# HG changeset patch
# User Laurent Peuch <cortex@worlddomination.be>
# Date 1569560388 -7200
# Node ID 38f22b8b445968dea3da29d28054779553c2583d
# Parent  e6bf15a69ea01aab5ad85337fdd5c989db6ca143
[debug-toolbar/display_source_code] add a function to add links to source file in traceback

Closes #17256791

diff -r e6bf15a69ea0 -r 38f22b8b4459 cubicweb/pyramid/debug_source_code.py
--- a/cubicweb/pyramid/debug_source_code.py	Tue Nov 26 16:03:06 2019 +0100
+++ b/cubicweb/pyramid/debug_source_code.py	Fri Sep 27 06:59:48 2019 +0200
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 import logging
 import inspect
+from itertools import dropwhile
 from pyramid.response import Response
 from mako.template import Template
@@ -79,6 +81,65 @@
     return _generate_link_to_source(file_path, line, line + len(source_code))
+def source_code_url_in_stack(stack, highlighted=False):
+    new_stack = []
+    if highlighted:
+        for i in stack.split(" File "):
+            # expecting this format:
+            # '<span class="nb">&quot;/path/to/file.py&quot;</span>,
+            # line <span class="m">885</span>,...'
+            if not i.startswith('<span class="nb">'):
+                new_stack.append(i)
+                continue
+            # this will give:
+            # ['<span class="nb">', '/file/to/path.py', '</span>, ...']
+            tag, file_path, rest = i.split("&quot;", 2)
+            # "rest" is like that: '</span>, line <span class="m">885</span>, ...'
+            # we want to extrait "885" here
+            line_number = int("".join(dropwhile(lambda x: not x.isdigit(), rest)).split("<")[0])
+            new_stack.append("%s%s%s" % (
+                tag,
+                _generate_link_to_source(file_path, start=line_number,
+                                         tag_body="&quot;%s&quot;" % file_path),
+                rest,
+            ))
+            FILES_WHITE_LIST.add(file_path)
+        new_stack = " File ".join(new_stack)
+    # no syntax
+    else:
+        for i in stack.split("\n"):
+            # expecting this format:
+            # File "/path/to/file.py", line 885, in stuf\n  some_code\nFile "/stuff.py", line...
+            if not i.startswith("  File "):
+                new_stack.append(i)
+                continue
+            # this will give:
+            # ['File "', '/path/to/file.py', '", line 885, in stuf']
+            beginning, file_path, rest = i.split('"', 2)
+            line_number = int("".join(dropwhile(lambda x: not x.isdigit(), rest)).split(",")[0])
+            new_stack.append("%s%s%s" % (
+                beginning,
+                _generate_link_to_source(file_path, start=line_number,
+                                         tag_body='"%s"' % file_path),
+                rest,
+            ))
+            FILES_WHITE_LIST.add(file_path)
+        new_stack = "\n".join(new_stack)
+    return new_stack
 def debug_display_source_code(request):
     This view display a python source file content for making debugging easier.