Tue, 02 Aug 2011 10:39:10 +0200 Nicolas Chauvat [server] host mapping is better named url mapping (closes #1892461) stable
Tue, 26 Jul 2011 16:50:06 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [datafeed] case insensitive etype. Closes #1877014 stable
Tue, 26 Jul 2011 16:50:02 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [datafeed] closes #1875322: empty tag means None value stable
Tue, 26 Jul 2011 11:01:17 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [datafeed] closes #1873616 (user's url corruption when etype is not recognized stable
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 18:53:38 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [datafeed cw parser] refactor: split logic that was in the parser
Fri, 17 Jun 2011 18:50:13 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [datafeed, cw.xml] xml now carry entity's source information, interpreted at the other end so that for instance when an entity from elo is seen when importing cwo, it's properly marked as coming from elo source if one exists
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