Sylvain Thénault <> [Thu, 17 Dec 2015 15:17:45 +0100] rev 11029
[testlib] put postgres test database in test/data/database directory
with other (sqlite) test databases. Closes #9240765
Simplify .hgignore in passing.
Julien Cristau <> [Wed, 02 Dec 2015 15:24:03 +0100] rev 11028
[dataimport] make eids_seq_range as massive store instance attribute again
I changed it to a class attribute recently, but on further thought (and
prompting from Adrien) it seems to make more sense as an instance
Julien Cristau <> [Wed, 02 Dec 2015 15:20:52 +0100] rev 11027
[dataimport] stop supporting None as eids_seq_range
It couldn't work as-is because entities_id_seq is not a sequence object.
Julien Cristau <> [Wed, 02 Dec 2015 15:19:24 +0100] rev 11026
[dataimport] remove eids_seq_start attribute from massive store
Instead provide a utility function to reset the eid sequence.
Julien Cristau <> [Wed, 02 Dec 2015 14:57:03 +0100] rev 11025
[dataimport] massive store in slave mode shouldn't flush metadata
The metadata insertion is to be done only by the master-mode store.
Samuel Trégouët <> [Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:29:50 +0100] rev 11024
[dataimport] check that MassiveObjectStore restores the db schema properly
Ideally we'd use "pg_dump --schema-only" to compare before/after, but when
restoring a constraint such as:
cstr48f9ceae537d68859b62c601681c8d3e CHECK (((cw_type)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['normal'::character varying, 'auto'::character varying])::text[])))
postgres will convert the text cast on array to a cast on each cell of array
cstr48f9ceae537d68859b62c601681c8d3e CHECK (cw_type::text = ANY (ARRAY['normal'::character varying::text, 'auto'::character varying::text]))