author Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:18:58 +0200
changeset 9305 f7a738afc295
parent 8537 e30d0a7f0087
child 9674 96549de9dd70
permissions -rw-r--r--
[notification] avoid leaking cnxsets (closes #3243810) When sending notifications, we get each recipient as either an email address or a CWUser. In the latter case, we create a temporary session for that user and use it to send the mail. However, if we later decided to not send the mail after all, we'd leak the session and its cnxset. Add a try block inside the loop to make sure the temporary sessions are closed properly.

# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""cubicweb.cwconfig unit tests"""

import sys
import os
import tempfile
from os.path import dirname, join, abspath

from logilab.common.modutils import cleanup_sys_modules
from logilab.common.testlib import (TestCase, unittest_main,
from logilab.common.changelog import Version

from cubicweb.devtools import ApptestConfiguration
from cubicweb.cwconfig import _find_prefix

def unabsolutize(path):
    parts = path.split(os.sep)
    for i, part in reversed(tuple(enumerate(parts))):
        if part.startswith('cubicweb') or part == 'cubes':
            return '/'.join(parts[i+1:])
    raise Exception('duh? %s' % path)

CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), 'data', 'cubes'))

class CubicWebConfigurationTC(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        cleanup_sys_modules([CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, ApptestConfiguration.CUBES_DIR])
        self.config = ApptestConfiguration('data', apphome=self.datadir)
        self.config._cubes = ('email', 'file')

    def tearDown(self):
        ApptestConfiguration.CUBES_PATH = []

    def test_reorder_cubes(self):
        self.config.__class__.CUBES_PATH = [CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR]
        # forge depends on email and file and comment
        # email depends on file
        self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(['file', 'email', 'forge']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(['email', 'file', 'forge']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(['email', 'forge', 'file']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(['file', 'forge', 'email']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(['forge', 'file', 'email']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(('forge', 'email', 'file')),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))

    def test_reorder_cubes_recommends(self):
        self.config.__class__.CUBES_PATH = [CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR]
        from cubes.comment import __pkginfo__ as comment_pkginfo
        comment_pkginfo.__recommends_cubes__ = {'file': None}
            # email recommends comment
            # comment recommends file
            self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(('forge', 'email', 'file', 'comment')),
                              ('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file'))
            self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file')),
                              ('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file'))
            self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(('forge', 'comment', 'email', 'file')),
                              ('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file'))
            self.assertEqual(self.config.reorder_cubes(('comment', 'forge', 'email', 'file')),
                              ('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file'))
            comment_pkginfo.__recommends_cubes__ = {}

#     def test_vc_config(self):
#         vcconf = self.config.vc_config()
#         self.assertIsInstance(vcconf['EEMAIL'], Version)
#         self.assertEqual(vcconf['EEMAIL'], (0, 3, 1))
#         self.assertEqual(vcconf['CW'], (2, 31, 2))
#         self.assertRaises(KeyError, vcconf.__getitem__, 'CW_VERSION')
#         self.assertRaises(KeyError, vcconf.__getitem__, 'CRM')

    def test_expand_cubes(self):
        self.config.__class__.CUBES_PATH = [CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR]
        self.assertEqual(self.config.expand_cubes(('email', 'comment')),
                          ['email', 'comment', 'file'])

    def test_appobjects_path(self):
        self.config.__class__.CUBES_PATH = [CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR]
        self.assertEqual([unabsolutize(p) for p in self.config.appobjects_path()],
                          ['entities', 'web/views', 'sobjects', 'hooks',
                           'file/entities', 'file/views.py', 'file/hooks',
                           'email/entities.py', 'email/views', 'email/hooks.py',
                           'test/data/entities.py', 'test/data/views.py'])

    def test_cubes_path(self):
        # make sure we don't import the email cube, but the stdlib email package
        import email
        self.assertNotEqual(dirname(email.__file__), self.config.CUBES_DIR)
        self.config.__class__.CUBES_PATH = [CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR]
                          [CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, self.config.CUBES_DIR])
        self.config.__class__.CUBES_PATH = [CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR,
                                            self.config.CUBES_DIR, 'unexistant']
        # filter out unexistant and duplicates
        self.assertTrue('mycube' in self.config.available_cubes())
        # test cubes python path
        import cubes
        self.assertEqual(cubes.__path__, self.config.cubes_search_path())
        # this import should succeed once path is adjusted
        from cubes import mycube
        self.assertEqual(mycube.__path__, [join(CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, 'mycube')])
        # file cube should be overriden by the one found in data/cubes
        sys.modules.pop('cubes.file', None)
        del cubes.file
        from cubes import file
        self.assertEqual(file.__path__, [join(CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, 'file')])

class FindPrefixTC(TestCase):
    def make_dirs(self, *args):
        path = join(tempfile.tempdir, *args)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
        return path

    def make_file(self, *args):
        self.make_dirs(*args[: -1])
        file_path = join(tempfile.tempdir, *args)
        file_obj = open(file_path, 'w')
        file_obj.write('""" None """')
        return file_path

    def test_samedir(self):
        prefix = tempfile.tempdir
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(prefix), prefix)

    def test_samedir_filepath(self):
        prefix = tempfile.tempdir
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        file_path = self.make_file('bob.py')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(file_path), prefix)

    def test_dir_inside_prefix(self):
        prefix = tempfile.tempdir
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        dir_path = self.make_dirs('bob')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(dir_path), prefix)

    def test_file_in_dir_inside_prefix(self):
        prefix = tempfile.tempdir
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        file_path = self.make_file('bob', 'toto.py')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(file_path), prefix)

    def test_file_in_deeper_dir_inside_prefix(self):
        prefix = tempfile.tempdir
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        file_path = self.make_file('bob', 'pyves', 'alain', 'adim', 'syt', 'toto.py')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(file_path), prefix)

    def test_multiple_candidate_prefix(self):
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        prefix = self.make_dirs('bob')
        self.make_dirs('bob', 'share', 'cubicweb')
        file_path = self.make_file('bob', 'pyves', 'alain', 'adim', 'syt', 'toto.py')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(file_path), prefix)

    def test_sister_candidate_prefix(self):
        prefix = tempfile.tempdir
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        self.make_dirs('bob', 'share', 'cubicweb')
        file_path = self.make_file('bell', 'toto.py')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(file_path), prefix)

    def test_multiple_parent_candidate_prefix(self):
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        prefix = self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb', 'bob')
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb', 'bob', 'share', 'cubicweb')
        file_path = self.make_file('share', 'cubicweb', 'bob', 'pyves', 'alain', 'adim', 'syt', 'toto.py')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(file_path), prefix)

    def test_upper_candidate_prefix(self):
        prefix = tempfile.tempdir
        self.make_dirs('share', 'cubicweb')
        self.make_dirs('bell','bob',  'share', 'cubicweb')
        file_path = self.make_file('bell', 'toto.py')
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(file_path), prefix)

    def test_no_prefix(self):
        prefix = tempfile.tempdir
        self.assertEqual(_find_prefix(prefix), sys.prefix)

if __name__ == '__main__':