Mon, 09 May 2011 09:13:22 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [cwgroup views] uicfg rules cleanup stable
Fri, 06 May 2011 18:20:26 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [user mgmt] should show user login in first column in any case (e.g. application specific override) stable
Fri, 29 Apr 2011 12:34:18 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [users management] show email as text avoid specific primary email rendering (and we don't bother getting a clickable link) stable
Fri, 29 Apr 2011 12:07:59 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [users management] enhance users table: show state, primary email and data source; show filter form stable
Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:06:25 +0100 Sylvain Thénault [manage view] cleanup manage view and user menu
Tue, 08 Feb 2011 14:18:18 +0100 Charles Hébert [admin ui] nicer views for users/groups management
Wed, 26 Jan 2011 09:32:34 +0100 Sylvain Thénault [user form] use InOutWidget to edit CWUser in_group relation stable
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:15:35 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [pylint] fix a bug of pylint detected errors and i18n pb (calling builtins._ instead of req._)
Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:20:57 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [foaf] we should encode email addr: even if we know it should be ascii, nothing prevent from putting something else in (tests at least do it) stable
Thu, 23 Sep 2010 16:02:53 +0200 Nicolas Chauvat [views] fix foaf view for CWUser stable
Mon, 05 Jul 2010 12:04:32 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [selectors] provide a new, optimized, is_instance selector that should at some point replace implements (along with the adaptable selector)
Thu, 20 May 2010 20:47:55 +0200 Sylvain Thénault [entity] introduce a new 'adapters' registry
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:24:20 +0200 Sylvain Thénault backport oldstable changes stable
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:15:52 +0200 Sylvain Thénault replace logilab-common by CubicWeb in disclaimer oldstable
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