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retrieve session data in a single query
2016-06-03, by Sylvain Thénault
[tox] Update CubicWeb version targets
2016-06-28, by Denis Laxalde
wsgi: clearer exception when CW_INSTANCE is missing
2016-06-16, by Philippe Pepiot
2016-06-03, by Sylvain Thénault
[doc] update a bit the documentation
2016-05-11, by David Douard
split collecting setting before using them, so the function can be reused when inserting WSGI middlewares
2016-06-17, by Arthur Lutz
[bwcompat] log execption even when cubicweb.bwcompat.errorhandler = True (closes #13421901)
2016-06-02, by Arthur Lutz
[pkg] add spec file
2016-05-27, by Samuel Trégouët
Added tag 0.6.1, debian/0.6.1-1 for changeset 2621daafa10c
2016-04-12, by David Douard
[pkg] 0.6.1
2016-04-12, by David Douard
[bwcompat] send 403 on authentication errors (closes #12219849)
2016-04-01, by Julien Cristau
[bwcompat] set response headers on AuthenticationError (closes #12219860)
2016-04-01, by Julien Cristau
Added tag 0.6.0, debian/0.6.0-1 for changeset 94d1a024b3bf
2016-03-24, by David Douard
[pkg] 0.6.0
2016-03-18, by David Douard
[tests] add a __main__ handler
2016-03-22, by David Douard
[pkg] add a requirements-test.txt file
2016-03-22, by David Douard
[login] fix the redirect url after login (closes #11689118)
2016-03-18, by Sylvain Thénault
keep track of all traceback in error handling, not just the exception message (closes #11689093)
2016-03-08, by Adrien Di Mascio
[bwcompat] also set response headers in error cases
2015-11-25, by Julien Cristau
[config] move config of the secret used to encrypt session's data ID in pyramid.ini (closes #11689082)
2016-02-29, by David Douard
Document how to configure the "secure" flag for authentication policies
2016-03-07, by Denis Laxalde
[tox] Let posargs override py.test args
2016-01-21, by Denis Laxalde
[tox] Use py.test
2015-12-11, by Denis Laxalde
Add a tox configuration
2015-11-25, by Denis Laxalde
Register predicates from the predicates module
2015-09-16, by Christophe de Vienne
[refactoring] Move MatchIsETypePredicate to a separate module
2015-07-24, by Rabah Meradi
[refactoring] Move EntityResource and ETypeResource to a separate module
2015-07-24, by Rabah Meradi
use CubicWeb request to execute RQL
2015-06-15, by Rabah Meradi
[views] Rename entities to rest_api
2015-08-27, by Rabah Meradi
[routes] Add a 'cwentities' route with traversal
2015-06-09, by Christophe de Vienne
Added tag 0.5.0, debian/0.5.0-1 for changeset 61f69ac2d6bc
2015-09-16, by Christophe de Vienne
[pkg] 0.5.0
2015-08-10, by Christophe de Vienne
[auth] Authtkt http_only and secure by default
2015-08-07, by Christophe de Vienne
[auth] Make the configuration cookies completely configurable
2015-08-07, by Christophe de Vienne
Added tag 0.4.1, debian/0.4.1-1 for changeset 398b2c840e14
2015-08-03, by Julien Cristau
[pkg] 0.4.1
2015-08-03, by Christophe de Vienne
[core] Adjust cw<3.21 compatibility
2015-07-24, by Christophe de Vienne
[bwcompat] Make the error handler optional
2015-07-24, by Christophe de Vienne
[doc] Document embedding in a pyramid app
2015-07-06, by Christophe de Vienne
[config] Move most config code to a includeme()
2015-07-06, by Christophe de Vienne
[doc] Anonymous access is not mandatory anymore
2015-07-06, by Christophe de Vienne
Added tag 0.4.0, debian/0.4.0-1 for changeset 897a149e8208
2015-07-23, by Julien Cristau
[pkg] add debian/watch
2015-07-23, by Julien Cristau
[pkg] 0.4.0
2015-07-23, by Julien Cristau
[pkg] add python-pyramid-multiauth dependency to debian package
2015-07-23, by Julien Cristau
[core] adjust cnx handling for cubicweb 3.21
2015-06-25, by Julien Cristau
set httponly on session cookie
2015-06-30, by Julien Cristau
[bwcompat] use cubicweb error views (closes #4545130)
2015-06-30, by Julien Cristau
Added tag 0.3.1, debian/0.3.1-1 for changeset 6df91cb85ecc
2015-06-18, by David Douard
[pkg] 0.3.1
2015-06-18, by David Douard
Handle absence of anonymous user
2015-04-29, by Denis Laxalde
[debian] Add python-wsgicors dependency as it is now available
2015-05-19, by Denis Laxalde
Update Changes for version 0.3.0
2015-05-11, by Christophe de Vienne
Added tag pyramid-cubicweb-version-0.3.0, pyramid-cubicweb-debian-version-0.3.0-1 for changeset a80e076d3f42
2015-05-11, by Christophe de Vienne
Fix debugtoolbar pkg name
2015-05-11, by Christophe de Vienne
Set version 0.3.0
2015-05-11, by Christophe de Vienne
[doc] update changes list
2015-02-24, by Christophe de Vienne
Rollback 'uncommitable' cnx
2015-05-08, by Christophe de Vienne
[debug] The debug mode now set pyramid.reload_templates
2015-04-29, by Christophe de Vienne
Use pyramid flash queue for messages
2015-04-25, by Christophe de Vienne