Merge with pyramid-cubicweb
The following tasks have been done:
- merge packaging files
- merge documentation
- move pyramid_cubicweb package at cubicweb/pyramid and update imports
- rename tests directory into test
- move pyramid-cubicweb README.rst into README.pyramid.rst until better idea
- add a test dependency on unreleased cubicweb-pyramid to have both py27 and
py34 tests pass
Closes #14023058.
.. _core_module:
.. automodule:: cubicweb.pyramid.core
.. autofunction:: includeme
.. autofunction:: cw_to_pyramid
.. autofunction:: render_view
.. autofunction:: repo_connect
.. autofunction:: get_principals
.. autoclass:: CubicWebPyramidRequest
.. autofunction:: _cw_session
.. autofunction:: _cw_cnx
.. autofunction:: _cw_request