author Sylvain Thénault <>
Thu, 27 Mar 2014 14:32:21 +0100
changeset 9588 fe267b7336f3
parent 9537 d6ec12a80e4d
child 9598 7017188783d3
permissions -rw-r--r--
[migration] always rebuild infered relation This was skipped for some bad reason (see 12ad88615a12 which introduced the change). Fix for #231956 in Yams is necessary to allow this cset: during a migration, we want to always reinfer relations while allowing explicit redefinition of an infered relation later. Else, we may run the migration with missing parts of the schema (the one that should have been infered). Closes #3685463.

%if 0%{?el5}
%define python python26
%define __python /usr/bin/python2.6
%define python python
%define __python /usr/bin/python

Name:           cubicweb
Version:        3.18.3
Release:        logilab.1%{?dist}
Summary:        CubicWeb is a semantic web application framework
License:        LGPLv2+
Group:          Development/Languages/Python
Vendor:         Logilab <>

BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
BuildArch:      noarch

Requires:       %{python}
Requires:       %{python}-logilab-common >= 0.60.0
Requires:       %{python}-logilab-mtconverter >= 0.8.0
Requires:       %{python}-rql >= 0.31.2
Requires:       %{python}-yams >= 0.39.1
Requires:       %{python}-logilab-database >= 1.11.0
Requires:       %{python}-passlib
Requires:       %{python}-lxml
Requires:       %{python}-twisted-web
# the schema view uses `dot'; at least on el5, png output requires graphviz-gd
Requires:       graphviz-gd
Requires:       gettext

BuildRequires:  %{python}

a repository of entities / relations for knowledge management

%setup -q
%if 0%{?el5}
# change the python version in shebangs
find . -name '*.py' -type f -print0 |  xargs -0 sed -i '1,3s;^#!.*python.*$;#! /usr/bin/python2.6;'

NO_SETUPTOOLS=1 %{__python} --quiet install --no-compile --prefix=%{_prefix} --root="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/cubicweb


%defattr(-, root, root)
%dir /var/log/cubicweb