Integration pyramid and cubicweb authentication.
We use pyramid sessions to store the cubicweb sessionid so we can reuse it when needed,
or regenerate it if it was lost.
The cubicweb sessionid is obtained from a login in the repo OR directly from
the user identified by pyramid.
Related to #4291173
--- a/pyramid_cubicweb/ Fri Sep 12 09:28:32 2014 +0200
+++ b/pyramid_cubicweb/ Sun Jul 06 18:06:10 2014 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
from cubicweb.web.request import CubicWebRequestBase
from cubicweb.cwconfig import CubicWebConfiguration
from cubicweb.web.application import CubicWebPublisher
+from cubicweb import repoapi
+import cubicweb
+import cubicweb.web
+from pyramid import security
+from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPSeeOther
+from pyramid_cubicweb import authplugin
+import weakref
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CubicWebPyramidRequest(CubicWebRequestBase):
@@ -48,13 +63,80 @@
status_out = property(_get_status_out, _set_status_out)
+class PyramidSessionHandler(object):
+ """A CW Session handler that rely on the pyramid API to fetch the needed
+ informations"""
+ def __init__(self, appli):
+ self.appli = appli
+ def get_session(self, req):
+ return req._request.cw_session
+ def logout(self, req, goto_url):
+ del req._request.session['cubicweb.sessionid']
+ if not req.session.closed:
+ req.session.repo.close(req.session.sessionid)
+ for name, value in security.forget(req._request):
+ req.headers_out.setHeader(name, value)
+ raise cubicweb.web.LogOut(url=goto_url)
+def render_view(request, vid, **kwargs):
+ vreg = request.registry['cubicweb.registry']
+ # XXX The select() function could, know how to handle a pyramid
+ # request, and feed it directly to the views that supports it.
+ # On the other hand, we could refine the View concept and decide it works
+ # with a cnx, and never with a WebRequest
+ view = vreg['views'].select(vid, request.cw_request(), **kwargs)
+ view.set_stream()
+ view.render()
+ return view._stream.getvalue()
+def login(request):
+ repo = request.registry['cubicweb.repository']
+ response = request.response
+ userid = None
+ if '__login' in request.params:
+ login = request.params['__login']
+ password = request.params['__password']
+ try:
+ sessionid = repo.connect(login, password=password)
+ request.session['cubicweb.sessionid'] = sessionid
+ session = repo._sessions[sessionid]
+ userid = session.user.eid
+ except cubicweb.AuthenticationError:
+ raise
+ if userid is not None:
+ headers = security.remember(request, userid)
+ if 'postlogin_path' in request.params:
+ raise HTTPSeeOther(
+ request.params['postlogin_path'],
+ headers=headers)
+ response.headerlist.extend(headers)
+ response.text = render_view(request, 'login')
+ return response
class CubicWebPyramidHandler(object):
def __init__(self, appli):
self.appli = appli
def __call__(self, request):
- req = CubicWebPyramidRequest(request)
- request.response.body = self.appli.handle_request(req, req.path)
+ req = request.cw_request()
+ result = self.appli.handle_request(req, req.path)
+ if result is not None:
+ request.response.body = result
for k, v in req.headers_out.getAllRawHeaders():
for item in v:
@@ -62,11 +144,118 @@
return request.response
+def _cw_cnx(request):
+ # XXX We should not need to use the session. A temporary one should be
+ # enough. (by using repoapi.connect())
+ cnx = repoapi.ClientConnection(request.cw_session)
+ def cleanup(request):
+ if request.exception is not None:
+ cnx.rollback()
+ else:
+ cnx.commit()
+ cnx.__exit__(None, None, None)
+ request.add_finished_callback(cleanup)
+ cnx.__enter__()
+ return cnx
+def _cw_session(request):
+ repo = request.registry['cubicweb.repository']
+ config = request.registry['cubicweb.config']
+ sessionid = request.session.get('cubicweb.sessionid')
+ if sessionid not in repo._sessions:
+ if not request.authenticated_userid:
+ login, password = config.anonymous_user()
+ sessionid = repo.connect(login, password=password)
+ request.session['cubicweb.sessionid'] = sessionid
+ else:
+ sessionid = request.session.get('cubicweb.sessionid')
+ return repo._sessions[sessionid]
+def _cw_request(request):
+ return weakref.ref(CubicWebPyramidRequest(request))
+def get_principals(userid, request):
+ repo = request.registry['cubicweb.repository']
+ sessionid = request.session.get('cubicweb.sessionid')
+ if sessionid is None or sessionid not in repo._sessions:
+ try:
+ sessionid = repo.connect(
+ str(userid), __pyramid_directauth=authplugin.EXT_TOKEN)
+ except:
+ log.exception("Failed")
+ raise
+ request.session['cubicweb.sessionid'] = sessionid
+ #session = repo._session[sessionid]
+ with repo.internal_cnx() as cnx:
+ groupnames = [r[1] for r in cnx.execute(
+ 'Any X, N WHERE X is CWGroup, X name N, '
+ 'U in_group X, U eid %(userid)s',
+ {'userid': userid})]
+ return groupnames
+from pyramid.authentication import SessionAuthenticationPolicy
+from pyramid.authorization import ACLAuthorizationPolicy
+from pyramid.session import SignedCookieSessionFactory
+def hello_world(request):
+ request.response.text = \
+ u"<html><body>Hello %s</body></html>" % request.cw_cnx.user.login
+ return request.response
def includeme(config):
appid = config.registry.settings['cubicweb.instance']
cwconfig = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid)
- cwappli = CubicWebPublisher(cwconfig.repository(), cwconfig)
+ config.set_session_factory(
+ SignedCookieSessionFactory(
+ secret=config.registry.settings['session.secret']
+ ))
+ config.set_authentication_policy(
+ SessionAuthenticationPolicy(callback=get_principals))
+ config.set_authorization_policy(ACLAuthorizationPolicy())
+ config.registry['cubicweb.config'] = cwconfig
+ config.registry['cubicweb.repository'] = repo = cwconfig.repository()
+ config.registry['cubicweb.registry'] = repo.vreg
+ repo.system_source.add_authentifier(authplugin.DirectAuthentifier())
+ config.add_request_method(
+ _cw_session, name='cw_session', property=True, reify=True)
+ config.add_request_method(
+ _cw_cnx, name='cw_cnx', property=True, reify=True)
+ config.add_request_method(
+ _cw_request, name='cw_request', property=True, reify=True)
+ config.add_route('login', '/login')
+ config.add_view(login, route_name='login')
+ config.add_route('hello', '/hello')
+ config.add_view(hello_world, route_name='hello')
+ # Set up a defaut route to handle non-catched urls.
+ # This is to keep legacy compatibility for cubes that makes use of the
+ # cubicweb controllers.
+ cwappli = CubicWebPublisher(
+ cwconfig.repository(), cwconfig,
+ session_handler_fact=PyramidSessionHandler)
handler = CubicWebPyramidHandler(cwappli)
config.registry['cubicweb.appli'] = cwappli
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pyramid_cubicweb/ Sun Jul 06 18:06:10 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Special authentifiers.
+:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+from cubicweb import AuthenticationError
+from cubicweb.server.sources import native
+class Token(object):
+ pass
+EXT_TOKEN = Token()
+class DirectAuthentifier(native.BaseAuthentifier):
+ """return CWUser eid for the given login.
+ Before doing so, it makes sure the authentication request comes from
+ xxx by checking the special '__externalauth_directauth' kwarg.
+ """
+ auth_rql = (
+ 'Any U WHERE U is CWUser, '
+ 'U eid %(eid)s'
+ )
+ def authenticate(self, session, login, **kwargs):
+ """Return the CWUser eid for the given login.
+ Make sure the request comes from inside pyramid by
+ checking the special '__pyramid_directauth' kwarg.
+ """
+ session.debug('authentication by %s', self.__class__.__name__)
+ directauth = kwargs.get('__pyramid_directauth', None)
+ try:
+ if directauth == EXT_TOKEN:
+ rset = session.execute(self.auth_rql, {'eid': int(login)})
+ if rset:
+ session.debug('Successfully identified %s', login)
+ return rset[0][0]
+ except Exception, exc:
+ session.debug('authentication failure (%s)', exc)
+ raise AuthenticationError('user is not registered')