2009-09-23 Adrien Di Mascio [schema] CWProperty is required at bootstrap time
2009-09-17 Sylvain Thénault fix see_also permissions 3.5
2009-09-14 Sylvain Thénault #370578: change EmailAddress identical_to/canonical to prefered_form 3.5
2009-08-03 Sylvain Thénault R [base classes] only AppObject remaning, no more AppRsetObject
2009-07-24 Adrien Di Mascio usage of '**' is deprecated in RelationType declaration, use '*' instead
2009-07-23 Adrien Di Mascio new cwuri metadata + a few tests fixes on the way
2009-07-23 Nicolas Chauvat merge
2009-07-23 Nicolas Chauvat [cleanup] fix deprecation warnings
2009-07-23 Adrien Di Mascio add sameAs support in cubicweb standard schema
2009-07-07 Sylvain Thénault missing imports
2009-06-23 Sylvain Thénault update schema definition to avoid deprecation warning with new yams api
2009-05-28 Adrien Di Mascio big bunch of copyright / docstring update
2009-05-12 Aurelien Campeas fix self on initfunc tls-sprint
2009-04-24 sylvain thenault backport default branch tls-sprint
2009-04-23 sylvain thenault delete-trailing-whitespaces tls-sprint
2009-04-23 Adrien Di Mascio set a size constraint on ECache's title
2009-04-17 sylvain thenault rename internal entity types to have CW prefix instead of E tls-sprint
2009-04-08 sylvain thenault copyright update tls-sprint
2009-04-08 sylvain thenault secure the condition relation
2009-02-16 Adrien Di Mascio provide a new WorkflowableEntityType base class (will be refactored later, maybe with schema interfaces) tls-sprint
2009-02-16 Adrien Di Mascio extract workflow related schema definitions in its own file tls-sprint
2009-02-16 Adrien Di Mascio use RichString wherever possible in the stdlib tls-sprint
2008-11-13 Adrien Di Mascio ECache should be a meta entity
2008-11-06 Stephanie Marcu change permissions for Ecache
2008-11-05 Adrien Di Mascio Showtime !
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