[web app] move set of status_out into validation_error_handler to ease readability
# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""abstract component class and base components definition for CubicWeb web
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode
from warnings import warn
from logilab.common.deprecation import class_deprecated, class_renamed, deprecated
from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
from cubicweb import Unauthorized, role, target, tags
from cubicweb.schema import display_name
from cubicweb.uilib import js, domid
from cubicweb.utils import json_dumps, js_href
from cubicweb.view import ReloadableMixIn, Component
from cubicweb.predicates import (no_cnx, paginated_rset, one_line_rset,
non_final_entity, partial_relation_possible,
from cubicweb.appobject import AppObject
from cubicweb.web import INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, stdmsgs
# abstract base class for navigation components ################################
class NavigationComponent(Component):
"""abstract base class for navigation components"""
__regid__ = 'navigation'
__select__ = paginated_rset()
cw_property_defs = {
_('visible'): dict(type='Boolean', default=True,
help=_('display the component or not')),
page_size_property = 'navigation.page-size'
start_param = '__start'
stop_param = '__stop'
page_link_templ = u'<span class="slice"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></span>'
selected_page_link_templ = u'<span class="selectedSlice"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></span>'
previous_page_link_templ = next_page_link_templ = page_link_templ
def __init__(self, req, rset, **kwargs):
super(NavigationComponent, self).__init__(req, rset=rset, **kwargs)
self.starting_from = 0
self.total = rset.rowcount
def get_page_size(self):
return self._page_size
except AttributeError:
page_size = self.cw_extra_kwargs.get('page_size')
if page_size is None:
if 'page_size' in self._cw.form:
page_size = int(self._cw.form['page_size'])
page_size = self._cw.property_value(self.page_size_property)
self._page_size = page_size
return page_size
def set_page_size(self, page_size):
self._page_size = page_size
page_size = property(get_page_size, set_page_size)
def page_boundaries(self):
stop = int(self._cw.form[self.stop_param]) + 1
start = int(self._cw.form[self.start_param])
except KeyError:
start, stop = 0, self.page_size
if start >= len(self.cw_rset):
start, stop = 0, self.page_size
self.starting_from = start
return start, stop
def clean_params(self, params):
if self.start_param in params:
del params[self.start_param]
if self.stop_param in params:
del params[self.stop_param]
def page_url(self, path, params, start=None, stop=None):
params = dict(params)
params['__fromnavigation'] = 1
if start is not None:
params[self.start_param] = start
if stop is not None:
params[self.stop_param] = stop
view = self.cw_extra_kwargs.get('view')
if view is not None and hasattr(view, 'page_navigation_url'):
url = view.page_navigation_url(self, path, params)
elif path == 'json':
url = self.ajax_page_url(**params)
url = self._cw.build_url(path, **params)
# XXX hack to avoid opening a new page containing the evaluation of the
# js expression on ajax call
if url.startswith('javascript:'):
url += '; $.noop();'
return url
def ajax_page_url(self, **params):
divid = params.setdefault('divid', 'pageContent')
params['rql'] = self.cw_rset.printable_rql()
return js_href("$(%s).loadxhtml('json', %s, 'get', 'swap')" % (
json_dumps('#'+divid), js.ajaxFuncArgs('view', params)))
def page_link(self, path, params, start, stop, content):
url = xml_escape(self.page_url(path, params, start, stop))
if start == self.starting_from:
return self.selected_page_link_templ % (url, content, content)
return self.page_link_templ % (url, content, content)
def prev_icon_url(self):
return xml_escape(self._cw.data_url('go_prev.png'))
def next_icon_url(self):
return xml_escape(self._cw.data_url('go_next.png'))
def no_previous_page_link(self):
return (u'<img src="%s" alt="%s" class="prevnext_nogo"/>' %
(self.prev_icon_url, self._cw._('there is no previous page')))
def no_next_page_link(self):
return (u'<img src="%s" alt="%s" class="prevnext_nogo"/>' %
(self.next_icon_url, self._cw._('there is no next page')))
def no_content_prev_link(self):
return (u'<img src="%s" alt="%s" class="prevnext"/>' % (
(self.prev_icon_url, self._cw._('no content prev link'))))
def no_content_next_link(self):
return (u'<img src="%s" alt="%s" class="prevnext"/>' %
(self.next_icon_url, self._cw._('no content next link')))
def previous_link(self, path, params, content=None, title=_('previous_results')):
if not content:
content = self.no_content_prev_link
start = self.starting_from
if not start :
return self.no_previous_page_link
start = max(0, start - self.page_size)
stop = start + self.page_size - 1
url = xml_escape(self.page_url(path, params, start, stop))
return self.previous_page_link_templ % (url, self._cw._(title), content)
def next_link(self, path, params, content=None, title=_('next_results')):
if not content:
content = self.no_content_next_link
start = self.starting_from + self.page_size
if start >= self.total:
return self.no_next_page_link
stop = start + self.page_size - 1
url = xml_escape(self.page_url(path, params, start, stop))
return self.next_page_link_templ % (url, self._cw._(title), content)
# new contextual components system #############################################
def override_ctx(cls, **kwargs):
cwpdefs = cls.cw_property_defs.copy()
cwpdefs['context'] = cwpdefs['context'].copy()
return cwpdefs
class EmptyComponent(Exception):
"""some selectable component has actually no content and should not be
class Link(object):
"""a link to a view or action in the ui.
Use this rather than `cw.web.htmlwidgets.BoxLink`.
Note this class could probably be avoided with a proper DOM on the server
newstyle = True
def __init__(self, href, label, **attrs):
self.href = href
self.label = label
self.attrs = attrs
def __unicode__(self):
return tags.a(self.label, href=self.href, **self.attrs)
def render(self, w):
w(tags.a(self.label, href=self.href, **self.attrs))
class Separator(object):
"""a menu separator.
Use this rather than `cw.web.htmlwidgets.BoxSeparator`.
newstyle = True
def render(self, w):
w(u'<hr class="boxSeparator"/>')
def _bwcompatible_render_item(w, item):
if hasattr(item, 'render'):
if getattr(item, 'newstyle', False):
if isinstance(item, Separator):
item.render(w) # XXX displays <li> by itself
w(u'<li>%s</li>' % item)
class Layout(Component):
__regid__ = 'component_layout'
__abstract__ = True
def init_rendering(self):
"""init view for rendering. Return true if we should go on, false
if we should stop now.
view = self.cw_extra_kwargs['view']
except Unauthorized, ex:
self.warning("can't render %s: %s", view, ex)
return False
except EmptyComponent:
return False
return True
class LayoutableMixIn(object):
layout_id = None # to be defined in concret class
layout_args = {}
def layout_render(self, w):
getlayout = self._cw.vreg['components'].select
layout = getlayout(self.layout_id, self._cw, **self.layout_select_args())
def layout_select_args(self):
args = dict(rset=self.cw_rset, row=self.cw_row, col=self.cw_col,
return args
class CtxComponent(LayoutableMixIn, AppObject):
"""base class for contextual components. The following contexts are
* boxes: 'left', 'incontext', 'right'
* section: 'navcontenttop', 'navcontentbottom', 'navtop', 'navbottom'
* other: 'ctxtoolbar'
The 'incontext', 'navcontenttop', 'navcontentbottom' and 'ctxtoolbar'
contexts are handled by the default primary view, others by the default main
All subclasses may not support all those contexts (for instance if it can't
be displayed as box, or as a toolbar icon). You may restrict allowed context
as follows:
.. sourcecode:: python
class MyComponent(CtxComponent):
cw_property_defs = override_ctx(CtxComponent,
vocabulary=[list of contexts])
context = 'my default context'
You can configure a component's default context by simply giving an
appropriate value to the `context` class attribute, as seen above.
__registry__ = 'ctxcomponents'
__select__ = ~no_cnx()
categories_in_order = ()
cw_property_defs = {
_('visible'): dict(type='Boolean', default=True,
help=_('display the box or not')),
_('order'): dict(type='Int', default=99,
help=_('display order of the box')),
_('context'): dict(type='String', default='left',
vocabulary=(_('left'), _('incontext'), _('right'),
_('navtop'), _('navbottom'),
_('navcontenttop'), _('navcontentbottom'),
help=_('context where this component should be displayed')),
visible = True
order = 0
context = 'left'
contextual = False
title = None
layout_id = 'component_layout'
# XXX support kwargs for compat with old boxes which gets the view as
# argument
def render(self, w, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self, 'call'):
warn('[3.10] should not anymore implement call on %s, see new CtxComponent api'
% self.__class__, DeprecationWarning)
self.w = w
def wview(__vid, rset=None, __fallback_vid=None, **kwargs):
self._cw.view(__vid, rset, __fallback_vid, w=self.w, **kwargs)
self.wview = wview
self.call(**kwargs) # pylint: disable=E1101
def layout_select_args(self):
args = super(CtxComponent, self).layout_select_args()
# XXX ensure context is given when the component is reloaded through
# ajax
args['context'] = self.cw_extra_kwargs['context']
except KeyError:
args['context'] = self.cw_propval('context')
return args
def init_rendering(self):
"""init rendering callback: that's the good time to check your component
has some content to display. If not, you can still raise
:exc:`EmptyComponent` to inform it should be skipped.
Also, :exc:`Unauthorized` will be catched, logged, then the component
will be skipped.
self.items = []
def domid(self):
"""return the HTML DOM identifier for this component"""
return domid(self.__regid__)
def cssclass(self):
"""return the CSS class name for this component"""
return domid(self.__regid__)
def render_title(self, w):
"""return the title for this component"""
if self.title:
def render_body(self, w):
"""return the body (content) for this component"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def render_items(self, w, items=None, klass=u'boxListing'):
if items is None:
items = self.items
assert items
w(u'<ul class="%s">' % klass)
for item in items:
_bwcompatible_render_item(w, item)
def append(self, item):
def action_link(self, action):
return self.link(self._cw._(action.title), action.url())
def link(self, title, url, **kwargs):
if self._cw.selected(url):
kwargs['klass'] += ' selected'
except KeyError:
kwargs['klass'] = 'selected'
return Link(url, title, **kwargs)
def separator(self):
return Separator()
@deprecated('[3.10] use action_link() / link()')
def box_action(self, action): # XXX action_link
return self.build_link(self._cw._(action.title), action.url())
@deprecated('[3.10] use action_link() / link()')
def build_link(self, title, url, **kwargs):
if self._cw.selected(url):
kwargs['klass'] += ' selected'
except KeyError:
kwargs['klass'] = 'selected'
return tags.a(title, href=url, **kwargs)
class EntityCtxComponent(CtxComponent):
"""base class for boxes related to a single entity"""
__select__ = CtxComponent.__select__ & non_final_entity() & one_line_rset()
context = 'incontext'
contextual = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(EntityCtxComponent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
entity = kwargs['entity']
except KeyError:
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(self.cw_row or 0, self.cw_col or 0)
self.entity = entity
def layout_select_args(self):
args = super(EntityCtxComponent, self).layout_select_args()
args['entity'] = self.entity
return args
def domid(self):
return domid(self.__regid__) + unicode(self.entity.eid)
def lazy_view_holder(self, w, entity, oid, registry='views'):
"""add a holder and return an url that may be used to replace this
holder by the html generate by the view specified by registry and
identifier. Registry defaults to 'views'.
holderid = '%sHolder' % self.domid
w(u'<div id="%s"></div>' % holderid)
params = self.cw_extra_kwargs.copy()
params.pop('view', None)
params.pop('entity', None)
form = params.pop('formparams', {})
if entity.has_eid():
eid = entity.eid
eid = None
form['etype'] = entity.__regid__
form['tempEid'] = entity.eid
args = [json_dumps(x) for x in (registry, oid, eid, params)]
return self._cw.ajax_replace_url(
holderid, fname='render', arg=args, **form)
# high level abstract classes ##################################################
class RQLCtxComponent(CtxComponent):
"""abstract box for boxes displaying the content of a rql query not related
to the current result set.
Notice that this class's init_rendering implemention is overwriting context
result set (eg `cw_rset`) with the result set returned by execution of
rql = None
def to_display_rql(self):
"""return arguments to give to self._cw.execute, as a tuple, to build
the result set to be displayed by this box.
assert self.rql is not None, self.__regid__
return (self.rql,)
def init_rendering(self):
super(RQLCtxComponent, self).init_rendering()
self.cw_rset = self._cw.execute(*self.to_display_rql())
if not self.cw_rset:
raise EmptyComponent()
def render_body(self, w):
rset = self.cw_rset
if len(rset[0]) == 2:
items = []
for i, (eid, label) in enumerate(rset):
entity = rset.get_entity(i, 0)
items.append(self.link(label, entity.absolute_url()))
items = [self.link(e.dc_title(), e.absolute_url())
for e in rset.entities()]
self.render_items(w, items)
class EditRelationMixIn(ReloadableMixIn):
def box_item(self, entity, etarget, rql, label):
"""builds HTML link to edit relation between `entity` and `etarget`"""
args = {role(self)[0] : entity.eid, target(self)[0] : etarget.eid}
url = self._cw.user_rql_callback((rql, args))
# for each target, provide a link to edit the relation
return u'[<a href="%s" class="action">%s</a>] %s' % (
xml_escape(url), label, etarget.view('incontext'))
def related_boxitems(self, entity):
rql = 'DELETE S %s O WHERE S eid %%(s)s, O eid %%(o)s' % self.rtype
return [self.box_item(entity, etarget, rql, u'-')
for etarget in self.related_entities(entity)]
def related_entities(self, entity):
return entity.related(self.rtype, role(self), entities=True)
def unrelated_boxitems(self, entity):
rql = 'SET S %s O WHERE S eid %%(s)s, O eid %%(o)s' % self.rtype
return [self.box_item(entity, etarget, rql, u'+')
for etarget in self.unrelated_entities(entity)]
def unrelated_entities(self, entity):
"""returns the list of unrelated entities, using the entity's
appropriate vocabulary function
skip = set(unicode(e.eid) for e in entity.related(self.rtype, role(self),
filteretype = getattr(self, 'etype', None)
entities = []
form = self._cw.vreg['forms'].select('edition', self._cw,
row=self.cw_row or 0)
field = form.field_by_name(self.rtype, role(self), entity.e_schema)
for _, eid in field.vocabulary(form):
if eid not in skip:
entity = self._cw.entity_from_eid(eid)
if filteretype is None or entity.__regid__ == filteretype:
return entities
# XXX should be a view usable using uicfg
class EditRelationCtxComponent(EditRelationMixIn, EntityCtxComponent):
"""base class for boxes which let add or remove entities linked by a given
subclasses should define at least id, rtype and target class attributes.
# to be defined in concrete classes
rtype = None
def render_title(self, w):
w(display_name(self._cw, self.rtype, role(self),
def render_body(self, w):
related = self.related_boxitems(self.entity)
unrelated = self.unrelated_boxitems(self.entity)
if related and unrelated:
self.items.append(u'<hr class="boxSeparator"/>')
class AjaxEditRelationCtxComponent(EntityCtxComponent):
__select__ = EntityCtxComponent.__select__ & (
partial_relation_possible(action='add') | partial_has_related_entities())
# view used to display related entties
item_vid = 'incontext'
# values separator when multiple values are allowed
separator = ','
# msgid of the message to display when some new relation has been added/removed
added_msg = None
removed_msg = None
# to be defined in concrete classes
rtype = role = target_etype = None
# class attributes below *must* be set in concrete classes (additionaly to
# rtype / role [/ target_etype]. They should correspond to js_* methods on
# the json controller
# function(eid)
# -> expected to return a list of values to display as input selector
# vocabulary
fname_vocabulary = None
# function(eid, value)
# -> handle the selector's input (eg create necessary entities and/or
# relations). If the relation is multiple, you'll get a list of value, else
# a single string value.
fname_validate = None
# function(eid, linked entity eid)
# -> remove the relation
fname_remove = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AjaxEditRelationCtxComponent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.rdef = self.entity.e_schema.rdef(self.rtype, self.role, self.target_etype)
def render_title(self, w):
w(self.rdef.rtype.display_name(self._cw, self.role,
def render_body(self, w):
req = self._cw
entity = self.entity
related = entity.related(self.rtype, self.role)
if self.role == 'subject':
mayadd = self.rdef.has_perm(req, 'add', fromeid=entity.eid)
maydel = self.rdef.has_perm(req, 'delete', fromeid=entity.eid)
mayadd = self.rdef.has_perm(req, 'add', toeid=entity.eid)
maydel = self.rdef.has_perm(req, 'delete', toeid=entity.eid)
if mayadd or maydel:
req.add_js(('jquery.ui.js', 'cubicweb.widgets.js'))
req.add_js(('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.ajax.box.js'))
_ = req._
if related:
w(u'<table class="ajaxEditRelationTable">')
for rentity in related.entities():
# for each related entity, provide a link to remove the relation
subview = rentity.view(self.item_vid)
if maydel:
jscall = unicode(js.ajaxBoxRemoveLinkedEntity(
self.__regid__, entity.eid, rentity.eid,
self.removed_msg and _(self.removed_msg)))
w(u'<tr><td class="dellink">[<a href="javascript: %s">-</a>]</td>'
'<td class="entity"> %s</td></tr>' % (xml_escape(jscall),
w(u'<tr><td class="entity">%s</td></tr>' % (subview))
w(_('no related entity'))
if mayadd:
multiple = self.rdef.role_cardinality(self.role) in '*+'
jscall = unicode(js.ajaxBoxShowSelector(
self.__regid__, entity.eid, self.fname_vocabulary,
self.fname_validate, self.added_msg and _(self.added_msg),
_(stdmsgs.BUTTON_OK[0]), _(stdmsgs.BUTTON_CANCEL[0]),
multiple and self.separator))
w('<a class="button sglink" href="javascript: %s">%s</a>' % (
multiple and _('add_relation') or _('update_relation')))
w(u'<div id="%sHolder"></div>' % self.domid)
class RelatedObjectsCtxComponent(EntityCtxComponent):
"""a contextual component to display entities related to another"""
__select__ = EntityCtxComponent.__select__ & partial_has_related_entities()
context = 'navcontentbottom'
rtype = None
role = 'subject'
vid = 'list'
def render_body(self, w):
rset = self.entity.related(self.rtype, role(self))
self._cw.view(self.vid, rset, w=w)
# old contextual components, deprecated ########################################
class EntityVComponent(Component):
"""abstract base class for additinal components displayed in content
headers and footer according to:
* the displayed entity's type
* a context (currently 'header' or 'footer')
it should be configured using .accepts, .etype, .rtype, .target and
.context class attributes
__metaclass__ = class_deprecated
__deprecation_warning__ = '[3.10] *VComponent classes are deprecated, use *CtxComponent instead (%(cls)s)'
__registry__ = 'ctxcomponents'
__select__ = one_line_rset()
cw_property_defs = {
_('visible'): dict(type='Boolean', default=True,
help=_('display the component or not')),
_('order'): dict(type='Int', default=99,
help=_('display order of the component')),
_('context'): dict(type='String', default='navtop',
vocabulary=(_('navtop'), _('navbottom'),
_('navcontenttop'), _('navcontentbottom'),
help=_('context where this component should be displayed')),
context = 'navcontentbottom'
def call(self, view=None):
if self.cw_rset is None:
self.cell_call(0, 0, view=view)
def cell_call(self, row, col, view=None):
self.entity_call(self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col), view=view)
def entity_call(self, entity, view=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
class RelatedObjectsVComponent(EntityVComponent):
"""a section to display some related entities"""
__select__ = EntityVComponent.__select__ & partial_has_related_entities()
vid = 'list'
# to be defined in concrete classes
rtype = title = None
def rql(self):
"""override this method if you want to use a custom rql query"""
return None
def cell_call(self, row, col, view=None):
rql = self.rql()
if rql is None:
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
rset = entity.related(self.rtype, role(self))
eid = self.cw_rset[row][col]
rset = self._cw.execute(self.rql(), {'x': eid})
if not rset.rowcount:
self.w(u'<div class="%s">' % self.cssclass)
self.w(u'<h4>%s</h4>\n' % self._cw._(self.title).capitalize())
self.wview(self.vid, rset)