[massive store] Drop deprecated code
authorSylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Tue, 27 Sep 2016 12:23:19 +0200
changeset 11707 2c4518fea26f
parent 11706 43c5b3f31a3a
child 11708 2b11531b8028
[massive store] Drop deprecated code This is not a desired part of the store API. Mapping between extid and eid should be done by the importer. This had been backported from the dataio cube, but not one seems to rely on it yet, so don't provide any backward compat.
--- a/cubicweb/dataimport/massive_store.py	Tue Sep 27 12:01:24 2016 +0200
+++ b/cubicweb/dataimport/massive_store.py	Tue Sep 27 12:23:19 2016 +0200
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 import logging
 from copy import copy
 from collections import defaultdict
-from io import StringIO
 from itertools import chain
 from base64 import b64encode
@@ -43,41 +42,20 @@
       the indexes.
     - This store can only insert relations that are not inlined (i.e.,
-      which do *not* have inlined=True in their definition in the schema), unless they are
-      specified as entity attributes.
+      which do *not* have inlined=True in their definition in the schema),
+      unless they are specified as entity attributes.
     It should be used as follows:
        store = MassiveObjectStore(cnx)
-       store.init_rtype_table('Person', 'lives_in', 'Location')
-       ...
-       store.prepare_insert_entity('Person', subj_iid_attribute=person_iid, ...)
-       store.prepare_insert_entity('Location', obj_iid_attribute=location_iid, ...)
-       ...
-       # subj_iid_attribute and obj_iid_attribute are argument names
-       # chosen by the user (e.g. "cwuri"). These names can be identical.
-       # person_iid and location_iid are unique IDs and depend on the data
-       # (e.g URI).
+       eid_p = store.prepare_insert_entity('Person',
+                                           cwuri='http://dbpedia.org/toto',
+                                           name='Toto')
+       eid_loc = store.prepare_insert_entity('Location',
+                                             cwuri='http://geonames.org/11111',
+                                             name='Somewhere')
+       store.prepare_insert_relation(eid_p, 'lives_in', eid_loc)
-       store.relate_by_iid(person_iid, 'lives_in', location_iid)
-       # For example:
-       store.prepare_insert_entity('Person',
-                                   cwuri='http://dbpedia.org/toto',
-                                   name='Toto')
-       store.prepare_insert_entity('Location',
-                                   uri='http://geonames.org/11111',
-                                   name='Somewhere')
-       store.flush()
-       store.relate_by_iid('http://dbpedia.org/toto',
-                           'lives_in',
-                           'http://geonames.org/11111')
-       # Finally
-       store.convert_relations('Person', 'lives_in', 'Location',
-                               'subj_iid_attribute', 'obj_iid_attribute')
-       # For the previous example:
-       store.convert_relations('Person', 'lives_in', 'Location', 'cwuri', 'uri')
@@ -85,8 +63,6 @@
     Full-text indexation is not handled, you'll have to reindex the proper entity types by yourself
     if desired.
-    # max size of the iid, used to create the iid_eid conversion table
-    iid_maxsize = 1024
     def __init__(self, cnx,
                  on_commit_callback=None, on_rollback_callback=None,
@@ -120,14 +96,6 @@
         self._data_entities = defaultdict(list)
         self._data_relations = defaultdict(list)
         self._initialized = set()
-        # uri handling
-        self._data_uri_relations = defaultdict(list)
-        # etypes for which we have a uri_eid_%(etype)s table
-        self._init_uri_eid = set()
-        # etypes for which we have a uri_eid_%(e)s_idx index
-        self._uri_eid_inserted = set()
-        # set of rtypes for which we have a %(rtype)s_relation_iid_tmp table
-        self._uri_rtypes = set()
         if not self.slave_mode:
             # drop constraint and metadata table, they will be recreated when self.finish() is
@@ -144,112 +112,6 @@
             for eid in range(last_eid - self.eids_seq_range + 1, last_eid + 1):
                 yield eid
-    # URI related things #######################################################
-    def init_rtype_table(self, etype_from, rtype, etype_to):
-        """ Build temporary table for standard rtype """
-        # Create an uri_eid table for each etype for a better control of which etype is concerned by
-        # a particular possibly multivalued relation.
-        for etype in (etype_from, etype_to):
-            if etype and etype not in self._init_uri_eid:
-                self._init_uri_eid.add(etype)
-                self.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uri_eid_%(e)s'
-                         '(uri character varying(%(size)s), eid integer)'
-                         % {'e': etype.lower(), 'size': self.iid_maxsize})
-        if rtype not in self._uri_rtypes:
-            # Create the temporary table
-            if not self.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined:
-                self.sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp'
-                         '(uri_from character varying(%(s)s), uri_to character varying(%(s)s))'
-                         % {'r': rtype, 's': self.iid_maxsize})
-                self._uri_rtypes.add(rtype)
-            else:
-                self.logger.warning("inlined relation %s: cannot insert it", rtype)
-    def relate_by_iid(self, iid_from, rtype, iid_to):
-        """Add new relation based on the internal id (iid)
-        of the entities (not the eid)"""
-        # Push data
-        if isinstance(iid_from, unicode):
-            iid_from = iid_from.encode('utf-8')
-        if isinstance(iid_to, unicode):
-            iid_to = iid_to.encode('utf-8')
-        self._data_uri_relations[rtype].append({'uri_from': iid_from, 'uri_to': iid_to})
-    def flush_relations(self):
-        """ Flush the relations data
-        """
-        for rtype, data in self._data_uri_relations.items():
-            if not data:
-                self.logger.info('No data for rtype %s', rtype)
-            buf = StringIO('\n'.join(['%(uri_from)s\t%(uri_to)s' % d for d in data]))
-            if not buf:
-                self.logger.info('Empty Buffer for rtype %s', rtype)
-                continue
-            cursor = self._cnx.cnxset.cu
-            if not self.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined:
-                cursor.copy_from(buf, '%s_relation_iid_tmp' % rtype.lower(),
-                                 null='NULL', columns=('uri_from', 'uri_to'))
-            else:
-                self.logger.warning("inlined relation %s: cannot insert it", rtype)
-            buf.close()
-            # Clear data cache
-            self._data_uri_relations[rtype] = []
-    def fill_uri_eid_table(self, etype, uri_label):
-        """ Fill the uri_eid table
-        """
-        if etype not in self._uri_eid_inserted:
-            self._uri_eid_inserted.add(etype)
-            self.logger.info('Fill uri_eid for etype %s', etype)
-            self.sql('INSERT INTO uri_eid_%(e)s SELECT cw_%(l)s, cw_eid FROM cw_%(e)s'
-                     % {'l': uri_label, 'e': etype.lower()})
-            self.sql('CREATE INDEX uri_eid_%(e)s_idx ON uri_eid_%(e)s(uri)'
-                     % {'e': etype.lower()})
-    def convert_relations(self, etype_from, rtype, etype_to,
-                          uri_label_from='cwuri', uri_label_to='cwuri'):
-        """ Flush the converted relations
-        """
-        # Always flush relations to be sure
-        self.logger.info('Convert relations %s %s %s', etype_from, rtype, etype_to)
-        self.flush_relations()
-        if uri_label_from:
-            self.fill_uri_eid_table(etype_from, uri_label_from)
-        if uri_label_to:
-            self.fill_uri_eid_table(etype_to, uri_label_to)
-        if self.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined:
-            self.logger.warning("Can't insert inlined relation %s", rtype)
-            return
-        if uri_label_from and uri_label_to:
-            sql = '''INSERT INTO %(r)s_relation (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT O1.eid, O2.eid
-            FROM %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp AS T, uri_eid_%(ef)s as O1, uri_eid_%(et)s as O2
-            WHERE O1.uri=T.uri_from AND O2.uri=T.uri_to AND NOT EXISTS (
-            SELECT 1 FROM %(r)s_relation AS TT WHERE TT.eid_from=O1.eid AND TT.eid_to=O2.eid);
-            '''
-        elif uri_label_to:
-            sql = '''INSERT INTO %(r)s_relation (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT
-            CAST(T.uri_from AS INTEGER), O1.eid
-            FROM %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp AS T, uri_eid_%(et)s as O1
-            WHERE O1.uri=T.uri_to AND NOT EXISTS (
-            SELECT 1 FROM %(r)s_relation AS TT WHERE
-            TT.eid_from=CAST(T.uri_from AS INTEGER) AND TT.eid_to=O1.eid);
-            '''
-        elif uri_label_from:
-            sql = '''INSERT INTO %(r)s_relation (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT O1.eid, T.uri_to
-            O1.eid, CAST(T.uri_to AS INTEGER)
-            FROM %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp AS T, uri_eid_%(ef)s as O1
-            WHERE O1.uri=T.uri_from AND NOT EXISTS (
-            SELECT 1 FROM %(r)s_relation AS TT WHERE
-            TT.eid_from=O1.eid AND TT.eid_to=CAST(T.uri_to AS INTEGER));
-            '''
-        try:
-            self.sql(sql % {'r': rtype.lower(),
-                            'et': etype_to.lower() if etype_to else u'',
-                            'ef': etype_from.lower() if etype_from else u''})
-        except Exception as ex:
-            self.logger.error("Can't insert relation %s: %s", rtype, ex)
     # SQL utilities #########################################################
     def _drop_all_constraints(self):
@@ -324,7 +186,6 @@
     def flush(self):
         """Flush the data"""
-        self.flush_internal_relations()
     def commit(self):
@@ -337,12 +198,6 @@
         if self.slave_mode:
             raise RuntimeError('Store cleanup is not allowed in slave mode')
         self.logger.info("Start cleaning")
-        # Cleanup relations tables
-        for etype in self._init_uri_eid:
-            self.sql('DROP TABLE uri_eid_%s' % etype.lower())
-        # Remove relations tables
-        for rtype in self._uri_rtypes:
-            self.sql('DROP TABLE %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp' % {'r': rtype})
         # Get all the initialized etypes/rtypes
         if self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_initialized'):
             cu = self.sql('SELECT retype, type FROM cwmassive_initialized')
@@ -373,9 +228,8 @@
             raise exc
-    def flush_internal_relations(self):
-        """ Flush the relations data
-        """
+    def flush_relations(self):
+        """Flush the relations data."""
         for rtype, data in self._data_relations.items():
             if not data:
                 # There is no data for these etype for this flush round.
@@ -392,8 +246,7 @@
             self._data_relations[rtype] = []
     def flush_entities(self):
-        """ Flush the entities data
-        """
+        """Flush the entities data."""
         for etype, data in self._data_entities.items():
             if not data:
                 # There is no data for these etype for this flush round.
--- a/cubicweb/dataimport/test/test_massive_store.py	Tue Sep 27 12:01:24 2016 +0200
+++ b/cubicweb/dataimport/test/test_massive_store.py	Tue Sep 27 12:23:19 2016 +0200
@@ -283,15 +283,6 @@
             store.prepare_insert_entity('Location', name=u'toto')
-    def test_multiple_insert_relation(self):
-        with self.admin_access.repo_cnx() as cnx:
-            store = MassiveObjectStore(cnx)
-            store.init_rtype_table('Country', 'used_language', 'Language')
-            store.finish()
-            store = MassiveObjectStore(cnx)
-            store.init_rtype_table('Country', 'used_language', 'Language')
-            store.finish()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import unittest