author Philippe Pepiot <>
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 13:47:03 +0100
changeset 11955 f85ec84355db
parent 10491 c67bcee93248
child 12539 10159a3d1d72
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix possible double import of cubes modules When cubes using the new layout are imported with 'cubicweb_<cube>' and with 'cubes.<cube>', the same module is imported twice. Handle this by adding 'cubes.<cube>' to sys.modules when importing from 'cubicweb_<cube>'. Move load_module() to a sub class _CubesLoader to share informations computed in find_modules(). Don't handle subpackages in _CubesImporter and rely on normal import machinery instead. Add a test and use unittest from cubicweb.devtools.testlib which resolve to unittest2 on PY2 with assertLogs() method.

.. _pre_defined_entity_types:

Pre-defined entities in the library

The library defines a set of entity schemas that are required by the system
or commonly used in *CubicWeb* instances.

Entity types used to store the schema
* _`CWEType`, entity type
* _`CWRType`, relation type
* _`CWRelation`, relation definition
* _`CWAttribute`, attribute relation definition
* _`CWConstraint`,  `CWConstraintType`, `RQLExpression`

Entity types used to manage users and permissions
* _`CWUser`, system users
* _`CWGroup`, users groups

Entity types used to manage workflows
* :ref:`Workflow <Workflow>`, workflow entity, linked to some entity types which may use this workflow
* _`State`, workflow state
* _`Transition`, workflow transition
* _`TrInfo`, record of a transition trafic for an entity

Other entity types
* _`CWCache`, cache entities used to improve performances
* _`CWProperty`, used to configure the instance

* _`EmailAddress`, email address, used by the system to send notifications
  to the users and also used by others optionnals schemas

* _`Bookmark`, an entity type used to allow a user to customize his links within
  the instance

* _`ExternalUri`, used for semantic web site to indicate that an entity is the
  same as another from an external site