2009-02-17 Adrien Di Mascio remove all accepts = ('Foo',) declaration and use __selectors__ = implements('Foo') instead tls-sprint
2009-02-17 Laure Bourgois small fix
2009-02-11 Laure Bourgois refactoring owl view (now corresponding to tbox) and owlabox view
2009-02-02 Laure Bourgois pertinent title layout for OWL view
2009-02-02 Laure Bourgois comments fix
2009-02-02 Laure Bourgois refactoring OWLView (TBOX+ABOX) and OWLABOXView (pseudo-ABOX for a given entity). By now OWLView is using (for cost advantage) OWLABOXLightView.
2009-01-30 Laure Bourgois small corrections
2009-01-29 sylvain thenault oops
2009-01-29 sylvain thenault owl cleanup
2009-01-28 Laure Bourgois cleaning code
2009-01-28 Laure Bourgois OWLABOXView correction
2009-01-28 Laure Bourgois OWLABOXView correction
2009-01-28 Laure Bourgois cleaning OWLView
2009-01-28 Laure Bourgois OWLView correction (namespace)
2009-01-28 Laure Bourgois owl module has two views : OWLView (TBOX) and OWLABOXView (more or less ABOX. indeed, it layout ABOX information only for an specific entity and not all entities)
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