[doc] trying to get it a little bit more readable
authorEmile Anclin <emile.anclin@logilab.fr>
Wed, 01 Apr 2009 19:40:51 +0200
changeset 1207 33d0e08a931a
parent 1206 6db7addc2869
child 1208 944dacbb16ca
[doc] trying to get it a little bit more readable
--- a/doc/book/en/B0030-data-as-objects.en.txt	Wed Apr 01 19:39:11 2009 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/B0030-data-as-objects.en.txt	Wed Apr 01 19:40:51 2009 +0200
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
 Data as objects
-We will in this chapter introduce the objects that are used to handle
+In this chapter, we will introduce the objects that are used to handle
 the data stored in the database.
 Classes `Entity` and `AnyEntity`
-To provide a specific behavior for each entity, we just need to define
-a class inheriting from `cubicweb.entities.AnyEntity`. In general, we have
-to defined those classes in a module of `entities` package of an application
+To provide a specific behavior for each entity, we have to define
+a class inheriting from `cubicweb.entities.AnyEntity`. In general, we
+define this class in a module of `entities` package of an application
 so that it will be available on both server and client side.
 The class `AnyEntity` is loaded dynamically from the class `Entity` 
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 Descriptors are added when classes are registered in order to initialize the class
 according to its schema:
-* we can access the defined attributes in the schema thanks the attributes of
+* we can access the defined attributes in the schema thanks to the attributes of
   the same name on instances (typed value)
 * we can access the defined relations in the schema thanks to the relations of
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
 * `has_eid()`, returns true is the entity has an definitive eid (e.g. not in the
   creation process)
-* `check_perm(action)`, checks if the user has the permission to execcute the
+* `check_perm(action)`, checks if the user has the permission to execute the
   requested action on the entity
 :Formatting and output generation:
-  * `view(vid, **kwargs)`, apply the given view to the entity
+  * `view(vid, **kwargs)`, applies the given view to the entity
   * `absolute_url(**kwargs)`, returns an absolute URL to access the primary view
     of an entity
@@ -118,30 +118,31 @@
-*rtags* allows to specify certain behaviors of relations relative to a given
+*rtags* allow to specify certain behaviors of relations relative to a given
 entity type (see later). They are defined on the entity class by the attribute
-`rtags` which is a dictionnary with as its keys the triplet ::
+`rtags` which is a dictionnary with as keys the triplets ::
   <relation type>, <target entity type>, <context position ("subject" ou "object")>
-and as the values a `set` or a tuple of markers defining the properties that
+and as values a `set` or a tuple of markers defining the properties that
 apply to this relation.
 It is possible to simplify this dictionnary:
 * if we want to specifiy a single marker, it is not necessary to
-  use a tuple as the value, the marker by itself (characters string)
+  use a tuple as value, the marker by itself (character string)
   is enough
 * if we only care about a single type of relation and not about the target
   and the context position (or when this one is not ambigous), we can simply
-  use the name of the relation type as the key
+  use the name of the relation type as key
 * if we want a marker to apply independently from the target entity type,
-  we have to use the string `*` as the target entity type
+  we have to use the string `*` as target entity type
 Please note that this dictionnary is *treated at the time the class is created*.
 It is automatically merged with the parent class(es) (no need to copy the
-dictionnary from the parent class to modify it). Also, modify it after the 
+dictionnary from the parent class to modify it). Also, modifying it after the 
 class is created will not have any effect...
 .. include:: B0031-define-entities.en.txt
--- a/doc/book/en/B0031-define-entities.en.txt	Wed Apr 01 19:39:11 2009 +0200
+++ b/doc/book/en/B0031-define-entities.en.txt	Wed Apr 01 19:40:51 2009 +0200
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 Dynamic default values
-It is possible to define in the schema *static* default values.
-It is also possible to define in the schema *dynamic* default values
+It is possible to define *static* default values in the schema.
+It is also possible to define *dynamic* default values
 by defining in the entity class a method `default_<attribut name>` for
 a given attribute.
@@ -118,20 +118,22 @@
 1. we consider that the first column contains the entities to constraint
 2. we collect the first entity of the table (row 0) to represent all the 
-3. for all the others variables defined in the original request:
+3. for all the other variables defined in the original request:
-   1. if the varaible is related to the main variable by at least one relation
+   1. if the variable is related to the main variable by at least one relation
    2. we call the method ``filterform_vocabulary(rtype, x)`` on the entity,
       if nothing is returned (meaning a tuple `Non`, see below), we go to the
       next variable, otherwise a form filtering element is created based on
       the vocabulary values returned
-4. there is no others limitations to the `RQL`, it can include sorting, grouping
-   conditions... Javascripts functions are used to regenerate a request based on the
+4. there are no other limitations to the `RQL`, it can include sorting, grouping
+   conditions... JavaScript functions are used to regenerate a request based on the
    initial request and on the selected values from the filtering form.
 The method ``filterform_vocabulary(rtype, x, var, rqlst, args, cachekey)`` takes 
-the name of a relation and the target as parameters, which indicates of the
+the name of a relation and the target as parameters,
+[XXX what does it mean ?]
+ which indicates of the
 entity on which we apply the method is subject or object of the relation. It
 has to return:
@@ -157,18 +159,18 @@
     class Ticket(AnyEntity):
-	...
+	    ...
-	def filterform_vocabulary(self, rtype, x, var, rqlst, args, cachekey):
-	    _ = self.req._
-	    if rtype == 'type':
-		return 'string', [(x, _(x)) for x in ('bug', 'story')]
-	    if rtype == 'priority':
-		return 'string', [(x, _(x)) for x in ('minor', 'normal', 'important')]
-	    if rtype == 'done_in':
-		rql = insert_attr_select_relation(rqlst, var, rtype, 'num')
-		return 'eid', self.req.execute(rql, args, cachekey)
-	    return super(Ticket, self).filterform_vocabulary(rtype, x, var, rqlst,
+    	def filterform_vocabulary(self, rtype, x, var, rqlst, args, cachekey):
+	        _ = self.req._
+	        if rtype == 'type':
+        		return 'string', [(x, _(x)) for x in ('bug', 'story')]
+	        if rtype == 'priority':
+    	    	return 'string', [(x, _(x)) for x in ('minor', 'normal', 'important')]
+    	    if rtype == 'done_in':
+	        	rql = insert_attr_select_relation(rqlst, var, rtype, 'num')
+		        return 'eid', self.req.execute(rql, args, cachekey)
+	        return super(Ticket, self).filterform_vocabulary(rtype, x, var, rqlst,
 							     args, cachekey)
 .. note::