Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:47:07 +0100] rev 4373
new jquery based widgets for Time/Date/DateTime, backported from crm
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:46:12 +0100] rev 4372
introduce a default render implementation on the base widget, which
add_media and then call the newly introduced method
_render(form, field, formrenderer), abstract of the base widget class.
This allow a litle code factorisation and avoid to forget the call to
add_media in subclasses.
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:43:51 +0100] rev 4371
[forms] new optional suffix attribute on widget objects, used to generage input name / dom id.
Ease reuse of widgets from another widget. Also move base values computing to
a separated values(form, field) method.
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:40:42 +0100] rev 4370
introduce new _ensure_correctly_typed method on fields, responsible
to ensure the value return by the widget is suitable for that kind
of field.
Also factorize date and time fields.
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:37:54 +0100] rev 4369
fix typed_value implementation w/ eidparam field which are actual entity's relation and have .value set for their initial value
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:36:00 +0100] rev 4368
cleanup module namespace but only importing the formwidgets module
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:38:02 +0100] rev 4367
fix deprecation warnings
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:36:55 +0100] rev 4366
fif inlined relation forms pb w/ new ajax forms.
We've to ensure the varmaker is properly initialized when generating
a form where we may add new subentities, which will use ajax call to
generate the subform while this subform expect a varmaker to be set.
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:34:12 +0100] rev 4365
now that we are property initializing autoform_section for the 'inlined' form type, use it...
Sylvain Thénault <> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:32:54 +0100] rev 4364
[uicfg] fix autoform_section rtags initialization
1. when a relation is marked as inlined in the 'main' form type, we want
its opposite (eg when one the other side of the relation) to be
marked as hidden in the 'inlined' form type
2. when no section is specified for the 'inlined' form type, use the same
as in the 'main' form type
to do this properly, we need two initialization stages. The first one
to handle 1., the second to handle what was done before and 2.
We can't do this in a single stage because we've to know the bare
value of the "opposite" tag.