[notification] avoid leaking cnxsets (closes #3243810)
When sending notifications, we get each recipient as either an email
address or a CWUser. In the latter case, we create a temporary session
for that user and use it to send the mail. However, if we later decided
to not send the mail after all, we'd leak the session and its cnxset.
Add a try block inside the loop to make sure the temporary sessions are
closed properly.
# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
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"""workflow related schemas
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode
from yams.buildobjs import (EntityType, RelationType, RelationDefinition,
RichString, String, Int)
from cubicweb.schema import RQLConstraint, RQLUniqueConstraint
from cubicweb.schemas import (PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS, PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS,
class Workflow(EntityType):
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
description = RichString(default_format='text/rest',
description=_('semantic description of this workflow'))
workflow_of = SubjectRelation('CWEType', cardinality='+*',
description=_('entity types which may use this workflow'),
constraints=[RQLConstraint('O final FALSE')])
initial_state = SubjectRelation('State', cardinality='?*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('O state_of S',
msg=_('state doesn\'t belong to this workflow'))],
description=_('initial state for this workflow'))
class default_workflow(RelationType):
"""default workflow for an entity type"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
subject = 'CWEType'
object = 'Workflow'
cardinality = '?*'
constraints = [RQLConstraint('S final FALSE, O workflow_of S',
msg=_('workflow isn\'t a workflow for this type'))]
class State(EntityType):
"""used to associate simple states to an entity type and/or to define
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
constraints=[RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, S state_of WF, Y state_of WF, Y name N', 'Y',
_('workflow already has a state of that name'))])
description = RichString(default_format='text/rest',
description=_('semantic description of this state'))
# XXX should be on BaseTransition w/ AND/OR selectors when we will
# implements #345274
allowed_transition = SubjectRelation('BaseTransition', cardinality='**',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('S state_of WF, O transition_of WF',
msg=_('state and transition don\'t belong the the same workflow'))],
description=_('allowed transitions from this state'))
state_of = SubjectRelation('Workflow', cardinality='1*', composite='object',
description=_('workflow to which this state belongs'),
constraints=[RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, Y state_of O, Y name N', 'Y',
_('workflow already has a state of that name'))])
class BaseTransition(EntityType):
"""abstract base class for transitions"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS
name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
constraints=[RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, S transition_of WF, Y transition_of WF, Y name N', 'Y',
_('workflow already has a transition of that name'))])
type = String(vocabulary=(_('normal'), _('auto')), default='normal')
description = RichString(description=_('semantic description of this transition'))
transition_of = SubjectRelation('Workflow', cardinality='1*', composite='object',
description=_('workflow to which this transition belongs'),
constraints=[RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, Y transition_of O, Y name N', 'Y',
_('workflow already has a transition of that name'))])
class require_group(RelationDefinition):
"""group in which a user should be to be allowed to pass this transition"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
subject = 'BaseTransition'
object = 'CWGroup'
class condition(RelationDefinition):
"""a RQL expression which should return some results, else the transition
won't be available.
This query may use X and U variables that will respectivly represents the
current entity and the current user.
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
subject = 'BaseTransition'
object = 'RQLExpression'
cardinality = '*?'
composite = 'subject'
class Transition(BaseTransition):
"""use to define a transition from one or multiple states to a destination
states in workflow's definitions. Transition without destination state will
go back to the state from which we arrived to the current state.
__specializes_schema__ = True
destination_state = SubjectRelation(
'State', cardinality='?*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('S transition_of WF, O state_of WF',
msg=_('state and transition don\'t belong the the same workflow'))],
description=_('destination state for this transition'))
class WorkflowTransition(BaseTransition):
"""special transition allowing to go through a sub-workflow"""
__specializes_schema__ = True
subworkflow = SubjectRelation('Workflow', cardinality='1*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('S transition_of WF, WF workflow_of ET, O workflow_of ET',
msg=_('subworkflow isn\'t a workflow for the same types as the transition\'s workflow'))]
# XXX use exit_of and inline it
subworkflow_exit = SubjectRelation('SubWorkflowExitPoint', cardinality='*1',
class SubWorkflowExitPoint(EntityType):
"""define how we get out from a sub-workflow"""
subworkflow_state = SubjectRelation(
'State', cardinality='1*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('T subworkflow_exit S, T subworkflow WF, O state_of WF',
msg=_('exit state must be a subworkflow state'))],
description=_('subworkflow state'))
destination_state = SubjectRelation(
'State', cardinality='?*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('T subworkflow_exit S, T transition_of WF, O state_of WF',
msg=_('destination state must be in the same workflow as our parent transition'))],
description=_('destination state. No destination state means that transition '
'should go back to the state from which we\'ve entered the '
class TrInfo(EntityType):
"""workflow history item"""
# 'add' security actually done by hooks
__permissions__ = {
'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',), # XXX U has_read_permission O ?
'add': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'delete': (), # XXX should we allow managers to delete TrInfo?
'update': ('managers', 'owners',),
# The unique_together constraint ensures that 2 repositories
# sharing the db won't be able to fire a transition simultaneously
# on the same entity tr_count is filled in the FireTransitionHook
# to the number of TrInfo attached to the entity on which we
# attempt to fire a transition. In other word, it contains the
# rank of the TrInfo for that entity, and the constraint says we
# cannot have 2 TrInfo with the same rank.
__unique_together__ = [('tr_count', 'wf_info_for')]
from_state = SubjectRelation('State', cardinality='1*', inlined=True)
to_state = SubjectRelation('State', cardinality='1*', inlined=True)
# make by_transition optional because we want to allow managers to set
# entity into an arbitrary state without having to respect wf transition
by_transition = SubjectRelation('BaseTransition', cardinality='?*')
comment = RichString(fulltextindexed=True, default_format='text/plain')
tr_count = Int(description='autocomputed attribute used to ensure transition coherency')
# get actor and date time using owned_by and creation_date
class from_state(RelationType):
__permissions__ = RO_REL_PERMS.copy()
inlined = True
class to_state(RelationType):
__permissions__ = RO_REL_PERMS.copy()
inlined = True
class by_transition(RelationType):
# 'add' security actually done by hooks
__permissions__ = {
'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'add': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'delete': (),
inlined = True
class workflow_of(RelationType):
"""link a workflow to one or more entity type"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
class state_of(RelationType):
"""link a state to one or more workflow"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
inlined = True
class transition_of(RelationType):
"""link a transition to one or more workflow"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
inlined = True
class destination_state(RelationType):
"""destination state of a transition"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
inlined = True
class allowed_transition(RelationType):
"""allowed transitions from this state"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
class initial_state(RelationType):
"""indicate which state should be used by default when an entity using
states is created
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
inlined = True
class subworkflow(RelationType):
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
inlined = True
class exit_point(RelationType):
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
class subworkflow_state(RelationType):
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
inlined = True
# "abstract" relations, set by WorkflowableEntityType ##########################
class custom_workflow(RelationType):
"""allow to set a specific workflow for an entity"""
__permissions__ = PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS
cardinality = '?*'
constraints = [RQLConstraint('S is ET, O workflow_of ET',
msg=_('workflow isn\'t a workflow for this type'))]
object = 'Workflow'
class wf_info_for(RelationType):
"""link a transition information to its object"""
# 'add' security actually done by hooks
__permissions__ = {
'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'add': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'delete': (),
inlined = True
cardinality = '1*'
composite = 'object'
fulltext_container = composite
subject = 'TrInfo'
class in_state(RelationType):
"""indicate the current state of an entity"""
__permissions__ = RO_REL_PERMS
# not inlined intentionnaly since when using ldap sources, user'state
# has to be stored outside the CWUser table
inlined = False
cardinality = '1*'
constraints = [RQLConstraint('S is ET, O state_of WF, WF workflow_of ET',
msg=_('state doesn\'t apply to this entity\'s type'))]
object = 'State'