2015-09-17 refactor a bit breadcrumbs to ease overriding of the root's display
Alexandre Richardson <alexandre.richardson@logilab.fr> [Thu, 17 Sep 2015 12:47:39 +0200] rev 11186
refactor a bit breadcrumbs to ease overriding of the root's display
2015-01-14 Add migration helper function to delete entity types faster
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 14 Jan 2015 13:35:22 +0100] rev 11185
Add migration helper function to delete entity types faster Bypasses all hooks and (for now) ignores any composite relations.
2016-03-14 [testlib] Import nocoverage from logilab.common.testlib
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Mon, 14 Mar 2016 15:38:03 +0100] rev 11184
[testlib] Import nocoverage from logilab.common.testlib This depends on a change in logilab-common 1.2.0
2016-03-14 [web/test] replace unicode with six.text_type
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 14 Mar 2016 21:28:44 +0100] rev 11183
[web/test] replace unicode with six.text_type Some uses of unicode reappeared when merging changes from 3.19.14.
2016-02-18 [devtools/testlib] Issue a RuntimeError when a generative tests is detected
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 10:23:05 +0100] rev 11182
[devtools/testlib] Issue a RuntimeError when a generative tests is detected Otherwise, generative tests *à la logilab-common* in CubicWebTC test cases would silently not run (at least using logilab.common.pytest runner).
2016-02-18 [devtools] stop using lgc.testlib.TestCase
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 09:30:58 +0100] rev 11181
[devtools] stop using lgc.testlib.TestCase It's become incompatible with unittest(2).TestCase due to generative tests. Just keep the datadir/datapath and assertCountEqual bits in our BaseTestCase.
2016-03-03 [test] Replace remaining generative tests by subtests
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Thu, 03 Mar 2016 10:25:32 +0100] rev 11180
[test] Replace remaining generative tests by subtests
2016-03-14 [tox] Enable all applicable py34 environments
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Mon, 14 Mar 2016 18:15:09 +0100] rev 11179
[tox] Enable all applicable py34 environments All except etwist. Comes with a few tricks in tox.ini: * add ``-e.`` to force installing of cubicweb in development because dependency cubes would otherwise install cubicweb 3.22 (the latest release), which is not python3 installable. * "install" cubes/__init__.py because the file is not installed in develop mode; maybe this file should be managed by cubes themselves...
2016-03-09 [migration/3.10] fix AttributeError
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 09 Mar 2016 17:01:42 +0100] rev 11178
[migration/3.10] fix AttributeError 'Connection' object has no attribute 'HOOKS_DENY_ALL'
2016-03-07 [server/sources] Fix authenticate on pre-3.10 database
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 07 Mar 2016 17:53:20 +0100] rev 11177
[server/sources] Fix authenticate on pre-3.10 database When migrating from a pre-3.10 database, the CWSource entity type and cw_source relation type are not known, but authenticate should still work to be able to add them.
2016-01-29 [test] Add a test ensuring new cube built from skeleton is flake8-compliant
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Fri, 29 Jan 2016 17:11:17 +0100] rev 11176
[test] Add a test ensuring new cube built from skeleton is flake8-compliant And make skeleton files actually flake8-compliant henceforth.
2016-01-25 [skeleton] Ship a tox.ini file upon new cube
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Mon, 25 Jan 2016 08:28:16 +0100] rev 11175
[skeleton] Ship a tox.ini file upon new cube
2016-03-10 [web] fix headers on 304 responses (closes #11466875)
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Thu, 10 Mar 2016 13:47:20 +0100] rev 11174
[web] fix headers on 304 responses (closes #11466875) The response MUST include the following header fields: [...] - ETag and/or Content-Location, if the header would have been sent in a 200 response to the same request https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.3.5 Unfortunately we weren't copying headers from what would have been the 200 response, but from the request.
2016-03-09 [web/httpcache] GMTOFFSET no longer exists
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 09 Mar 2016 18:01:44 +0100] rev 11173
[web/httpcache] GMTOFFSET no longer exists
2016-03-10 [web] fix headers on 304 responses (closes #11466875)
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Thu, 10 Mar 2016 13:47:20 +0100] rev 11172
[web] fix headers on 304 responses (closes #11466875) The response MUST include the following header fields: [...] - ETag and/or Content-Location, if the header would have been sent in a 200 response to the same request https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.3.5 Unfortunately we weren't copying headers from what would have been the 200 response, but from the request.
2016-02-29 [rset] fix infinite recursion introduced in c1eb5a676c80
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 29 Feb 2016 12:32:52 +0100] rev 11171
[rset] fix infinite recursion introduced in c1eb5a676c80 The mechanism to avoid loops in c1eb5a676c80 "[rset] Always complete attribute/relation caches in ResultSet.get_entity" breaks down: we would loop forever if two entities that were already in the cache were linked by a relation with ? or 1 cardinality in both directions. To avoid that, keep a set of already-considered columns. Related to #9942503.
2016-02-17 pep8 unittest_application and unittest_formfields
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Wed, 17 Feb 2016 10:02:03 +0100] rev 11170
pep8 unittest_application and unittest_formfields
2016-01-12 [rset] Always complete attribute/relation caches in ResultSet.get_entity
Alexandre Richardson <alexandre.richardson@logilab.fr> [Tue, 12 Jan 2016 14:31:14 +0100] rev 11169
[rset] Always complete attribute/relation caches in ResultSet.get_entity RQL queries are often designed to fill up the ORM's caches when fetching entities out of the result set. Until now, if an entry already existed in the entity cache, ResultSet.get_entity would return it unchanged, not using the new ResultSet's contents to update the attribute cache, breaking expectations (if the attributes are needed, they'd then be fetched later one at a time, one entity at a time), resulting in loads of DB accesses. So we change ResultSet.get_entity so that: * if the entity is already cached and has been instantiated from the same rset, it is returned as-is (to avoid loops) * if the entity is not yet cached, it is instantiated * if the entity is cached via another rset, its attribute/relation caches are completed Closes #9942503
2016-01-12 [rset] refactoring of _build_entity method
Alexandre Richardson <alexandre.richardson@logilab.fr> [Tue, 12 Jan 2016 17:36:28 +0100] rev 11168
[rset] refactoring of _build_entity method define a method for entity instantiation and storage in cache (related to #9942503)
2016-02-25 [entity] comparing two entities returns NotImplemented
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Thu, 25 Feb 2016 09:28:21 +0100] rev 11167
[entity] comparing two entities returns NotImplemented Fixes a test when using some versions of unittest2, where assertItemsEqual tries a sort and expects TypeError, which it doesn't get if we directly raise NotImplementedError. The NotImplemented value is treated specially by the interpreter: https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/constants.html#NotImplemented
2016-02-18 [test] replace one use of lgc.testlib.unittest_main with unittest.main
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 09:24:43 +0100] rev 11166
[test] replace one use of lgc.testlib.unittest_main with unittest.main
2016-02-18 [test] stop using TestCase.set_description
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 09:23:18 +0100] rev 11165
[test] stop using TestCase.set_description It's a lgc-ism.
2016-02-18 [test] convert a lgc-style generative test into unittest2-style
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 09:20:57 +0100] rev 11164
[test] convert a lgc-style generative test into unittest2-style
2016-02-08 [web/application] fix query log handling on python3
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:10:22 +0100] rev 11163
[web/application] fix query log handling on python3 Writing bytes to a file opened in text mode doesn't work.
2016-02-08 [devtools/test] duplicate CubicWebServerTC tests for CubicWebWsgiTC
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:32:36 +0100] rev 11162
[devtools/test] duplicate CubicWebServerTC tests for CubicWebWsgiTC
2016-02-08 [devtools/test] fix bytes vs text in test_base_url
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:32:07 +0100] rev 11161
[devtools/test] fix bytes vs text in test_base_url Needed for python3 with the next changeset
2016-02-24 [devtools] skip CubicWebServerTC on python3
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:34:56 +0100] rev 11160
[devtools] skip CubicWebServerTC on python3 People should migrate to wsgi if they're going to use CubicWeb on python3.
2016-02-08 [web/test] switch unittest_web from twisted to wsgi
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:10:51 +0100] rev 11159
[web/test] switch unittest_web from twisted to wsgi And make it pass on python3 while at it.
2016-02-24 [devtools] add CubicWebWsgiTC
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:31:56 +0100] rev 11158
[devtools] add CubicWebWsgiTC Similar to CubicWebServerTC, except using wsgiref instead of twisted as an http server.
2016-02-08 [web/test] return the hash of uploaded files in FileUploadTC instead of their contents
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 08 Feb 2016 15:37:52 +0100] rev 11157
[web/test] return the hash of uploaded files in FileUploadTC instead of their contents json must be unicode, which doesn't go well with arbitrary file contents. Compute the file hash instead, as we know the hexdigest is (ascii) text.
2016-02-08 [web/test] open() as a context manager
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 08 Feb 2016 15:29:06 +0100] rev 11156
[web/test] open() as a context manager
2016-02-08 [web/test] json.loads expects text, not bytes
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 08 Feb 2016 15:28:14 +0100] rev 11155
[web/test] json.loads expects text, not bytes
2016-02-08 [wsgi] fix handling of multiple posted files
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:39:51 +0100] rev 11154
[wsgi] fix handling of multiple posted files We were only keeping the last received file.
2016-02-05 [web/test] Reword doc string for fileupload ajaxfunc
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Fri, 05 Feb 2016 18:23:00 +0100] rev 11153
[web/test] Reword doc string for fileupload ajaxfunc
2015-03-03 [skeleton] do not import the __pkginfo__.py module to make cubes installable via setuptools
David Douard <david.douard@logilab.fr> [Tue, 03 Mar 2015 12:26:47 +0100] rev 11152
[skeleton] do not import the __pkginfo__.py module to make cubes installable via setuptools When using a simple "import" statement, running 'python setup.py install' for a cube fails in a fresh virtualenv due to the fact the install of the dependencies (here cubicweb iteself) is done by the python process doing the cube's installation, so the __pkginfo__ module from the cube is already loaded (thus used) when installing cubicweb... So we apply the third technique from: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/single_source_version.html
2016-02-23 merge changes from 3.22.2
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Tue, 23 Feb 2016 12:18:47 +0100] rev 11151
merge changes from 3.22.2
2016-02-23 Added tag 3.22.2, debian/3.22.2-1, centos/3.22.2-1 for changeset 1b93ff37755b
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Tue, 23 Feb 2016 12:09:01 +0100] rev 11150
Added tag 3.22.2, debian/3.22.2-1, centos/3.22.2-1 for changeset 1b93ff37755b
2016-02-23 [pkg] 3.22.2 3.22.2 centos/3.22.2-1 debian/3.22.2-1
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Tue, 23 Feb 2016 11:45:54 +0100] rev 11149
[pkg] 3.22.2
2016-02-19 [pkg] fix centos install
Samuel Trégouët <samuel.tregouet@logilab.fr> [Fri, 19 Feb 2016 11:23:11 +0100] rev 11148
[pkg] fix centos install
2016-02-19 [datafeed] do NOT call commit in DataFeedXMLParser.process() (closes #10928592)
David Douard <david.douard@logilab.fr> [Fri, 19 Feb 2016 11:03:32 +0100] rev 11147
[datafeed] do NOT call commit in DataFeedXMLParser.process() (closes #10928592) and so, remove more useless code. Doing a commit in DataFeedXMLParser.process() is a bad idea because this method is called for every imported/updated entity, before handling deletions. So if we commit here, odds are quite high that we're violating some integrity constraint and end up with a ValidationError.
2016-02-17 [schema] restore constraint checking when running on old sqlite
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 17 Feb 2016 14:00:39 +0100] rev 11146
[schema] restore constraint checking when running on old sqlite Old sqlite3 doesn't provide CHECK constraint names in error messages, preventing us from translating a backend integrity error into a ValidationError. This was added in 2012, but the sqlite3 version in RHEL6 is older; so if we run on old sqlite, keep checking the constraints in python rather than only in SQL. Closes #10927494
2016-02-17 [web/autoform] fix regression introduced by #5758ba784ebd
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Wed, 17 Feb 2016 17:20:29 +0100] rev 11145
[web/autoform] fix regression introduced by #5758ba784ebd The changes from cset 5758ba784ebd "[autoform] when building inlined-form view for a relation, consider related entities intead of other views" lead to an unexpected 'add new' link on creation of an entity with inlined form for a relation of cardinality 1. To avoid this, we should consider formviews and not existing relations when the entity is being created. Closes #10860258
2015-12-22 [tox] Generate test environments for Python 2.7 and 3.4
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Tue, 22 Dec 2015 09:23:00 +0100] rev 11144
[tox] Generate test environments for Python 2.7 and 3.4 Test commands for each environment are written down explicitly since I could not find a way to extract the "package" name (e.g. "hooks") from the environment name (e.g. "py34-hooks"). For Python 3.4 interpreter, only environments (subpackages) that do not depend on cubes for their tests are listed since those test dependency cubes are not yet installable with Python 3.x. etwist is also not included since the Python 3 port is not complete at the moment. From local testing, py34 tests pass for the following subpackages: - dataimport - entities - ext - hooks - wsgi
2016-01-26 [notification] avoid using InternalManager when we've got a CWUser
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Tue, 26 Jan 2016 18:04:00 +0100] rev 11143
[notification] avoid using InternalManager when we've got a CWUser This will avoid potential information leak due to missed security restriction and is more compatible with legacy code (pb encountered in some client code). Closes #10294761
2016-01-27 [dataimport] rename .time to .now attribute of meta generator
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Wed, 27 Jan 2016 08:35:51 +0100] rev 11142
[dataimport] rename .time to .now attribute of meta generator
2016-02-18 [pkg] Set version to 3.22.2.dev0
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 14:36:39 +0100] rev 11141
[pkg] Set version to 3.22.2.dev0 So that cubes used in test dependencies do not install a released CubicWeb.
2016-01-29 [dataimport] cleanup a bit nohook store, mostly protecting some attributes
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Fri, 29 Jan 2016 15:08:34 +0100] rev 11140
[dataimport] cleanup a bit nohook store, mostly protecting some attributes
2016-02-03 [dataimport] add a filter function to not fail if some extentity has several values for an attribute of final relation
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Wed, 03 Feb 2016 11:13:51 +0100] rev 11139
[dataimport] add a filter function to not fail if some extentity has several values for an attribute of final relation the function will simply record a warning in the import log and keep a value randomly. Notice the function has to be explicitly inserted in the transformation stream.
2016-02-03 [sources] synchronize source asynchronously when started from the UI
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Wed, 03 Feb 2016 11:12:09 +0100] rev 11138
[sources] synchronize source asynchronously when started from the UI and redirect to the forthcoming import log, for a better user experience (there is still a lot more to do there though). Closes #10468967
2016-02-19 [test] fix unittest_devctl on python3.4
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Fri, 19 Feb 2016 12:35:22 +0100] rev 11137
[test] fix unittest_devctl on python3.4
2016-01-21 [test] Make sure that newcube command test produces expected files
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Thu, 21 Jan 2016 09:24:04 +0100] rev 11136
[test] Make sure that newcube command test produces expected files
2016-01-29 [server] remove some pre 3.10 compat
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Fri, 29 Jan 2016 10:04:35 +0100] rev 11135
[server] remove some pre 3.10 compat Let's assume nobody will try upgrading an instance from pre-3.10 cubicweb to 3.23+. If they do, they're setting themselves up for a lot of pain anyway.
2016-02-17 [pkg] use https URLs to pypi.{python.org,debian.net}
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 17 Feb 2016 10:25:51 +0100] rev 11134
[pkg] use https URLs to pypi.{python.org,debian.net}
2016-02-17 [pkg] use https URL for www.cubicweb.org
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 17 Feb 2016 10:19:14 +0100] rev 11133
[pkg] use https URL for www.cubicweb.org
2016-02-17 README: use https URLs for docs.cubicweb.org
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Wed, 17 Feb 2016 10:18:34 +0100] rev 11132
README: use https URLs for docs.cubicweb.org
2016-02-11 pep8 bits
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:03:51 +0100] rev 11131
pep8 bits
2016-02-11 [i18n] enhance text formats french translation
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:03:31 +0100] rev 11130
[i18n] enhance text formats french translation
2016-02-17 Merge with 3.22 branch
Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr> [Wed, 17 Feb 2016 13:45:34 +0100] rev 11129
Merge with 3.22 branch The merge was clean, just dropped cubicweb/web/data/cubicweb.goa.js.
2016-02-11 [dataimport] update example to use standard importer
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Thu, 11 Feb 2016 21:59:49 +0100] rev 11128
[dataimport] update example to use standard importer
2016-02-16 merge changes from 3.21.6
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:18:37 +0100] rev 11127
merge changes from 3.21.6
2016-02-02 flake8 serverctl
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Tue, 02 Feb 2016 17:19:13 +0100] rev 11126
flake8 serverctl
2016-02-16 c-c source-sync now actually force synchronization
Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr> [Tue, 16 Feb 2016 10:52:00 +0100] rev 11125
c-c source-sync now actually force synchronization as advertized by its help message. This was because "force" argument wasn't considered by acquire_synchronization_lock().
2016-02-16 Added tag 3.21.6, debian/3.21.6-1, centos/3.21.6-1 for changeset b3cbbb7690b6
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:15:48 +0100] rev 11124
Added tag 3.21.6, debian/3.21.6-1, centos/3.21.6-1 for changeset b3cbbb7690b6
2016-02-16 [pkg] 3.21.6 3.21.6 centos/3.21.6-1 debian/3.21.6-1
Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr> [Tue, 16 Feb 2016 18:53:27 +0100] rev 11123
[pkg] 3.21.6
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