author Denis Laxalde <>
Tue, 22 Dec 2015 09:23:00 +0100
changeset 11144 fd8bf29ed00e
parent 10491 c67bcee93248
permissions -rw-r--r--
[tox] Generate test environments for Python 2.7 and 3.4 Test commands for each environment are written down explicitly since I could not find a way to extract the "package" name (e.g. "hooks") from the environment name (e.g. "py34-hooks"). For Python 3.4 interpreter, only environments (subpackages) that do not depend on cubes for their tests are listed since those test dependency cubes are not yet installable with Python 3.x. etwist is also not included since the Python 3 port is not complete at the moment. From local testing, py34 tests pass for the following subpackages: - dataimport - entities - ext - hooks - wsgi


.. index::
   schema: meta-data;
   schema: eid; creation_date; modification_data; cwuri
   schema: created_by; owned_by; is; is_instance;

Each entity type in |cubicweb| has at least the following meta-data attributes and relations:

  entity's identifier which is unique in an instance. We usually call this identifier `eid` for historical reason.

  Date and time of the creation of the entity.

  Date and time of the latest modification of an entity.

  Reference URL of the entity, which is not expected to change.

  Relation to the :ref:`users <CWUser>` who has created the entity

  Relation to :ref:`users <CWUser>` whom the entity belongs; usually the creator but not
  necessary, and it could have multiple owners notably for permission control

  Relation to the :ref:`entity type <CWEType>` of which type the entity is.

  Relation to the :ref:`entity types <CWEType>` of which type the
  entity is an instance of.