Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:05:39 +0100 Sylvain Thénault [entity, metadata] huuum, use resolvable url as cwuri... And fix existing ones. stable
Sat, 09 Oct 2010 00:05:52 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [schema / sources] store data sources as cubicweb entities
Sat, 09 Oct 2010 00:05:50 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [hook/operation] nicer api to achieve same result as set_operation, as described in #1253630
Wed, 25 Aug 2010 10:29:18 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [session] cleanup hook / operation / entity edition api
Mon, 05 Jul 2010 12:04:32 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [selectors] provide a new, optimized, is_instance selector that should at some point replace implements (along with the adaptable selector)
Thu, 17 Jun 2010 18:36:16 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [rql2sql] when using HAVING to by-pass rql limitation (not to filter on result of an aggregat function), we should emit SQL that doesn't use HAVING to avoid potential backend error because variables are not grouped. Closes #1061603. stable
Tue, 11 May 2010 16:58:35 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [fti] simplify UpdateFTIHook code stable
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