Ac.min){if(Ab<Ac.min){continue}AT=(Ac.min-Ab)/(Aa-Ab)*(AT-AU)+AU;Aa=Ac.min}}if(Ab>=Aa&&Ab>Ac.max){if(Aa>Ac.max){continue}AU=(Ac.max-Ab)/(Aa-Ab)*(AT-AU)+AU;Ab=Ac.max}else{if(Aa>=Ab&&Aa>Ac.max){if(Ab>Ac.max){continue}AT=(Ac.max-Ab)/(Aa-Ab)*(AT-AU)+AU;Aa=Ac.max}}if(AU<=AT&&AU<Ad.min){if(AT<Ad.min){continue}Ab=(Ad.min-AU)/(AT-AU)*(Aa-Ab)+Ab;AU=Ad.min}else{if(AT<=AU&&AT<Ad.min){if(AU<Ad.min){continue}Aa=(Ad.min-AU)/(AT-AU)*(Aa-Ab)+Ab;AT=Ad.min}}if(AU>=AT&&AU>Ad.max){if(AT>Ad.max){continue}Ab=(Ad.max-AU)/(AT-AU)*(Aa-Ab)+Ab;AU=Ad.max}else{if(AT>=AU&&AT>Ad.max){if(AU>Ad.max){continue}Aa=(Ad.max-AU)/(AT-AU)*(Aa-Ab)+Ab;AT=Ad.max}}if(AU!=AW||Ab!=AV){Y.moveTo(Ad.p2c(AU)+AZ,Ac.p2c(Ab)+AR)}AW=AT;AV=Aa;Y.lineTo(Ad.p2c(AT)+AZ,Ac.p2c(Aa)+AR)}Y.stroke()}function AO(AX,Ae,Ac){var 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Ag=AU,AY=AT;if(Ab<=AZ&&Ab<Ac.min&&AZ>=Ac.min){AU=(Ac.min-Ab)/(AZ-Ab)*(AT-AU)+AU;Ab=Ac.min}else{if(AZ<=Ab&&AZ<Ac.min&&Ab>=Ac.min){AT=(Ac.min-Ab)/(AZ-Ab)*(AT-AU)+AU;AZ=Ac.min}}if(Ab>=AZ&&Ab>Ac.max&&AZ<=Ac.max){AU=(Ac.max-Ab)/(AZ-Ab)*(AT-AU)+AU;Ab=Ac.max}else{if(AZ>=Ab&&AZ>Ac.max&&Ab<=Ac.max){AT=(Ac.max-Ab)/(AZ-Ab)*(AT-AU)+AU;AZ=Ac.max}}if(AU!=Ag){if(Ab<=Ac.min){Aa=Ac.min}else{Aa=Ac.max}Y.lineTo(Ae.p2c(Ag),Ac.p2c(Aa));Y.lineTo(Ae.p2c(AU),Ac.p2c(Aa))}Y.lineTo(Ae.p2c(AU),Ac.p2c(Ab));Y.lineTo(Ae.p2c(AT),Ac.p2c(AZ));if(AT!=AY){if(AZ<=Ac.min){Aa=Ac.min}else{Aa=Ac.max}Y.lineTo(Ae.p2c(AT),Ac.p2c(Aa));Y.lineTo(Ae.p2c(AY),Ac.p2c(Aa))}AV=Math.max(AT,AY)}if(Ad){Y.lineTo(Ae.p2c(AV),Ac.p2c(AS));Y.fill()}}Y.save();Y.translate(e.left,e.top);Y.lineJoin="round";var AP=AN.lines.lineWidth,AK=AN.shadowSize;if(AP>0&&AK>0){Y.lineWidth=AK;Y.strokeStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";var 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AM=AL/2;Y.lineWidth=AM;Y.strokeStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";AP(AN.datapoints,AK,null,AM+AM/2,Math.PI,AN.xaxis,AN.yaxis);Y.strokeStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";AP(AN.datapoints,AK,null,AM/2,Math.PI,AN.xaxis,AN.yaxis)}Y.lineWidth=AO;Y.strokeStyle=AN.color;AP(AN.datapoints,AK,V(AN.points,AN.color),0,2*Math.PI,AN.xaxis,AN.yaxis);Y.restore()}function AB(AV,AU,Ad,AQ,AY,AN,AL,AT,AS,Ac,AZ){var AM,Ab,AR,AX,AO,AK,AW,AP,Aa;if(AZ){AP=AK=AW=true;AO=false;AM=Ad;Ab=AV;AX=AU+AQ;AR=AU+AY;if(Ab<AM){Aa=Ab;Ab=AM;AM=Aa;AO=true;AK=false}}else{AO=AK=AW=true;AP=false;AM=AV+AQ;Ab=AV+AY;AR=Ad;AX=AU;if(AX<AR){Aa=AX;AX=AR;AR=Aa;AP=true;AW=false}}if(Ab<AT.min||AM>AT.max||AX<AS.min||AR>AS.max){return 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AT=Ae[Ad],AS=Ae[Ad+1],Ai=Ae[Ad+2];if(AT==null){continue}if(O[Af].bars.horizontal?(AZ<=Math.max(Ai,AT)&&AZ>=Math.min(Ai,AT)&&AW>=AS+AN&&AW<=AS+Ag):(AZ>=AT+AN&&AZ<=AT+Ag&&AW>=Math.min(Ai,AS)&&AW<=Math.max(Ai,AS))){Ah=[Af,Ad/Ac]}}}}if(Ah){Af=Ah[0];Ad=Ah[1];Ac=O[Af].datapoints.pointsize;return{datapoint:O[Af].datapoints.points.slice(Ad*Ac,(Ad+1)*Ac),dataIndex:Ad,series:O[Af],seriesIndex:Af}}return null}function D(AK){if(g.grid.hoverable){H("plothover",AK,function(AL){return AL.hoverable!=false})}}function d(AK){H("plotclick",AK,function(AL){return AL.clickable!=false})}function H(AL,AK,AM){var AN=AD.offset(),AS={pageX:AK.pageX,pageY:AK.pageY},AQ=AK.pageX-AN.left-e.left,AO=AK.pageY-AN.top-e.top;if(s.xaxis.used){AS.x=s.xaxis.c2p(AQ)}if(s.yaxis.used){AS.y=s.yaxis.c2p(AO)}if(s.x2axis.used){AS.x2=s.x2axis.c2p(AQ)}if(s.y2axis.used){AS.y2=s.y2axis.c2p(AO)}var AT=AF(AQ,AO,AM);if(AT){AT.pageX=parseInt(AT.series.xaxis.p2c(AT.datapoint[0])+AN.left+e.left);AT.pageY=parseInt(AT.series.yaxis.p2c(AT.datapoint[1])+AN.top+e.top)}if(g.grid.autoHighlight){for(var AP=0;AP<w.length;++AP){var AR=w[AP];if(AR.auto==AL&&!(AT&&AR.series==AT.series&&AR.point==AT.datapoint)){x(AR.series,AR.point)}}if(AT){AE(AT.series,AT.datapoint,AL)}}l.trigger(AL,[AS,AT])}function q(){if(!J){J=setTimeout(v,30)}}function v(){J=null;AJ.save();AJ.clearRect(0,0,y,Q);AJ.translate(e.left,e.top);var AL,AK;for(AL=0;AL<w.length;++AL){AK=w[AL];if(AK.series.bars.show){z(AK.series,AK.point)}else{u(AK.series,AK.point)}}AJ.restore();Z(L.drawOverlay,[AJ])}function AE(AM,AK,AN){if(typeof AM=="number"){AM=O[AM]}if(typeof AK=="number"){AK=AM.data[AK]}var AL=j(AM,AK);if(AL==-1){w.push({series:AM,point:AK,auto:AN});q()}else{if(!AN){w[AL].auto=false}}}function x(AM,AK){if(AM==null&&AK==null){w=[];q()}if(typeof AM=="number"){AM=O[AM]}if(typeof AK=="number"){AK=AM.data[AK]}var AL=j(AM,AK);if(AL!=-1){w.splice(AL,1);q()}}function j(AM,AN){for(var AK=0;AK<w.length;++AK){var AL=w[AK];if(AL.series==AM&&AL.point[0]==AN[0]&&AL.point[1]==AN[1]){return AK}}return -1}function u(AN,AM){var AL=AM[0],AR=AM[1],AQ=AN.xaxis,AP=AN.yaxis;if(AL<AQ.min||AL>AQ.max||AR<AP.min||AR>AP.max){return }var AO=AN.points.radius+AN.points.lineWidth/2;AJ.lineWidth=AO;AJ.strokeStyle=C.color.parse(AN.color).scale("a",0.5).toString();var AK=1.5*AO;AJ.beginPath();AJ.arc(AQ.p2c(AL),AP.p2c(AR),AK,0,2*Math.PI,false);AJ.stroke()}function z(AN,AK){AJ.lineWidth=AN.bars.lineWidth;AJ.strokeStyle=C.color.parse(AN.color).scale("a",0.5).toString();var AM=C.color.parse(AN.color).scale("a",0.5).toString();var AL=AN.bars.align=="left"?0:-AN.bars.barWidth/2;AB(AK[0],AK[1],AK[2]||0,AL,AL+AN.bars.barWidth,0,function(){return AM},AN.xaxis,AN.yaxis,AJ,AN.bars.horizontal)}function R(AM,AL,AQ,AO){if(typeof AM=="string"){return AM}else{var AP=Y.createLinearGradient(0,AQ,0,AL);for(var AN=0,AK=AM.colors.length;AN<AK;++AN){var AR=AM.colors[AN];if(typeof AR!="string"){AR=C.color.parse(AO).scale("rgb",AR.brightness);AR.a*=AR.opacity;AR=AR.toString()}AP.addColorStop(AN/(AK-1),AR)}return AP}}}C.plot=function(G,E,D){var F=new B(C(G),E,D,C.plot.plugins);return F};C.plot.plugins=[];C.plot.formatDate=function(H,E,G){var L=function(N){N=""+N;return N.length==1?"0"+N:N};var D=[];var M=false;var K=H.getUTCHours();var I=K<12;if(G==null){G=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]}if(E.search(/%p|%P/)!=-1){if(K>12){K=K-12}else{if(K==0){K=12}}}for(var F=0;F<E.length;++F){var J=E.charAt(F);if(M){switch(J){case"h":J=""+K;break;case"H":J=L(K);break;case"M":J=L(H.getUTCMinutes());break;case"S":J=L(H.getUTCSeconds());break;case"d":J=""+H.getUTCDate();break;case"m":J=""+(H.getUTCMonth()+1);break;case"y":J=""+H.getUTCFullYear();break;case"b":J=""+G[H.getUTCMonth()];break;case"p":J=(I)?("am"):("pm");break;case"P":J=(I)?("AM"):("PM");break}D.push(J);M=false}else{if(J=="%"){M=true}else{D.push(J)}}}return D.join("")};function A(E,D){return D*Math.floor(E/D)}})(jQuery);
+/* Javascript plotting library for jQuery, v. 0.6.
+ *
+ * Released under the MIT license by IOLA, December 2007.
+ *
+ */
+// first an inline dependency, jquery.colorhelpers.js, we inline it here
+// for convenience
+/* Plugin for jQuery for working with colors.
+ * 
+ * Version 1.0.
+ * 
+ * Inspiration from jQuery color animation plugin by John Resig.
+ *
+ * Released under the MIT license by Ole Laursen, October 2009.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ *   $.color.parse("#fff").scale('rgb', 0.25).add('a', -0.5).toString()
+ *   var c = $.color.extract($("#mydiv"), 'background-color');
+ *   console.log(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);
+ *   $.color.make(100, 50, 25, 0.4).toString() // returns "rgba(100,50,25,0.4)"
+ *
+ * Note that .scale() and .add() work in-place instead of returning
+ * new objects.
+ */ 
+(function(){jQuery.color={};jQuery.color.make=function(E,D,B,C){var F={};F.r=E||0;F.g=D||0;F.b=B||0;F.a=C!=null?C:1;F.add=function(I,H){for(var G=0;G<I.length;++G){F[I.charAt(G)]+=H}return F.normalize()};F.scale=function(I,H){for(var G=0;G<I.length;++G){F[I.charAt(G)]*=H}return F.normalize()};F.toString=function(){if(F.a>=1){return"rgb("+[F.r,F.g,F.b].join(",")+")"}else{return"rgba("+[F.r,F.g,F.b,F.a].join(",")+")"}};F.normalize=function(){function G(I,J,H){return J<I?I:(J>H?H:J)}F.r=G(0,parseInt(F.r),255);F.g=G(0,parseInt(F.g),255);F.b=G(0,parseInt(F.b),255);F.a=G(0,F.a,1);return F};F.clone=function(){return jQuery.color.make(F.r,F.b,F.g,F.a)};return F.normalize()};jQuery.color.extract=function(C,B){var D;do{D=C.css(B).toLowerCase();if(D!=""&&D!="transparent"){break}C=C.parent()}while(!jQuery.nodeName(C.get(0),"body"));if(D=="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"){D="transparent"}return jQuery.color.parse(D)};jQuery.color.parse=function(E){var D,B=jQuery.color.make;if(D=/rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(E)){return B(parseInt(D[1],10),parseInt(D[2],10),parseInt(D[3],10))}if(D=/rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(E)){return B(parseInt(D[1],10),parseInt(D[2],10),parseInt(D[3],10),parseFloat(D[4]))}if(D=/rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(E)){return B(parseFloat(D[1])*2.55,parseFloat(D[2])*2.55,parseFloat(D[3])*2.55)}if(D=/rgba\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(E)){return B(parseFloat(D[1])*2.55,parseFloat(D[2])*2.55,parseFloat(D[3])*2.55,parseFloat(D[4]))}if(D=/#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(E)){return B(parseInt(D[1],16),parseInt(D[2],16),parseInt(D[3],16))}if(D=/#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(E)){return B(parseInt(D[1]+D[1],16),parseInt(D[2]+D[2],16),parseInt(D[3]+D[3],16))}var C=jQuery.trim(E).toLowerCase();if(C=="transparent"){return B(255,255,255,0)}else{D=A[C];return B(D[0],D[1],D[2])}};var A={aqua:[0,255,255],azure:[240,255,255],beige:[245,245,220],black:[0,0,0],blue:[0,0,255],brown:[165,42,42],cyan:[0,255,255],darkblue:[0,0,139],darkcyan:[0,139,139],darkgrey:[169,169,169],darkgreen:[0,100,0],darkkhaki:[189,183,107],darkmagenta:[139,0,139],darkolivegreen:[85,107,47],darkorange:[255,140,0],darkorchid:[153,50,204],darkred:[139,0,0],darksalmon:[233,150,122],darkviolet:[148,0,211],fuchsia:[255,0,255],gold:[255,215,0],green:[0,128,0],indigo:[75,0,130],khaki:[240,230,140],lightblue:[173,216,230],lightcyan:[224,255,255],lightgreen:[144,238,144],lightgrey:[211,211,211],lightpink:[255,182,193],lightyellow:[255,255,224],lime:[0,255,0],magenta:[255,0,255],maroon:[128,0,0],navy:[0,0,128],olive:[128,128,0],orange:[255,165,0],pink:[255,192,203],purple:[128,0,128],violet:[128,0,128],red:[255,0,0],silver:[192,192,192],white:[255,255,255],yellow:[255,255,0]}})();
+// the actual Flot code
+(function($) {
+    function Plot(placeholder, data_, options_, plugins) {
+        // data is on the form:
+        //   [ series1, series2 ... ]
+        // where series is either just the data as [ [x1, y1], [x2, y2], ... ]
+        // or { data: [ [x1, y1], [x2, y2], ... ], label: "some label", ... }
+        var series = [],
+            options = {
+                // the color theme used for graphs
+                colors: ["#edc240", "#afd8f8", "#cb4b4b", "#4da74d", "#9440ed"],
+                legend: {
+                    show: true,
+                    noColumns: 1, // number of colums in legend table
+                    labelFormatter: null, // fn: string -> string
+                    labelBoxBorderColor: "#ccc", // border color for the little label boxes
+                    container: null, // container (as jQuery object) to put legend in, null means default on top of graph
+                    position: "ne", // position of default legend container within plot
+                    margin: 5, // distance from grid edge to default legend container within plot
+                    backgroundColor: null, // null means auto-detect
+                    backgroundOpacity: 0.85 // set to 0 to avoid background
+                },
+                xaxis: {
+                    mode: null, // null or "time"
+                    transform: null, // null or f: number -> number to transform axis
+                    inverseTransform: null, // if transform is set, this should be the inverse function
+                    min: null, // min. value to show, null means set automatically
+                    max: null, // max. value to show, null means set automatically
+                    autoscaleMargin: null, // margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
+                    ticks: null, // either [1, 3] or [[1, "a"], 3] or (fn: axis info -> ticks) or app. number of ticks for auto-ticks
+                    tickFormatter: null, // fn: number -> string
+                    labelWidth: null, // size of tick labels in pixels
+                    labelHeight: null,
+                    // mode specific options
+                    tickDecimals: null, // no. of decimals, null means auto
+                    tickSize: null, // number or [number, "unit"]
+                    minTickSize: null, // number or [number, "unit"]
+                    monthNames: null, // list of names of months
+                    timeformat: null, // format string to use
+                    twelveHourClock: false // 12 or 24 time in time mode
+                },
+                yaxis: {
+                    autoscaleMargin: 0.02
+                },
+                x2axis: {
+                    autoscaleMargin: null
+                },
+                y2axis: {
+                    autoscaleMargin: 0.02
+                },
+                series: {
+                    points: {
+                        show: false,
+                        radius: 3,
+                        lineWidth: 2, // in pixels
+                        fill: true,
+                        fillColor: "#ffffff"
+                    },
+                    lines: {
+                        // we don't put in show: false so we can see
+                        // whether lines were actively disabled 
+                        lineWidth: 2, // in pixels
+                        fill: false,
+                        fillColor: null,
+                        steps: false
+                    },
+                    bars: {
+                        show: false,
+                        lineWidth: 2, // in pixels
+                        barWidth: 1, // in units of the x axis
+                        fill: true,
+                        fillColor: null,
+                        align: "left", // or "center" 
+                        horizontal: false // when horizontal, left is now top
+                    },
+                    shadowSize: 3
+                },
+                grid: {
+                    show: true,
+                    aboveData: false,
+                    color: "#545454", // primary color used for outline and labels
+                    backgroundColor: null, // null for transparent, else color
+                    tickColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.15)", // color used for the ticks
+                    labelMargin: 5, // in pixels
+                    borderWidth: 2, // in pixels
+                    borderColor: null, // set if different from the grid color
+                    markings: null, // array of ranges or fn: axes -> array of ranges
+                    markingsColor: "#f4f4f4",
+                    markingsLineWidth: 2,
+                    // interactive stuff
+                    clickable: false,
+                    hoverable: false,
+                    autoHighlight: true, // highlight in case mouse is near
+                    mouseActiveRadius: 10 // how far the mouse can be away to activate an item
+                },
+                hooks: {}
+            },
+        canvas = null,      // the canvas for the plot itself
+        overlay = null,     // canvas for interactive stuff on top of plot
+        eventHolder = null, // jQuery object that events should be bound to
+        ctx = null, octx = null,
+        axes = { xaxis: {}, yaxis: {}, x2axis: {}, y2axis: {} },
+        plotOffset = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0},
+        canvasWidth = 0, canvasHeight = 0,
+        plotWidth = 0, plotHeight = 0,
+        hooks = {
+            processOptions: [],
+            processRawData: [],
+            processDatapoints: [],
+            draw: [],
+            bindEvents: [],
+            drawOverlay: []
+        },
+        plot = this;
+        // public functions
+        plot.setData = setData;
+        plot.setupGrid = setupGrid;
+        plot.draw = draw;
+        plot.getPlaceholder = function() { return placeholder; };
+        plot.getCanvas = function() { return canvas; };
+        plot.getPlotOffset = function() { return plotOffset; };
+        plot.width = function () { return plotWidth; };
+        plot.height = function () { return plotHeight; };
+        plot.offset = function () {
+            var o = eventHolder.offset();
+            o.left += plotOffset.left;
+            o.top += plotOffset.top;
+            return o;
+        };
+        plot.getData = function() { return series; };
+        plot.getAxes = function() { return axes; };
+        plot.getOptions = function() { return options; };
+        plot.highlight = highlight;
+        plot.unhighlight = unhighlight;
+        plot.triggerRedrawOverlay = triggerRedrawOverlay;
+        plot.pointOffset = function(point) {
+            return { left: parseInt(axisSpecToRealAxis(point, "xaxis").p2c(+point.x) + plotOffset.left),
+                     top: parseInt(axisSpecToRealAxis(point, "yaxis").p2c(+point.y) + plotOffset.top) };
+        };
+        // public attributes
+        plot.hooks = hooks;
+        // initialize
+        initPlugins(plot);
+        parseOptions(options_);
+        constructCanvas();
+        setData(data_);
+        setupGrid();
+        draw();
+        bindEvents();
+        function executeHooks(hook, args) {
+            args = [plot].concat(args);
+            for (var i = 0; i < hook.length; ++i)
+                hook[i].apply(this, args);
+        }
+        function initPlugins() {
+            for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; ++i) {
+                var p = plugins[i];
+                p.init(plot);
+                if (p.options)
+                    $.extend(true, options, p.options);
+            }
+        }
+        function parseOptions(opts) {
+            $.extend(true, options, opts);
+            if (options.grid.borderColor == null)
+                options.grid.borderColor = options.grid.color;
+            // backwards compatibility, to be removed in future
+            if (options.xaxis.noTicks && options.xaxis.ticks == null)
+                options.xaxis.ticks = options.xaxis.noTicks;
+            if (options.yaxis.noTicks && options.yaxis.ticks == null)
+                options.yaxis.ticks = options.yaxis.noTicks;
+            if (options.grid.coloredAreas)
+                options.grid.markings = options.grid.coloredAreas;
+            if (options.grid.coloredAreasColor)
+                options.grid.markingsColor = options.grid.coloredAreasColor;
+            if (options.lines)
+                $.extend(true, options.series.lines, options.lines);
+            if (options.points)
+                $.extend(true, options.series.points, options.points);
+            if (options.bars)
+                $.extend(true, options.series.bars, options.bars);
+            if (options.shadowSize)
+                options.series.shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
+            for (var n in hooks)
+                if (options.hooks[n] && options.hooks[n].length)
+                    hooks[n] = hooks[n].concat(options.hooks[n]);
+            executeHooks(hooks.processOptions, [options]);
+        }
+        function setData(d) {
+            series = parseData(d);
+            fillInSeriesOptions();
+            processData();
+        }
+        function parseData(d) {
+            var res = [];
+            for (var i = 0; i < d.length; ++i) {
+                var s = $.extend(true, {}, options.series);
+                if (d[i].data) {
+                    s.data = d[i].data; // move the data instead of deep-copy
+                    delete d[i].data;
+                    $.extend(true, s, d[i]);
+                    d[i].data = s.data;
+                }
+                else
+                    s.data = d[i];
+                res.push(s);
+            }
+            return res;
+        }
+        function axisSpecToRealAxis(obj, attr) {
+            var a = obj[attr];
+            if (!a || a == 1)
+                return axes[attr];
+            if (typeof a == "number")
+                return axes[attr.charAt(0) + a + attr.slice(1)];
+            return a; // assume it's OK
+        }
+        function fillInSeriesOptions() {
+            var i;
+            // collect what we already got of colors
+            var neededColors = series.length,
+                usedColors = [],
+                assignedColors = [];
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                var sc = series[i].color;
+                if (sc != null) {
+                    --neededColors;
+                    if (typeof sc == "number")
+                        assignedColors.push(sc);
+                    else
+                        usedColors.push($.color.parse(series[i].color));
+                }
+            }
+            // we might need to generate more colors if higher indices
+            // are assigned
+            for (i = 0; i < assignedColors.length; ++i) {
+                neededColors = Math.max(neededColors, assignedColors[i] + 1);
+            }
+            // produce colors as needed
+            var colors = [], variation = 0;
+            i = 0;
+            while (colors.length < neededColors) {
+                var c;
+                if (options.colors.length == i) // check degenerate case
+                    c = $.color.make(100, 100, 100);
+                else
+                    c = $.color.parse(options.colors[i]);
+                // vary color if needed
+                var sign = variation % 2 == 1 ? -1 : 1;
+                c.scale('rgb', 1 + sign * Math.ceil(variation / 2) * 0.2)
+                // FIXME: if we're getting to close to something else,
+                // we should probably skip this one
+                colors.push(c);
+                ++i;
+                if (i >= options.colors.length) {
+                    i = 0;
+                    ++variation;
+                }
+            }
+            // fill in the options
+            var colori = 0, s;
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                s = series[i];
+                // assign colors
+                if (s.color == null) {
+                    s.color = colors[colori].toString();
+                    ++colori;
+                }
+                else if (typeof s.color == "number")
+                    s.color = colors[s.color].toString();
+                // turn on lines automatically in case nothing is set
+                if (s.lines.show == null) {
+                    var v, show = true;
+                    for (v in s)
+                        if (s[v].show) {
+                            show = false;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    if (show)
+                        s.lines.show = true;
+                }
+                // setup axes
+                s.xaxis = axisSpecToRealAxis(s, "xaxis");
+                s.yaxis = axisSpecToRealAxis(s, "yaxis");
+            }
+        }
+        function processData() {
+            var topSentry = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
+                bottomSentry = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
+                i, j, k, m, length,
+                s, points, ps, x, y, axis, val, f, p;
+            for (axis in axes) {
+                axes[axis].datamin = topSentry;
+                axes[axis].datamax = bottomSentry;
+                axes[axis].used = false;
+            }
+            function updateAxis(axis, min, max) {
+                if (min < axis.datamin)
+                    axis.datamin = min;
+                if (max > axis.datamax)
+                    axis.datamax = max;
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                s = series[i];
+                s.datapoints = { points: [] };
+                executeHooks(hooks.processRawData, [ s, s.data, s.datapoints ]);
+            }
+            // first pass: clean and copy data
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                s = series[i];
+                var data = s.data, format = s.datapoints.format;
+                if (!format) {
+                    format = [];
+                    // find out how to copy
+                    format.push({ x: true, number: true, required: true });
+                    format.push({ y: true, number: true, required: true });
+                    if (s.bars.show)
+                        format.push({ y: true, number: true, required: false, defaultValue: 0 });
+                    s.datapoints.format = format;
+                }
+                if (s.datapoints.pointsize != null)
+                    continue; // already filled in
+                if (s.datapoints.pointsize == null)
+                    s.datapoints.pointsize = format.length;
+                ps = s.datapoints.pointsize;
+                points = s.datapoints.points;
+                insertSteps = s.lines.show && s.lines.steps;
+                s.xaxis.used = s.yaxis.used = true;
+                for (j = k = 0; j < data.length; ++j, k += ps) {
+                    p = data[j];
+                    var nullify = p == null;
+                    if (!nullify) {
+                        for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m) {
+                            val = p[m];
+                            f = format[m];
+                            if (f) {
+                                if (f.number && val != null) {
+                                    val = +val; // convert to number
+                                    if (isNaN(val))
+                                        val = null;
+                                }
+                                if (val == null) {
+                                    if (f.required)
+                                        nullify = true;
+                                    if (f.defaultValue != null)
+                                        val = f.defaultValue;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            points[k + m] = val;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (nullify) {
+                        for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m) {
+                            val = points[k + m];
+                            if (val != null) {
+                                f = format[m];
+                                // extract min/max info
+                                if (f.x)
+                                    updateAxis(s.xaxis, val, val);
+                                if (f.y)
+                                    updateAxis(s.yaxis, val, val);
+                            }
+                            points[k + m] = null;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        // a little bit of line specific stuff that
+                        // perhaps shouldn't be here, but lacking
+                        // better means...
+                        if (insertSteps && k > 0
+                            && points[k - ps] != null
+                            && points[k - ps] != points[k]
+                            && points[k - ps + 1] != points[k + 1]) {
+                            // copy the point to make room for a middle point
+                            for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
+                                points[k + ps + m] = points[k + m];
+                            // middle point has same y
+                            points[k + 1] = points[k - ps + 1];
+                            // we've added a point, better reflect that
+                            k += ps;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // give the hooks a chance to run
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                s = series[i];
+                executeHooks(hooks.processDatapoints, [ s, s.datapoints]);
+            }
+            // second pass: find datamax/datamin for auto-scaling
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                s = series[i];
+                points = s.datapoints.points,
+                ps = s.datapoints.pointsize;
+                var xmin = topSentry, ymin = topSentry,
+                    xmax = bottomSentry, ymax = bottomSentry;
+                for (j = 0; j < points.length; j += ps) {
+                    if (points[j] == null)
+                        continue;
+                    for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m) {
+                        val = points[j + m];
+                        f = format[m];
+                        if (!f)
+                            continue;
+                        if (f.x) {
+                            if (val < xmin)
+                                xmin = val;
+                            if (val > xmax)
+                                xmax = val;
+                        }
+                        if (f.y) {
+                            if (val < ymin)
+                                ymin = val;
+                            if (val > ymax)
+                                ymax = val;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (s.bars.show) {
+                    // make sure we got room for the bar on the dancing floor
+                    var delta = s.bars.align == "left" ? 0 : -s.bars.barWidth/2;
+                    if (s.bars.horizontal) {
+                        ymin += delta;
+                        ymax += delta + s.bars.barWidth;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        xmin += delta;
+                        xmax += delta + s.bars.barWidth;
+                    }
+                }
+                updateAxis(s.xaxis, xmin, xmax);
+                updateAxis(s.yaxis, ymin, ymax);
+            }
+            for (axis in axes) {
+                if (axes[axis].datamin == topSentry)
+                    axes[axis].datamin = null;
+                if (axes[axis].datamax == bottomSentry)
+                    axes[axis].datamax = null;
+            }
+        }
+        function constructCanvas() {
+            function makeCanvas(width, height) {
+                var c = document.createElement('canvas');
+                c.width = width;
+                c.height = height;
+                if ($.browser.msie) // excanvas hack
+                    c = window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(c);
+                return c;
+            }
+            canvasWidth = placeholder.width();
+            canvasHeight = placeholder.height();
+            placeholder.html(""); // clear placeholder
+            if (placeholder.css("position") == 'static')
+                placeholder.css("position", "relative"); // for positioning labels and overlay
+            if (canvasWidth <= 0 || canvasHeight <= 0)
+                throw "Invalid dimensions for plot, width = " + canvasWidth + ", height = " + canvasHeight;
+            if ($.browser.msie) // excanvas hack
+                window.G_vmlCanvasManager.init_(document); // make sure everything is setup
+            // the canvas
+            canvas = $(makeCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight)).appendTo(placeholder).get(0);
+            ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
+            // overlay canvas for interactive features
+            overlay = $(makeCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight)).css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0 }).appendTo(placeholder).get(0);
+            octx = overlay.getContext("2d");
+            octx.stroke();
+        }
+        function bindEvents() {
+            // we include the canvas in the event holder too, because IE 7
+            // sometimes has trouble with the stacking order
+            eventHolder = $([overlay, canvas]);
+            // bind events
+            if (options.grid.hoverable)
+                eventHolder.mousemove(onMouseMove);
+            if (options.grid.clickable)
+                eventHolder.click(onClick);
+            executeHooks(hooks.bindEvents, [eventHolder]);
+        }
+        function setupGrid() {
+            function setTransformationHelpers(axis, o) {
+                function identity(x) { return x; }
+                var s, m, t = o.transform || identity,
+                    it = o.inverseTransform;
+                // add transformation helpers
+                if (axis == axes.xaxis || axis == axes.x2axis) {
+                    // precompute how much the axis is scaling a point
+                    // in canvas space
+                    s = axis.scale = plotWidth / (t(axis.max) - t(axis.min));
+                    m = t(axis.min);
+                    // data point to canvas coordinate
+                    if (t == identity) // slight optimization
+                        axis.p2c = function (p) { return (p - m) * s; };
+                    else
+                        axis.p2c = function (p) { return (t(p) - m) * s; };
+                    // canvas coordinate to data point
+                    if (!it)
+                        axis.c2p = function (c) { return m + c / s; };
+                    else
+                        axis.c2p = function (c) { return it(m + c / s); };
+                }
+                else {
+                    s = axis.scale = plotHeight / (t(axis.max) - t(axis.min));
+                    m = t(axis.max);
+                    if (t == identity)
+                        axis.p2c = function (p) { return (m - p) * s; };
+                    else
+                        axis.p2c = function (p) { return (m - t(p)) * s; };
+                    if (!it)
+                        axis.c2p = function (c) { return m - c / s; };
+                    else
+                        axis.c2p = function (c) { return it(m - c / s); };
+                }
+            }
+            function measureLabels(axis, axisOptions) {
+                var i, labels = [], l;
+                axis.labelWidth = axisOptions.labelWidth;
+                axis.labelHeight = axisOptions.labelHeight;
+                if (axis == axes.xaxis || axis == axes.x2axis) {
+                    // to avoid measuring the widths of the labels, we
+                    // construct fixed-size boxes and put the labels inside
+                    // them, we don't need the exact figures and the
+                    // fixed-size box content is easy to center
+                    if (axis.labelWidth == null)
+                        axis.labelWidth = canvasWidth / (axis.ticks.length > 0 ? axis.ticks.length : 1);
+                    // measure x label heights
+                    if (axis.labelHeight == null) {
+                        labels = [];
+                        for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                            l = axis.ticks[i].label;
+                            if (l)
+                                labels.push('<div class="tickLabel" style="float:left;width:' + axis.labelWidth + 'px">' + l + '</div>');
+                        }
+                        if (labels.length > 0) {
+                            var dummyDiv = $('<div style="position:absolute;top:-10000px;width:10000px;font-size:smaller">'
+                                             + labels.join("") + '<div style="clear:left"></div></div>').appendTo(placeholder);
+                            axis.labelHeight = dummyDiv.height();
+                            dummyDiv.remove();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (axis.labelWidth == null || axis.labelHeight == null) {
+                    // calculate y label dimensions
+                    for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                        l = axis.ticks[i].label;
+                        if (l)
+                            labels.push('<div class="tickLabel">' + l + '</div>');
+                    }
+                    if (labels.length > 0) {
+                        var dummyDiv = $('<div style="position:absolute;top:-10000px;font-size:smaller">'
+                                         + labels.join("") + '</div>').appendTo(placeholder);
+                        if (axis.labelWidth == null)
+                            axis.labelWidth = dummyDiv.width();
+                        if (axis.labelHeight == null)
+                            axis.labelHeight = dummyDiv.find("div").height();
+                        dummyDiv.remove();
+                    }
+                }
+                if (axis.labelWidth == null)
+                    axis.labelWidth = 0;
+                if (axis.labelHeight == null)
+                    axis.labelHeight = 0;
+            }
+            function setGridSpacing() {
+                // get the most space needed around the grid for things
+                // that may stick out
+                var maxOutset = options.grid.borderWidth;
+                for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i)
+                    maxOutset = Math.max(maxOutset, 2 * (series[i].points.radius + series[i].points.lineWidth/2));
+                plotOffset.left = plotOffset.right = plotOffset.top = plotOffset.bottom = maxOutset;
+                var margin = options.grid.labelMargin + options.grid.borderWidth;
+                if (axes.xaxis.labelHeight > 0)
+                    plotOffset.bottom = Math.max(maxOutset, axes.xaxis.labelHeight + margin);
+                if (axes.yaxis.labelWidth > 0)
+                    plotOffset.left = Math.max(maxOutset, axes.yaxis.labelWidth + margin);
+                if (axes.x2axis.labelHeight > 0)
+                    plotOffset.top = Math.max(maxOutset, axes.x2axis.labelHeight + margin);
+                if (axes.y2axis.labelWidth > 0)
+                    plotOffset.right = Math.max(maxOutset, axes.y2axis.labelWidth + margin);
+                plotWidth = canvasWidth - plotOffset.left - plotOffset.right;
+                plotHeight = canvasHeight - plotOffset.bottom - plotOffset.top;
+            }
+            var axis;
+            for (axis in axes)
+                setRange(axes[axis], options[axis]);
+            if (options.grid.show) {
+                for (axis in axes) {
+                    prepareTickGeneration(axes[axis], options[axis]);
+                    setTicks(axes[axis], options[axis]);
+                    measureLabels(axes[axis], options[axis]);
+                }
+                setGridSpacing();
+            }
+            else {
+                plotOffset.left = plotOffset.right = plotOffset.top = plotOffset.bottom = 0;
+                plotWidth = canvasWidth;
+                plotHeight = canvasHeight;
+            }
+            for (axis in axes)
+                setTransformationHelpers(axes[axis], options[axis]);
+            if (options.grid.show)
+                insertLabels();
+            insertLegend();
+        }
+        function setRange(axis, axisOptions) {
+            var min = +(axisOptions.min != null ? axisOptions.min : axis.datamin),
+                max = +(axisOptions.max != null ? axisOptions.max : axis.datamax),
+                delta = max - min;
+            if (delta == 0.0) {
+                // degenerate case
+                var widen = max == 0 ? 1 : 0.01;
+                if (axisOptions.min == null)
+                    min -= widen;
+                // alway widen max if we couldn't widen min to ensure we
+                // don't fall into min == max which doesn't work
+                if (axisOptions.max == null || axisOptions.min != null)
+                    max += widen;
+            }
+            else {
+                // consider autoscaling
+                var margin = axisOptions.autoscaleMargin;
+                if (margin != null) {
+                    if (axisOptions.min == null) {
+                        min -= delta * margin;
+                        // make sure we don't go below zero if all values
+                        // are positive
+                        if (min < 0 && axis.datamin != null && axis.datamin >= 0)
+                            min = 0;
+                    }
+                    if (axisOptions.max == null) {
+                        max += delta * margin;
+                        if (max > 0 && axis.datamax != null && axis.datamax <= 0)
+                            max = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            axis.min = min;
+            axis.max = max;
+        }
+        function prepareTickGeneration(axis, axisOptions) {
+            // estimate number of ticks
+            var noTicks;
+            if (typeof axisOptions.ticks == "number" && axisOptions.ticks > 0)
+                noTicks = axisOptions.ticks;
+            else if (axis == axes.xaxis || axis == axes.x2axis)
+                 // heuristic based on the model a*sqrt(x) fitted to
+                 // some reasonable data points
+                noTicks = 0.3 * Math.sqrt(canvasWidth);
+            else
+                noTicks = 0.3 * Math.sqrt(canvasHeight);
+            var delta = (axis.max - axis.min) / noTicks,
+                size, generator, unit, formatter, i, magn, norm;
+            if (axisOptions.mode == "time") {
+                // pretty handling of time
+                // map of app. size of time units in milliseconds
+                var timeUnitSize = {
+                    "second": 1000,
+                    "minute": 60 * 1000,
+                    "hour": 60 * 60 * 1000,
+                    "day": 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
+                    "month": 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
+                    "year": 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+                };
+                // the allowed tick sizes, after 1 year we use
+                // an integer algorithm
+                var spec = [
+                    [1, "second"], [2, "second"], [5, "second"], [10, "second"],
+                    [30, "second"], 
+                    [1, "minute"], [2, "minute"], [5, "minute"], [10, "minute"],
+                    [30, "minute"], 
+                    [1, "hour"], [2, "hour"], [4, "hour"],
+                    [8, "hour"], [12, "hour"],
+                    [1, "day"], [2, "day"], [3, "day"],
+                    [0.25, "month"], [0.5, "month"], [1, "month"],
+                    [2, "month"], [3, "month"], [6, "month"],
+                    [1, "year"]
+                ];
+                var minSize = 0;
+                if (axisOptions.minTickSize != null) {
+                    if (typeof axisOptions.tickSize == "number")
+                        minSize = axisOptions.tickSize;
+                    else
+                        minSize = axisOptions.minTickSize[0] * timeUnitSize[axisOptions.minTickSize[1]];
+                }
+                for (i = 0; i < spec.length - 1; ++i)
+                    if (delta < (spec[i][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i][1]]
+                                 + spec[i + 1][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i + 1][1]]) / 2
+                       && spec[i][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i][1]] >= minSize)
+                        break;
+                size = spec[i][0];
+                unit = spec[i][1];
+                // special-case the possibility of several years
+                if (unit == "year") {
+                    magn = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(delta / timeUnitSize.year) / Math.LN10));
+                    norm = (delta / timeUnitSize.year) / magn;
+                    if (norm < 1.5)
+                        size = 1;
+                    else if (norm < 3)
+                        size = 2;
+                    else if (norm < 7.5)
+                        size = 5;
+                    else
+                        size = 10;
+                    size *= magn;
+                }
+                if (axisOptions.tickSize) {
+                    size = axisOptions.tickSize[0];
+                    unit = axisOptions.tickSize[1];
+                }
+                generator = function(axis) {
+                    var ticks = [],
+                        tickSize = axis.tickSize[0], unit = axis.tickSize[1],
+                        d = new Date(axis.min);
+                    var step = tickSize * timeUnitSize[unit];
+                    if (unit == "second")
+                        d.setUTCSeconds(floorInBase(d.getUTCSeconds(), tickSize));
+                    if (unit == "minute")
+                        d.setUTCMinutes(floorInBase(d.getUTCMinutes(), tickSize));
+                    if (unit == "hour")
+                        d.setUTCHours(floorInBase(d.getUTCHours(), tickSize));
+                    if (unit == "month")
+                        d.setUTCMonth(floorInBase(d.getUTCMonth(), tickSize));
+                    if (unit == "year")
+                        d.setUTCFullYear(floorInBase(d.getUTCFullYear(), tickSize));
+                    // reset smaller components
+                    d.setUTCMilliseconds(0);
+                    if (step >= timeUnitSize.minute)
+                        d.setUTCSeconds(0);
+                    if (step >= timeUnitSize.hour)
+                        d.setUTCMinutes(0);
+                    if (step >= timeUnitSize.day)
+                        d.setUTCHours(0);
+                    if (step >= timeUnitSize.day * 4)
+                        d.setUTCDate(1);
+                    if (step >= timeUnitSize.year)
+                        d.setUTCMonth(0);
+                    var carry = 0, v = Number.NaN, prev;
+                    do {
+                        prev = v;
+                        v = d.getTime();
+                        ticks.push({ v: v, label: axis.tickFormatter(v, axis) });
+                        if (unit == "month") {
+                            if (tickSize < 1) {
+                                // a bit complicated - we'll divide the month
+                                // up but we need to take care of fractions
+                                // so we don't end up in the middle of a day
+                                d.setUTCDate(1);
+                                var start = d.getTime();
+                                d.setUTCMonth(d.getUTCMonth() + 1);
+                                var end = d.getTime();
+                                d.setTime(v + carry * timeUnitSize.hour + (end - start) * tickSize);
+                                carry = d.getUTCHours();
+                                d.setUTCHours(0);
+                            }
+                            else
+                                d.setUTCMonth(d.getUTCMonth() + tickSize);
+                        }
+                        else if (unit == "year") {
+                            d.setUTCFullYear(d.getUTCFullYear() + tickSize);
+                        }
+                        else
+                            d.setTime(v + step);
+                    } while (v < axis.max && v != prev);
+                    return ticks;
+                };
+                formatter = function (v, axis) {
+                    var d = new Date(v);
+                    // first check global format
+                    if (axisOptions.timeformat != null)
+                        return $.plot.formatDate(d, axisOptions.timeformat, axisOptions.monthNames);
+                    var t = axis.tickSize[0] * timeUnitSize[axis.tickSize[1]];
+                    var span = axis.max - axis.min;
+                    var suffix = (axisOptions.twelveHourClock) ? " %p" : "";
+                    if (t < timeUnitSize.minute)
+                        fmt = "%h:%M:%S" + suffix;
+                    else if (t < timeUnitSize.day) {
+                        if (span < 2 * timeUnitSize.day)
+                            fmt = "%h:%M" + suffix;
+                        else
+                            fmt = "%b %d %h:%M" + suffix;
+                    }
+                    else if (t < timeUnitSize.month)
+                        fmt = "%b %d";
+                    else if (t < timeUnitSize.year) {
+                        if (span < timeUnitSize.year)
+                            fmt = "%b";
+                        else
+                            fmt = "%b %y";
+                    }
+                    else
+                        fmt = "%y";
+                    return $.plot.formatDate(d, fmt, axisOptions.monthNames);
+                };
+            }
+            else {
+                // pretty rounding of base-10 numbers
+                var maxDec = axisOptions.tickDecimals;
+                var dec = -Math.floor(Math.log(delta) / Math.LN10);
+                if (maxDec != null && dec > maxDec)
+                    dec = maxDec;
+                magn = Math.pow(10, -dec);
+                norm = delta / magn; // norm is between 1.0 and 10.0
+                if (norm < 1.5)
+                    size = 1;
+                else if (norm < 3) {
+                    size = 2;
+                    // special case for 2.5, requires an extra decimal
+                    if (norm > 2.25 && (maxDec == null || dec + 1 <= maxDec)) {
+                        size = 2.5;
+                        ++dec;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (norm < 7.5)
+                    size = 5;
+                else
+                    size = 10;
+                size *= magn;
+                if (axisOptions.minTickSize != null && size < axisOptions.minTickSize)
+                    size = axisOptions.minTickSize;
+                if (axisOptions.tickSize != null)
+                    size = axisOptions.tickSize;
+                axis.tickDecimals = Math.max(0, (maxDec != null) ? maxDec : dec);
+                generator = function (axis) {
+                    var ticks = [];
+                    // spew out all possible ticks
+                    var start = floorInBase(axis.min, axis.tickSize),
+                        i = 0, v = Number.NaN, prev;
+                    do {
+                        prev = v;
+                        v = start + i * axis.tickSize;
+                        ticks.push({ v: v, label: axis.tickFormatter(v, axis) });
+                        ++i;
+                    } while (v < axis.max && v != prev);
+                    return ticks;
+                };
+                formatter = function (v, axis) {
+                    return v.toFixed(axis.tickDecimals);
+                };
+            }
+            axis.tickSize = unit ? [size, unit] : size;
+            axis.tickGenerator = generator;
+            if ($.isFunction(axisOptions.tickFormatter))
+                axis.tickFormatter = function (v, axis) { return "" + axisOptions.tickFormatter(v, axis); };
+            else
+                axis.tickFormatter = formatter;
+        }
+        function setTicks(axis, axisOptions) {
+            axis.ticks = [];
+            if (!axis.used)
+                return;
+            if (axisOptions.ticks == null)
+                axis.ticks = axis.tickGenerator(axis);
+            else if (typeof axisOptions.ticks == "number") {
+                if (axisOptions.ticks > 0)
+                    axis.ticks = axis.tickGenerator(axis);
+            }
+            else if (axisOptions.ticks) {
+                var ticks = axisOptions.ticks;
+                if ($.isFunction(ticks))
+                    // generate the ticks
+                    ticks = ticks({ min: axis.min, max: axis.max });
+                // clean up the user-supplied ticks, copy them over
+                var i, v;
+                for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i) {
+                    var label = null;
+                    var t = ticks[i];
+                    if (typeof t == "object") {
+                        v = t[0];
+                        if (t.length > 1)
+                            label = t[1];
+                    }
+                    else
+                        v = t;
+                    if (label == null)
+                        label = axis.tickFormatter(v, axis);
+                    axis.ticks[i] = { v: v, label: label };
+                }
+            }
+            if (axisOptions.autoscaleMargin != null && axis.ticks.length > 0) {
+                // snap to ticks
+                if (axisOptions.min == null)
+                    axis.min = Math.min(axis.min, axis.ticks[0].v);
+                if (axisOptions.max == null && axis.ticks.length > 1)
+                    axis.max = Math.max(axis.max, axis.ticks[axis.ticks.length - 1].v);
+            }
+        }
+        function draw() {
+            ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
+            var grid = options.grid;
+            if (grid.show && !grid.aboveData)
+                drawGrid();
+            for (var i = 0; i < series.length; ++i)
+                drawSeries(series[i]);
+            executeHooks(hooks.draw, [ctx]);
+            if (grid.show && grid.aboveData)
+                drawGrid();
+        }
+        function extractRange(ranges, coord) {
+            var firstAxis = coord + "axis",
+                secondaryAxis = coord + "2axis",
+                axis, from, to, reverse;
+            if (ranges[firstAxis]) {
+                axis = axes[firstAxis];
+                from = ranges[firstAxis].from;
+                to = ranges[firstAxis].to;
+            }
+            else if (ranges[secondaryAxis]) {
+                axis = axes[secondaryAxis];
+                from = ranges[secondaryAxis].from;
+                to = ranges[secondaryAxis].to;
+            }
+            else {
+                // backwards-compat stuff - to be removed in future
+                axis = axes[firstAxis];
+                from = ranges[coord + "1"];
+                to = ranges[coord + "2"];
+            }
+            // auto-reverse as an added bonus
+            if (from != null && to != null && from > to)
+                return { from: to, to: from, axis: axis };
+            return { from: from, to: to, axis: axis };
+        }
+        function drawGrid() {
+            var i;
+            ctx.save();
+            ctx.translate(plotOffset.left, plotOffset.top);
+            // draw background, if any
+            if (options.grid.backgroundColor) {
+                ctx.fillStyle = getColorOrGradient(options.grid.backgroundColor, plotHeight, 0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)");
+                ctx.fillRect(0, 0, plotWidth, plotHeight);
+            }
+            // draw markings
+            var markings = options.grid.markings;
+            if (markings) {
+                if ($.isFunction(markings))
+                    // xmin etc. are backwards-compatible, to be removed in future
+                    markings = markings({ xmin: axes.xaxis.min, xmax: axes.xaxis.max, ymin: axes.yaxis.min, ymax: axes.yaxis.max, xaxis: axes.xaxis, yaxis: axes.yaxis, x2axis: axes.x2axis, y2axis: axes.y2axis });
+                for (i = 0; i < markings.length; ++i) {
+                    var m = markings[i],
+                        xrange = extractRange(m, "x"),
+                        yrange = extractRange(m, "y");
+                    // fill in missing
+                    if (xrange.from == null)
+                        xrange.from = xrange.axis.min;
+                    if (xrange.to == null)
+                        xrange.to = xrange.axis.max;
+                    if (yrange.from == null)
+                        yrange.from = yrange.axis.min;
+                    if (yrange.to == null)
+                        yrange.to = yrange.axis.max;
+                    // clip
+                    if (xrange.to < xrange.axis.min || xrange.from > xrange.axis.max ||
+                        yrange.to < yrange.axis.min || yrange.from > yrange.axis.max)
+                        continue;
+                    xrange.from = Math.max(xrange.from, xrange.axis.min);
+                    xrange.to = Math.min(xrange.to, xrange.axis.max);
+                    yrange.from = Math.max(yrange.from, yrange.axis.min);
+                    yrange.to = Math.min(yrange.to, yrange.axis.max);
+                    if (xrange.from == xrange.to && yrange.from == yrange.to)
+                        continue;
+                    // then draw
+                    xrange.from = xrange.axis.p2c(xrange.from);
+                    xrange.to = xrange.axis.p2c(xrange.to);
+                    yrange.from = yrange.axis.p2c(yrange.from);
+                    yrange.to = yrange.axis.p2c(yrange.to);
+                    if (xrange.from == xrange.to || yrange.from == yrange.to) {
+                        // draw line
+                        ctx.beginPath();
+                        ctx.strokeStyle = m.color || options.grid.markingsColor;
+                        ctx.lineWidth = m.lineWidth || options.grid.markingsLineWidth;
+                        //ctx.moveTo(Math.floor(xrange.from), yrange.from);
+                        //ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(xrange.to), yrange.to);
+                        ctx.moveTo(xrange.from, yrange.from);
+                        ctx.lineTo(xrange.to, yrange.to);
+                        ctx.stroke();
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        // fill area
+                        ctx.fillStyle = m.color || options.grid.markingsColor;
+                        ctx.fillRect(xrange.from, yrange.to,
+                                     xrange.to - xrange.from,
+                                     yrange.from - yrange.to);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // draw the inner grid
+            ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+            ctx.strokeStyle = options.grid.tickColor;
+            ctx.beginPath();
+            var v, axis = axes.xaxis;
+            for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                v = axis.ticks[i].v;
+                if (v <= axis.min || v >= axes.xaxis.max)
+                    continue;   // skip those lying on the axes
+                ctx.moveTo(Math.floor(axis.p2c(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2, 0);
+                ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(axis.p2c(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2, plotHeight);
+            }
+            axis = axes.yaxis;
+            for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                v = axis.ticks[i].v;
+                if (v <= axis.min || v >= axis.max)
+                    continue;
+                ctx.moveTo(0, Math.floor(axis.p2c(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2);
+                ctx.lineTo(plotWidth, Math.floor(axis.p2c(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2);
+            }
+            axis = axes.x2axis;
+            for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                v = axis.ticks[i].v;
+                if (v <= axis.min || v >= axis.max)
+                    continue;
+                ctx.moveTo(Math.floor(axis.p2c(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2, -5);
+                ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(axis.p2c(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2, 5);
+            }
+            axis = axes.y2axis;
+            for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                v = axis.ticks[i].v;
+                if (v <= axis.min || v >= axis.max)
+                    continue;
+                ctx.moveTo(plotWidth-5, Math.floor(axis.p2c(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2);
+                ctx.lineTo(plotWidth+5, Math.floor(axis.p2c(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2);
+            }
+            ctx.stroke();
+            if (options.grid.borderWidth) {
+                // draw border
+                var bw = options.grid.borderWidth;
+                ctx.lineWidth = bw;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = options.grid.borderColor;
+                ctx.strokeRect(-bw/2, -bw/2, plotWidth + bw, plotHeight + bw);
+            }
+            ctx.restore();
+        }
+        function insertLabels() {
+            placeholder.find(".tickLabels").remove();
+            var html = ['<div class="tickLabels" style="font-size:smaller;color:' + options.grid.color + '">'];
+            function addLabels(axis, labelGenerator) {
+                for (var i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                    var tick = axis.ticks[i];
+                    if (!tick.label || tick.v < axis.min || tick.v > axis.max)
+                        continue;
+                    html.push(labelGenerator(tick, axis));
+                }
+            }
+            var margin = options.grid.labelMargin + options.grid.borderWidth;
+            addLabels(axes.xaxis, function (tick, axis) {
+                return '<div style="position:absolute;top:' + (plotOffset.top + plotHeight + margin) + 'px;left:' + Math.round(plotOffset.left + axis.p2c(tick.v) - axis.labelWidth/2) + 'px;width:' + axis.labelWidth + 'px;text-align:center" class="tickLabel">' + tick.label + "</div>";
+            });
+            addLabels(axes.yaxis, function (tick, axis) {
+                return '<div style="position:absolute;top:' + Math.round(plotOffset.top + axis.p2c(tick.v) - axis.labelHeight/2) + 'px;right:' + (plotOffset.right + plotWidth + margin) + 'px;width:' + axis.labelWidth + 'px;text-align:right" class="tickLabel">' + tick.label + "</div>";
+            });
+            addLabels(axes.x2axis, function (tick, axis) {
+                return '<div style="position:absolute;bottom:' + (plotOffset.bottom + plotHeight + margin) + 'px;left:' + Math.round(plotOffset.left + axis.p2c(tick.v) - axis.labelWidth/2) + 'px;width:' + axis.labelWidth + 'px;text-align:center" class="tickLabel">' + tick.label + "</div>";
+            });
+            addLabels(axes.y2axis, function (tick, axis) {
+                return '<div style="position:absolute;top:' + Math.round(plotOffset.top + axis.p2c(tick.v) - axis.labelHeight/2) + 'px;left:' + (plotOffset.left + plotWidth + margin) +'px;width:' + axis.labelWidth + 'px;text-align:left" class="tickLabel">' + tick.label + "</div>";
+            });
+            html.push('</div>');
+            placeholder.append(html.join(""));
+        }
+        function drawSeries(series) {
+            if (series.lines.show)
+                drawSeriesLines(series);
+            if (series.bars.show)
+                drawSeriesBars(series);
+            if (series.points.show)
+                drawSeriesPoints(series);
+        }
+        function drawSeriesLines(series) {
+            function plotLine(datapoints, xoffset, yoffset, axisx, axisy) {
+                var points = datapoints.points,
+                    ps = datapoints.pointsize,
+                    prevx = null, prevy = null;
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                for (var i = ps; i < points.length; i += ps) {
+                    var x1 = points[i - ps], y1 = points[i - ps + 1],
+                        x2 = points[i], y2 = points[i + 1];
+                    if (x1 == null || x2 == null)
+                        continue;
+                    // clip with ymin
+                    if (y1 <= y2 && y1 < axisy.min) {
+                        if (y2 < axisy.min)
+                            continue;   // line segment is outside
+                        // compute new intersection point
+                        x1 = (axisy.min - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
+                        y1 = axisy.min;
+                    }
+                    else if (y2 <= y1 && y2 < axisy.min) {
+                        if (y1 < axisy.min)
+                            continue;
+                        x2 = (axisy.min - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
+                        y2 = axisy.min;
+                    }
+                    // clip with ymax
+                    if (y1 >= y2 && y1 > axisy.max) {
+                        if (y2 > axisy.max)
+                            continue;
+                        x1 = (axisy.max - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
+                        y1 = axisy.max;
+                    }
+                    else if (y2 >= y1 && y2 > axisy.max) {
+                        if (y1 > axisy.max)
+                            continue;
+                        x2 = (axisy.max - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
+                        y2 = axisy.max;
+                    }
+                    // clip with xmin
+                    if (x1 <= x2 && x1 < axisx.min) {
+                        if (x2 < axisx.min)
+                            continue;
+                        y1 = (axisx.min - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1;
+                        x1 = axisx.min;
+                    }
+                    else if (x2 <= x1 && x2 < axisx.min) {
+                        if (x1 < axisx.min)
+                            continue;
+                        y2 = (axisx.min - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1;
+                        x2 = axisx.min;
+                    }
+                    // clip with xmax
+                    if (x1 >= x2 && x1 > axisx.max) {
+                        if (x2 > axisx.max)
+                            continue;
+                        y1 = (axisx.max - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1;
+                        x1 = axisx.max;
+                    }
+                    else if (x2 >= x1 && x2 > axisx.max) {
+                        if (x1 > axisx.max)
+                            continue;
+                        y2 = (axisx.max - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1;
+                        x2 = axisx.max;
+                    }
+                    if (x1 != prevx || y1 != prevy)
+                        ctx.moveTo(axisx.p2c(x1) + xoffset, axisy.p2c(y1) + yoffset);
+                    prevx = x2;
+                    prevy = y2;
+                    ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x2) + xoffset, axisy.p2c(y2) + yoffset);
+                }
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            function plotLineArea(datapoints, axisx, axisy) {
+                var points = datapoints.points,
+                    ps = datapoints.pointsize,
+                    bottom = Math.min(Math.max(0, axisy.min), axisy.max),
+                    top, lastX = 0, areaOpen = false;
+                for (var i = ps; i < points.length; i += ps) {
+                    var x1 = points[i - ps], y1 = points[i - ps + 1],
+                        x2 = points[i], y2 = points[i + 1];
+                    if (areaOpen && x1 != null && x2 == null) {
+                        // close area
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(lastX), axisy.p2c(bottom));
+                        ctx.fill();
+                        areaOpen = false;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    if (x1 == null || x2 == null)
+                        continue;
+                    // clip x values
+                    // clip with xmin
+                    if (x1 <= x2 && x1 < axisx.min) {
+                        if (x2 < axisx.min)
+                            continue;
+                        y1 = (axisx.min - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1;
+                        x1 = axisx.min;
+                    }
+                    else if (x2 <= x1 && x2 < axisx.min) {
+                        if (x1 < axisx.min)
+                            continue;
+                        y2 = (axisx.min - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1;
+                        x2 = axisx.min;
+                    }
+                    // clip with xmax
+                    if (x1 >= x2 && x1 > axisx.max) {
+                        if (x2 > axisx.max)
+                            continue;
+                        y1 = (axisx.max - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1;
+                        x1 = axisx.max;
+                    }
+                    else if (x2 >= x1 && x2 > axisx.max) {
+                        if (x1 > axisx.max)
+                            continue;
+                        y2 = (axisx.max - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1;
+                        x2 = axisx.max;
+                    }
+                    if (!areaOpen) {
+                        // open area
+                        ctx.beginPath();
+                        ctx.moveTo(axisx.p2c(x1), axisy.p2c(bottom));
+                        areaOpen = true;
+                    }
+                    // now first check the case where both is outside
+                    if (y1 >= axisy.max && y2 >= axisy.max) {
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x1), axisy.p2c(axisy.max));
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x2), axisy.p2c(axisy.max));
+                        lastX = x2;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    else if (y1 <= axisy.min && y2 <= axisy.min) {
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x1), axisy.p2c(axisy.min));
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x2), axisy.p2c(axisy.min));
+                        lastX = x2;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // else it's a bit more complicated, there might
+                    // be two rectangles and two triangles we need to fill
+                    // in; to find these keep track of the current x values
+                    var x1old = x1, x2old = x2;
+                    // and clip the y values, without shortcutting
+                    // clip with ymin
+                    if (y1 <= y2 && y1 < axisy.min && y2 >= axisy.min) {
+                        x1 = (axisy.min - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
+                        y1 = axisy.min;
+                    }
+                    else if (y2 <= y1 && y2 < axisy.min && y1 >= axisy.min) {
+                        x2 = (axisy.min - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
+                        y2 = axisy.min;
+                    }
+                    // clip with ymax
+                    if (y1 >= y2 && y1 > axisy.max && y2 <= axisy.max) {
+                        x1 = (axisy.max - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
+                        y1 = axisy.max;
+                    }
+                    else if (y2 >= y1 && y2 > axisy.max && y1 <= axisy.max) {
+                        x2 = (axisy.max - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
+                        y2 = axisy.max;
+                    }
+                    // if the x value was changed we got a rectangle
+                    // to fill
+                    if (x1 != x1old) {
+                        if (y1 <= axisy.min)
+                            top = axisy.min;
+                        else
+                            top = axisy.max;
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x1old), axisy.p2c(top));
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x1), axisy.p2c(top));
+                    }
+                    // fill the triangles
+                    ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x1), axisy.p2c(y1));
+                    ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x2), axisy.p2c(y2));
+                    // fill the other rectangle if it's there
+                    if (x2 != x2old) {
+                        if (y2 <= axisy.min)
+                            top = axisy.min;
+                        else
+                            top = axisy.max;
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x2), axisy.p2c(top));
+                        ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(x2old), axisy.p2c(top));
+                    }
+                    lastX = Math.max(x2, x2old);
+                }
+                if (areaOpen) {
+                    ctx.lineTo(axisx.p2c(lastX), axisy.p2c(bottom));
+                    ctx.fill();
+                }
+            }
+            ctx.save();
+            ctx.translate(plotOffset.left, plotOffset.top);
+            ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+            var lw = series.lines.lineWidth,
+                sw = series.shadowSize;
+            // FIXME: consider another form of shadow when filling is turned on
+            if (lw > 0 && sw > 0) {
+                // draw shadow as a thick and thin line with transparency
+                ctx.lineWidth = sw;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
+                // position shadow at angle from the mid of line
+                var angle = Math.PI/18;
+                plotLine(series.datapoints, Math.sin(angle) * (lw/2 + sw/2), Math.cos(angle) * (lw/2 + sw/2), series.xaxis, series.yaxis);
+                ctx.lineWidth = sw/2;
+                plotLine(series.datapoints, Math.sin(angle) * (lw/2 + sw/4), Math.cos(angle) * (lw/2 + sw/4), series.xaxis, series.yaxis);
+            }
+            ctx.lineWidth = lw;
+            ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
+            var fillStyle = getFillStyle(series.lines, series.color, 0, plotHeight);
+            if (fillStyle) {
+                ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+                plotLineArea(series.datapoints, series.xaxis, series.yaxis);
+            }
+            if (lw > 0)
+                plotLine(series.datapoints, 0, 0, series.xaxis, series.yaxis);
+            ctx.restore();
+        }
+        function drawSeriesPoints(series) {
+            function plotPoints(datapoints, radius, fillStyle, offset, circumference, axisx, axisy) {
+                var points = datapoints.points, ps = datapoints.pointsize;
+                for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i += ps) {
+                    var x = points[i], y = points[i + 1];
+                    if (x == null || x < axisx.min || x > axisx.max || y < axisy.min || y > axisy.max)
+                        continue;
+                    ctx.beginPath();
+                    ctx.arc(axisx.p2c(x), axisy.p2c(y) + offset, radius, 0, circumference, false);
+                    if (fillStyle) {
+                        ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+                        ctx.fill();
+                    }
+                    ctx.stroke();
+                }
+            }
+            ctx.save();
+            ctx.translate(plotOffset.left, plotOffset.top);
+            var lw = series.lines.lineWidth,
+                sw = series.shadowSize,
+                radius = series.points.radius;
+            if (lw > 0 && sw > 0) {
+                // draw shadow in two steps
+                var w = sw / 2;
+                ctx.lineWidth = w;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
+                plotPoints(series.datapoints, radius, null, w + w/2, Math.PI,
+                           series.xaxis, series.yaxis);
+                ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";
+                plotPoints(series.datapoints, radius, null, w/2, Math.PI,
+                           series.xaxis, series.yaxis);
+            }
+            ctx.lineWidth = lw;
+            ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
+            plotPoints(series.datapoints, radius,
+                       getFillStyle(series.points, series.color), 0, 2 * Math.PI,
+                       series.xaxis, series.yaxis);
+            ctx.restore();
+        }
+        function drawBar(x, y, b, barLeft, barRight, offset, fillStyleCallback, axisx, axisy, c, horizontal) {
+            var left, right, bottom, top,
+                drawLeft, drawRight, drawTop, drawBottom,
+                tmp;
+            if (horizontal) {
+                drawBottom = drawRight = drawTop = true;
+                drawLeft = false;
+                left = b;
+                right = x;
+                top = y + barLeft;
+                bottom = y + barRight;
+                // account for negative bars
+                if (right < left) {
+                    tmp = right;
+                    right = left;
+                    left = tmp;
+                    drawLeft = true;
+                    drawRight = false;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                drawLeft = drawRight = drawTop = true;
+                drawBottom = false;
+                left = x + barLeft;
+                right = x + barRight;
+                bottom = b;
+                top = y;
+                // account for negative bars
+                if (top < bottom) {
+                    tmp = top;
+                    top = bottom;
+                    bottom = tmp;
+                    drawBottom = true;
+                    drawTop = false;
+                }
+            }
+            // clip
+            if (right < axisx.min || left > axisx.max ||
+                top < axisy.min || bottom > axisy.max)
+                return;
+            if (left < axisx.min) {
+                left = axisx.min;
+                drawLeft = false;
+            }
+            if (right > axisx.max) {
+                right = axisx.max;
+                drawRight = false;
+            }
+            if (bottom < axisy.min) {
+                bottom = axisy.min;
+                drawBottom = false;
+            }
+            if (top > axisy.max) {
+                top = axisy.max;
+                drawTop = false;
+            }
+            left = axisx.p2c(left);
+            bottom = axisy.p2c(bottom);
+            right = axisx.p2c(right);
+            top = axisy.p2c(top);
+            // fill the bar
+            if (fillStyleCallback) {
+                c.beginPath();
+                c.moveTo(left, bottom);
+                c.lineTo(left, top);
+                c.lineTo(right, top);
+                c.lineTo(right, bottom);
+                c.fillStyle = fillStyleCallback(bottom, top);
+                c.fill();
+            }
+            // draw outline
+            if (drawLeft || drawRight || drawTop || drawBottom) {
+                c.beginPath();
+                // FIXME: inline moveTo is buggy with excanvas
+                c.moveTo(left, bottom + offset);
+                if (drawLeft)
+                    c.lineTo(left, top + offset);
+                else
+                    c.moveTo(left, top + offset);
+                if (drawTop)
+                    c.lineTo(right, top + offset);
+                else
+                    c.moveTo(right, top + offset);
+                if (drawRight)
+                    c.lineTo(right, bottom + offset);
+                else
+                    c.moveTo(right, bottom + offset);
+                if (drawBottom)
+                    c.lineTo(left, bottom + offset);
+                else
+                    c.moveTo(left, bottom + offset);
+                c.stroke();
+            }
+        }
+        function drawSeriesBars(series) {
+            function plotBars(datapoints, barLeft, barRight, offset, fillStyleCallback, axisx, axisy) {
+                var points = datapoints.points, ps = datapoints.pointsize;
+                for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i += ps) {
+                    if (points[i] == null)
+                        continue;
+                    drawBar(points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 2], barLeft, barRight, offset, fillStyleCallback, axisx, axisy, ctx, series.bars.horizontal);
+                }
+            }
+            ctx.save();
+            ctx.translate(plotOffset.left, plotOffset.top);
+            // FIXME: figure out a way to add shadows (for instance along the right edge)
+            ctx.lineWidth = series.bars.lineWidth;
+            ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
+            var barLeft = series.bars.align == "left" ? 0 : -series.bars.barWidth/2;
+            var fillStyleCallback = series.bars.fill ? function (bottom, top) { return getFillStyle(series.bars, series.color, bottom, top); } : null;
+            plotBars(series.datapoints, barLeft, barLeft + series.bars.barWidth, 0, fillStyleCallback, series.xaxis, series.yaxis);
+            ctx.restore();
+        }
+        function getFillStyle(filloptions, seriesColor, bottom, top) {
+            var fill = filloptions.fill;
+            if (!fill)
+                return null;
+            if (filloptions.fillColor)
+                return getColorOrGradient(filloptions.fillColor, bottom, top, seriesColor);
+            var c = $.color.parse(seriesColor);
+            c.a = typeof fill == "number" ? fill : 0.4;
+            c.normalize();
+            return c.toString();
+        }
+        function insertLegend() {
+            placeholder.find(".legend").remove();
+            if (!options.legend.show)
+                return;
+            var fragments = [], rowStarted = false,
+                lf = options.legend.labelFormatter, s, label;
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                s = series[i];
+                label = s.label;
+                if (!label)
+                    continue;
+                if (i % options.legend.noColumns == 0) {
+                    if (rowStarted)
+                        fragments.push('</tr>');
+                    fragments.push('<tr>');
+                    rowStarted = true;
+                }
+                if (lf)
+                    label = lf(label, s);
+                fragments.push(
+                    '<td class="legendColorBox"><div style="border:1px solid ' + options.legend.labelBoxBorderColor + ';padding:1px"><div style="width:4px;height:0;border:5px solid ' + s.color + ';overflow:hidden"></div></div></td>' +
+                    '<td class="legendLabel">' + label + '</td>');
+            }
+            if (rowStarted)
+                fragments.push('</tr>');
+            if (fragments.length == 0)
+                return;
+            var table = '<table style="font-size:smaller;color:' + options.grid.color + '">' + fragments.join("") + '</table>';
+            if (options.legend.container != null)
+                $(options.legend.container).html(table);
+            else {
+                var pos = "",
+                    p = options.legend.position,
+                    m = options.legend.margin;
+                if (m[0] == null)
+                    m = [m, m];
+                if (p.charAt(0) == "n")
+                    pos += 'top:' + (m[1] + plotOffset.top) + 'px;';
+                else if (p.charAt(0) == "s")
+                    pos += 'bottom:' + (m[1] + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px;';
+                if (p.charAt(1) == "e")
+                    pos += 'right:' + (m[0] + plotOffset.right) + 'px;';
+                else if (p.charAt(1) == "w")
+                    pos += 'left:' + (m[0] + plotOffset.left) + 'px;';
+                var legend = $('<div class="legend">' + table.replace('style="', 'style="position:absolute;' + pos +';') + '</div>').appendTo(placeholder);
+                if (options.legend.backgroundOpacity != 0.0) {
+                    // put in the transparent background
+                    // separately to avoid blended labels and
+                    // label boxes
+                    var c = options.legend.backgroundColor;
+                    if (c == null) {
+                        c = options.grid.backgroundColor;
+                        if (c && typeof c == "string")
+                            c = $.color.parse(c);
+                        else
+                            c = $.color.extract(legend, 'background-color');
+                        c.a = 1;
+                        c = c.toString();
+                    }
+                    var div = legend.children();
+                    $('<div style="position:absolute;width:' + div.width() + 'px;height:' + div.height() + 'px;' + pos +'background-color:' + c + ';"> </div>').prependTo(legend).css('opacity', options.legend.backgroundOpacity);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // interactive features
+        var highlights = [],
+            redrawTimeout = null;
+        // returns the data item the mouse is over, or null if none is found
+        function findNearbyItem(mouseX, mouseY, seriesFilter) {
+            var maxDistance = options.grid.mouseActiveRadius,
+                smallestDistance = maxDistance * maxDistance + 1,
+                item = null, foundPoint = false, i, j;
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                if (!seriesFilter(series[i]))
+                    continue;
+                var s = series[i],
+                    axisx = s.xaxis,
+                    axisy = s.yaxis,
+                    points = s.datapoints.points,
+                    ps = s.datapoints.pointsize,
+                    mx = axisx.c2p(mouseX), // precompute some stuff to make the loop faster
+                    my = axisy.c2p(mouseY),
+                    maxx = maxDistance / axisx.scale,
+                    maxy = maxDistance / axisy.scale;
+                if (s.lines.show || s.points.show) {
+                    for (j = 0; j < points.length; j += ps) {
+                        var x = points[j], y = points[j + 1];
+                        if (x == null)
+                            continue;
+                        // For points and lines, the cursor must be within a
+                        // certain distance to the data point
+                        if (x - mx > maxx || x - mx < -maxx ||
+                            y - my > maxy || y - my < -maxy)
+                            continue;
+                        // We have to calculate distances in pixels, not in
+                        // data units, because the scales of the axes may be different
+                        var dx = Math.abs(axisx.p2c(x) - mouseX),
+                            dy = Math.abs(axisy.p2c(y) - mouseY),
+                            dist = dx * dx + dy * dy; // we save the sqrt
+                        // use <= to ensure last point takes precedence
+                        // (last generally means on top of)
+                        if (dist <= smallestDistance) {
+                            smallestDistance = dist;
+                            item = [i, j / ps];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (s.bars.show && !item) { // no other point can be nearby
+                    var barLeft = s.bars.align == "left" ? 0 : -s.bars.barWidth/2,
+                        barRight = barLeft + s.bars.barWidth;
+                    for (j = 0; j < points.length; j += ps) {
+                        var x = points[j], y = points[j + 1], b = points[j + 2];
+                        if (x == null)
+                            continue;
+                        // for a bar graph, the cursor must be inside the bar
+                        if (series[i].bars.horizontal ? 
+                            (mx <= Math.max(b, x) && mx >= Math.min(b, x) && 
+                             my >= y + barLeft && my <= y + barRight) :
+                            (mx >= x + barLeft && mx <= x + barRight &&
+                             my >= Math.min(b, y) && my <= Math.max(b, y)))
+                                item = [i, j / ps];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (item) {
+                i = item[0];
+                j = item[1];
+                ps = series[i].datapoints.pointsize;
+                return { datapoint: series[i].datapoints.points.slice(j * ps, (j + 1) * ps),
+                         dataIndex: j,
+                         series: series[i],
+                         seriesIndex: i };
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        function onMouseMove(e) {
+            if (options.grid.hoverable)
+                triggerClickHoverEvent("plothover", e,
+                                       function (s) { return s["hoverable"] != false; });
+        }
+        function onClick(e) {
+            triggerClickHoverEvent("plotclick", e,
+                                   function (s) { return s["clickable"] != false; });
+        }
+        // trigger click or hover event (they send the same parameters
+        // so we share their code)
+        function triggerClickHoverEvent(eventname, event, seriesFilter) {
+            var offset = eventHolder.offset(),
+                pos = { pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY },
+                canvasX = event.pageX - offset.left - plotOffset.left,
+                canvasY = event.pageY - offset.top - plotOffset.top;
+            if (axes.xaxis.used)
+                pos.x = axes.xaxis.c2p(canvasX);
+            if (axes.yaxis.used)
+                pos.y = axes.yaxis.c2p(canvasY);
+            if (axes.x2axis.used)
+                pos.x2 = axes.x2axis.c2p(canvasX);
+            if (axes.y2axis.used)
+                pos.y2 = axes.y2axis.c2p(canvasY);
+            var item = findNearbyItem(canvasX, canvasY, seriesFilter);
+            if (item) {
+                // fill in mouse pos for any listeners out there
+                item.pageX = parseInt(item.series.xaxis.p2c(item.datapoint[0]) + offset.left + plotOffset.left);
+                item.pageY = parseInt(item.series.yaxis.p2c(item.datapoint[1]) + offset.top + plotOffset.top);
+            }
+            if (options.grid.autoHighlight) {
+                // clear auto-highlights
+                for (var i = 0; i < highlights.length; ++i) {
+                    var h = highlights[i];
+                    if (h.auto == eventname &&
+                        !(item && h.series == item.series && h.point == item.datapoint))
+                        unhighlight(h.series, h.point);
+                }
+                if (item)
+                    highlight(item.series, item.datapoint, eventname);
+            }
+            placeholder.trigger(eventname, [ pos, item ]);
+        }
+        function triggerRedrawOverlay() {
+            if (!redrawTimeout)
+                redrawTimeout = setTimeout(drawOverlay, 30);
+        }
+        function drawOverlay() {
+            redrawTimeout = null;
+            // draw highlights
+            octx.save();
+            octx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
+            octx.translate(plotOffset.left, plotOffset.top);
+            var i, hi;
+            for (i = 0; i < highlights.length; ++i) {
+                hi = highlights[i];
+                if (hi.series.bars.show)
+                    drawBarHighlight(hi.series, hi.point);
+                else
+                    drawPointHighlight(hi.series, hi.point);
+            }
+            octx.restore();
+            executeHooks(hooks.drawOverlay, [octx]);
+        }
+        function highlight(s, point, auto) {
+            if (typeof s == "number")
+                s = series[s];
+            if (typeof point == "number")
+                point = s.data[point];
+            var i = indexOfHighlight(s, point);
+            if (i == -1) {
+                highlights.push({ series: s, point: point, auto: auto });
+                triggerRedrawOverlay();
+            }
+            else if (!auto)
+                highlights[i].auto = false;
+        }
+        function unhighlight(s, point) {
+            if (s == null && point == null) {
+                highlights = [];
+                triggerRedrawOverlay();
+            }
+            if (typeof s == "number")
+                s = series[s];
+            if (typeof point == "number")
+                point = s.data[point];
+            var i = indexOfHighlight(s, point);
+            if (i != -1) {
+                highlights.splice(i, 1);
+                triggerRedrawOverlay();
+            }
+        }
+        function indexOfHighlight(s, p) {
+            for (var i = 0; i < highlights.length; ++i) {
+                var h = highlights[i];
+                if (h.series == s && h.point[0] == p[0]
+                    && h.point[1] == p[1])
+                    return i;
+            }
+            return -1;
+        }
+        function drawPointHighlight(series, point) {
+            var x = point[0], y = point[1],
+                axisx = series.xaxis, axisy = series.yaxis;
+            if (x < axisx.min || x > axisx.max || y < axisy.min || y > axisy.max)
+                return;
+            var pointRadius = series.points.radius + series.points.lineWidth / 2;
+            octx.lineWidth = pointRadius;
+            octx.strokeStyle = $.color.parse(series.color).scale('a', 0.5).toString();
+            var radius = 1.5 * pointRadius;
+            octx.beginPath();
+            octx.arc(axisx.p2c(x), axisy.p2c(y), radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
+            octx.stroke();
+        }
+        function drawBarHighlight(series, point) {
+            octx.lineWidth = series.bars.lineWidth;
+            octx.strokeStyle = $.color.parse(series.color).scale('a', 0.5).toString();
+            var fillStyle = $.color.parse(series.color).scale('a', 0.5).toString();
+            var barLeft = series.bars.align == "left" ? 0 : -series.bars.barWidth/2;
+            drawBar(point[0], point[1], point[2] || 0, barLeft, barLeft + series.bars.barWidth,
+                    0, function () { return fillStyle; }, series.xaxis, series.yaxis, octx, series.bars.horizontal);
+        }
+        function getColorOrGradient(spec, bottom, top, defaultColor) {
+            if (typeof spec == "string")
+                return spec;
+            else {
+                // assume this is a gradient spec; IE currently only
+                // supports a simple vertical gradient properly, so that's
+                // what we support too
+                var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, top, 0, bottom);
+                for (var i = 0, l = spec.colors.length; i < l; ++i) {
+                    var c = spec.colors[i];
+                    if (typeof c != "string") {
+                        c = $.color.parse(defaultColor).scale('rgb', c.brightness);
+                        c.a *= c.opacity;
+                        c = c.toString();
+                    }
+                    gradient.addColorStop(i / (l - 1), c);
+                }
+                return gradient;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $.plot = function(placeholder, data, options) {
+        var plot = new Plot($(placeholder), data, options, $.plot.plugins);
+        /*var t0 = new Date();
+        var t1 = new Date();
+        var tstr = "time used (msecs): " + (t1.getTime() - t0.getTime())
+        if (window.console)
+            console.log(tstr);
+        else
+            alert(tstr);*/
+        return plot;
+    };
+    $.plot.plugins = [];
+    // returns a string with the date d formatted according to fmt
+    $.plot.formatDate = function(d, fmt, monthNames) {
+        var leftPad = function(n) {
+            n = "" + n;
+            return n.length == 1 ? "0" + n : n;
+        };
+        var r = [];
+        var escape = false;
+        var hours = d.getUTCHours();
+        var isAM = hours < 12;
+        if (monthNames == null)
+            monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
+        if (fmt.search(/%p|%P/) != -1) {
+            if (hours > 12) {
+                hours = hours - 12;
+            } else if (hours == 0) {
+                hours = 12;
+            }
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < fmt.length; ++i) {
+            var c = fmt.charAt(i);
+            if (escape) {
+                switch (c) {
+                case 'h': c = "" + hours; break;
+                case 'H': c = leftPad(hours); break;
+                case 'M': c = leftPad(d.getUTCMinutes()); break;
+                case 'S': c = leftPad(d.getUTCSeconds()); break;
+                case 'd': c = "" + d.getUTCDate(); break;
+                case 'm': c = "" + (d.getUTCMonth() + 1); break;
+                case 'y': c = "" + d.getUTCFullYear(); break;
+                case 'b': c = "" + monthNames[d.getUTCMonth()]; break;
+                case 'p': c = (isAM) ? ("" + "am") : ("" + "pm"); break;
+                case 'P': c = (isAM) ? ("" + "AM") : ("" + "PM"); break;
+                }
+                r.push(c);
+                escape = false;
+            }
+            else {
+                if (c == "%")
+                    escape = true;
+                else
+                    r.push(c);
+            }
+        }
+        return r.join("");
+    };
+    // round to nearby lower multiple of base
+    function floorInBase(n, base) {
+        return base * Math.floor(n / base);
+    }