Fix possible double import of cubes modules
When cubes using the new layout are imported with 'cubicweb_<cube>' and with
'cubes.<cube>', the same module is imported twice.
Handle this by adding 'cubes.<cube>' to sys.modules when importing from
Move load_module() to a sub class _CubesLoader to share informations computed
in find_modules().
Don't handle subpackages in _CubesImporter and rely on normal import machinery
Add a test and use unittest from cubicweb.devtools.testlib which resolve to
unittest2 on PY2 with assertLogs() method.
Request and ResultSet methods
Those are methods you'll find on both request objects and on
repository session.
Request methods
`URL handling`:
* `build_url(*args, **kwargs)`, returns an absolute URL based on the
given arguments. The *controller* supposed to handle the response,
can be specified through the first positional parameter (the
connection is theoretically done automatically :).
`Data formatting`:
* `format_date(date, date_format=None, time=False)` returns a string for a
date time according to instance's configuration
* `format_time(time)` returns a string for a date time according to
instance's configuration
`And more...`:
* `tal_render(template, variables)`, renders a precompiled page template with
variables in the given dictionary as context
Result set methods
* `get_entity(row, col)`, returns the entity corresponding to the data position
in the *result set*
* `complete_entity(row, col, skip_bytes=True)`, is equivalent to `get_entity` but
also call the method `complete()` on the entity before returning it