[web/navigation] use add_onload instead of inline javascript href
authorJulien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:06:56 +0100
changeset 9530 170e1437948d
parent 9529 39b46b0b01e4
child 9531 d4e12e37e908
[web/navigation] use add_onload instead of inline javascript href This way our javascript code isn't thrown out by the html cleaner e.g. when using the rql rest directive and a table view. To make things simpler, we now always use ajax URLs for navigation, even when we would previously have used regular links. Closes #3501626
--- a/web/component.py	Fri Feb 14 14:46:25 2014 +0100
+++ b/web/component.py	Fri Feb 14 14:06:56 2014 +0100
@@ -108,12 +108,8 @@
         view = self.cw_extra_kwargs.get('view')
         if view is not None and hasattr(view, 'page_navigation_url'):
             url = view.page_navigation_url(self, path, params)
-        elif path in ('json', 'ajax'):
-            # 'ajax' is the new correct controller, but the old 'json'
-            # controller should still be supported
+        else:
             url = self.ajax_page_url(**params)
-        else:
-            url = self._cw.build_url(path, **params)
         # XXX hack to avoid opening a new page containing the evaluation of the
         # js expression on ajax call
         if url.startswith('javascript:'):
@@ -122,9 +118,9 @@
     def ajax_page_url(self, **params):
         divid = params.setdefault('divid', 'pageContent')
+        params['fname'] = 'view'
         params['rql'] = self.cw_rset.printable_rql()
-        return js_href("$(%s).loadxhtml(AJAX_PREFIX_URL, %s, 'get', 'swap')" % (
-            json_dumps('#'+divid), js.ajaxFuncArgs('view', params)))
+        return self._cw.build_url('ajax', **params)
     def page_link(self, path, params, start, stop, content):
         url = xml_escape(self.page_url(path, params, start, stop))
--- a/web/views/navigation.py	Fri Feb 14 14:46:25 2014 +0100
+++ b/web/views/navigation.py	Fri Feb 14 14:06:56 2014 +0100
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
+from cubicweb.utils import json_dumps
 from cubicweb.predicates import paginated_rset, sorted_rset, adaptable
 from cubicweb.uilib import cut
 from cubicweb.view import EntityAdapter
@@ -280,6 +281,13 @@
     nav = req.vreg['components'].select_or_none(
         'navigation', req, rset=rset, page_size=page_size, view=view)
     if nav:
+        domid = getattr(view, 'domid', 'pageContent')
+        view._cw.add_onload('''
+        jQuery('div.displayAllLink a, div.pagination a').click(function() {
+            cw.jqNode(%s).loadxhtml(this.href, null, 'get', 'swap');
+            return false;
+        });
+            ''' % json_dumps(domid))
         if w is None:
             w = view.w
         if req.form.get('__force_display'):