Denis Laxalde <> [Mon, 14 Mar 2016 15:38:03 +0100] rev 11184
[testlib] Import nocoverage from logilab.common.testlib
This depends on a change in logilab-common 1.2.0
Julien Cristau <> [Mon, 14 Mar 2016 21:28:44 +0100] rev 11183
[web/test] replace unicode with six.text_type
Some uses of unicode reappeared when merging changes from 3.19.14.
Denis Laxalde <> [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 10:23:05 +0100] rev 11182
[devtools/testlib] Issue a RuntimeError when a generative tests is detected
Otherwise, generative tests *à la logilab-common* in CubicWebTC test cases
would silently not run (at least using logilab.common.pytest runner).
Julien Cristau <> [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 09:30:58 +0100] rev 11181
[devtools] stop using lgc.testlib.TestCase
It's become incompatible with unittest(2).TestCase due to generative
tests. Just keep the datadir/datapath and assertCountEqual bits in our
Denis Laxalde <> [Thu, 03 Mar 2016 10:25:32 +0100] rev 11180
[test] Replace remaining generative tests by subtests
Denis Laxalde <> [Mon, 14 Mar 2016 18:15:09 +0100] rev 11179
[tox] Enable all applicable py34 environments
All except etwist.
Comes with a few tricks in tox.ini:
* add ``-e.`` to force installing of cubicweb in development because
dependency cubes would otherwise install cubicweb 3.22 (the latest release),
which is not python3 installable.
* "install" cubes/ because the file is not installed in
develop mode; maybe this file should be managed by cubes themselves...