2016-02-12 Sylvain Thénault [migration] test if entity type has been in the deleted in the transaction should protect both clauses
2015-12-22 Julien Cristau [hooks] fix extra_props handling on python3
2015-12-09 Sylvain Thénault [server, hooks] allow callable in dbh.TYPE_MAPPING
2015-12-09 Sylvain Thénault [migration] consider extra_props in rdef created during attribute creation hook
2015-09-24 Sylvain Thénault [migration] don't handle data deletion anymore on schema changes
2015-11-24 Sylvain Thénault [hooks/syncschema] drop unused import
2015-11-24 Sylvain Thénault [hooks/syncschema] indentation fix
2015-11-24 Sylvain Thénault [hooks/syncschema] don't set NOT NULL on inlined relation columns
2015-09-24 Sylvain Thénault [hooks/syncschema] Turn DropColumnOp into a data operation
2015-10-19 Julien Cristau [syncschema] hashlib.md5() wants bytes
2015-11-03 Julien Cristau [syncschema] don't arbitrarily remove constraints from the in-memory schema
2015-09-16 Sylvain Thénault make sync_schema_props_perms(<computed rtype>) work as expected
2015-10-13 Rémi Cardona [py3k] bytes required for hashlib.{md5,sha1}()
2015-09-11 Rémi Cardona [py3k] replace '_ = unicode' in global scope (closes #7589459)
2015-10-13 Rémi Cardona [py3k] dict.itervalues → dict.values
2015-10-09 Rémi Cardona merge with 3.20.10
2015-10-08 Rémi Cardona merge with 3.19.13
2015-09-23 Julien Cristau [hooks/syncschema] make sure CWUniqueTogetherConstraintDelOp happens before CWConstraintDelOp
2015-09-23 Aurelien Campeas [hooks/syncschema] only call "ALTER TABLE" once when changing a size constraint
2015-05-18 Julien Cristau [hooks/syncschema] drop/add check constraints as appropriate
2015-02-13 Julien Cristau [hooks/syncschema] use a list instead of a set for UpdateFTIndexOp
2015-01-15 Julien Cristau Add foreign key for inline relations
2015-01-15 Julien Cristau Use our version of schema2sql
2014-12-01 Julien Cristau merge 3.19.6 into 3.20 branch
2014-10-29 Rémi Cardona [hooks] Fix precommit event logging message
2014-11-13 Julien Cristau [migration] hackish black magic to bootstrap addition of formula attr during migration
2014-08-28 Sylvain Thénault [CWEP002 migration] support sync_schema_props_perms for computed attribute
2014-08-28 Sylvain Thénault [CWEP002 migration] support add_relation_type/add_attribute for computed attributes
2014-06-16 Denis Laxalde [CWEP002] Account for attribute formula in schema bootstrap
2014-08-28 Sylvain Thénault [CWEP002 migration] support sync_schema_props_perms for computed relations
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