Laurent Peuch <> [Wed, 08 May 2019 21:30:44 +0200] rev 12589
DeprecationWarning: The default pickle serializer is deprecated as of Pyramid 1.9 and it will be changed to use pyramid.session.JSONSerializer in version 2.0. Explicitly set the serializer to avoid future incompatibilities
. See "Upcoming Changes to ISession in Pyramid 2.0" for more information about this change.
As describe here
use a serializer that fallback on pickle if needed to avoid impacting users.
Laurent Peuch <> [Wed, 08 May 2019 20:53:49 +0200] rev 12588
[pyramid/enh] generate pyramid.ini "create" and on "pyramid" command if needed
Laurent Peuch <> [Wed, 08 May 2019 21:00:45 +0200] rev 12587
DeprecationWarning: The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2. This alias will be removed in future versions. Use ConfigParser directly instead.
Denis Laxalde <> [Mon, 08 Apr 2019 11:24:53 +0200] rev 12586
Account for new psycopg2 exception classes mapping
From psycopg2 >= 2.8, specific exceptions are raised corresponding to
postgresql errors. E.g. a CheckViolation exception is raised instead of
a generic IntegrityError previously when a constraint violation occurs.
The way we intercept database errors, especially for constraint
violation, is not compliant with that because we do not catch subclasses
of IntegrityError in native source's doexec() method.
We fix this by checking for the presence of IntegrityError error in
exception class's mro. This is still overcomplicated and clumsy, because
we still use string comparison, but this is the best we can do as far as
I know. (A better fix would be 'isinstance(ex, IntegrityError)' but we
have no engine-independent error classes, so this is not possible.
Something like sqlalchemy's DBAPI Errors [1] might help:
Laurent Peuch <> [Fri, 12 Apr 2019 02:26:28 +0200] rev 12585
[cubicweb-ctl] remove "cubicweb-ctl wsgi" command following pyramid standardization
Laurent Peuch <> [Fri, 12 Apr 2019 12:31:14 +0200] rev 12584
Use secure hash algorithm in WebConfiguration.sign_text
Fix: PendingDeprecationWarning: HMAC() without an explicit digestmod argument is deprecated.
The default hash algorithm used by is md5. As of today, md5 is so weak
that it's the equivalent of plaintext and can't be considered to be secured at all.
Therefor, we switch to a secure hash algorithm.
The rational for choosing sha3_512 is:
* the recommended algorithm is at least sha_256
* the stronger, the more secured and sha3_512 is the stronger available
* thinking about the future this should keep this part of the code safe long
enough before people think about checking it again
You can read more about choosing a secure hash algorithm in the NIST
This code modification should normally be transparent since check_text_sign is
exactly this code 'self.sign_text(text) == signature' and that sign_text is
only used in combination with it. The only impact is that the hash is going to
move from 32 char to 128 which might make html page a bit bigger and that
sha3_512 is slow to compute (which is a good thing for security)
Laurent Peuch <> [Tue, 23 Apr 2019 09:33:52 +0200] rev 12583
[enh] don't catch all exceptions in notification hooks during tests
Noe Gaumont <> [Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:09:36 +0200] rev 12582
[doc] add a reference to static-messages.pot usage